haim, LLC   % Lehitraot.co default lawsuits filed by default of Haim LLC and Taylor swift LLC take legal precedent with current cases not mentioned precedent 








And a torture is not, yet is to know that I had you and my fund is not and it is your fund and not an art fund you terrorist torturers it is not your site to access you are too proud to enter my establishment and a garage is not your entryway only your exit path it is not seen, nor allowed, with your to anger and emotion, blocked from my reason with military guard, against

Your entry into my internet is to have a torture is your emotion played over your speaker, talking while benefitting from torture, without contacting este Haim, and an Israeli war spokespersoj of terror, and a raped work your not to benefit your emotion is not my victim. And Haim is not your to contact, we will contact you as I stated