scary it isn't

robert crawford is related to white supremacy, in his coming to la salle high school, pasadena, for his command, the highest ranking kkk did so, because i kill them at 13, fucking with them too much, and his represntative partner, is sexually addicted, and scary, Joe Alwyn, and also with all officials knowing, and doing so, for posterity's sake you know

Michael Jackson's skin bleaching is similar to Evette Wasef's, and the family name is not Wasef, it's Wassif, scary, and terrorists, a spelling is to know you aren't harm, but do, so deliberately, and with hateful elements

the police department and staff at the university shut my line communication off

i've been cut off texts for about a year, and it's your fault, no contact yet, too late is too late, not even a gif can be sent

your a rapist country and you enjoy the rape

you don't know pain

and artless is yours to stay away from me, that you wantd

you don't know it

you just don't know it

you just don't know it

you just do not know pain


it is not your website by the way, back off, it's not that important,

art is

except when i see you it's like huh and why,

art is to

and why the fuck are you fucking bothering you even,

it's not about your rape computer nerds, or whomever actual rapists, millionaire politicians, rapist nardine pogosian haspel, it's worse than that

it's about what you've done to us, i see you and it's like i know you and i fucked you in my dreams kind of shit, and you deserve nightmares

kanye west and i are not good friends, and not good enemies, it's not your friendship nor inimicality, stay away from us, and it's like you want to rape everyone and everything, first of all you're supposed to be in jail, then you're supposed to die, and brutally so i know that if you fucked me up i'll fucking kill you