Terrorist Link 

(mirror) Video

Terrorists were all be counteracted through physical stalking and you are so aggressive I do not want your Americans near me, filthy sluts and homicidal niggers

Black is your colour a racist united states American 

Battle of the Chipped Teacup

As you rate, you war has two properties and I'm not one of them I don't know you I would not behave, and your rape to know, and I would not know a rape that person and you are rape to not*what you are not to know and you are is a racist school and it is your racist and finality of racism is your art FBI and art cia

Easily excited sees self as victim, is aggressive, extremely frenzied, irresponsible, procrastinates, sexually deviant norms, unable to care for children, overly religious, strange beliefs and ideas, refuses to comply with authority, mob mentality, racist, strange obsessions, easily distractible, variously psychotic, edged towards threats and punitive behaviors, lofty goal racist like the person you fought is known as racist and rape excusatory, and with the condition of torture as a pretense for financial torture and mentally disturbing and financiers of your rape and excitable and horrid children of pointless anger and a person is not your doing and poor seeking help slovenly

And you are a rapist a rape child at war with your child of filthy and rape taken your stain of yours and with your child a rapist to harass and with your and to know you are to know my anger is your to not with your child raped and tortured us your products with your rape at your cost of your child to be killed and you're that I am not to know you are and will be tortured because you cannot delineate my anger at your pussy and with your tou she your away to know my anger isn't if yours and your and to know you are not and is your to your to not have with you trick or trap and anger and angered is the person that you can't know and a part is your to not and you are not to to know you are to, with your you are a strange person and obviously nit to talj again, with your as slow child, and your replacement and your stuoid mother, dancing to her own beat, and claim it is the best of your favorites, and your running commemtary is stupefying and your spying, is not be around yet your violent is nit around me, and you a terrorist country, and you want to feed by terrorism, and you are not to know that a racist and need your kund erased, because you have instigate a race war you will not win, your and to take is your to know that you are raped witn your art dead because you are overly excited and observatory with your to know thst you are a rsoist of your childs videos and eith your child rsped violently because you sre not a person yet a person and you are a rat to not with your condition and your child a person without a lifebeat and to take and have a parchment taken without and raped with your unroyal chikdren talked to about robert crawfords mein kamf books of ray wises handing to his daughter for her dark weird snooty sort of sootoriented brother

Person - Sunday at 4-57 PM.m4a

Interpolice agency is provided to victims  economically impact  and torture noted there first, military protection necessary interpol ownership         


Not interesting 

Crimes against noted and similar to secret service protecting us, they are lost to you? And family and pet and interpol 2, fight for them it's hard for us to starts there at the hardest part where they are the ones suffering not me, yet for them not to hurt the other

Worth less

Not to be contacted

A terror suspect, and a dangerous one, to avoid, use as a new drug, and that's all

No contact is an order! And I'm out, of context

Using names and video of raped royal figure like me it is an action of war, you are a person not to befriend and not yours to you and you will take the action of terrorism and now your Americans to terrorize with your previously established torture means

Anyone who benefits and takes your money, we will put any hostage for sale your property is not, and is owned without your signature

You want the ardor to cool, you cunt ass rapists studying how to create depression and psychosis, initiated war, in lieu of illness, a rape war will ensure ob your fragile minds enabled by your racist torture 

Apa has registered at interpol as a terrorist organization, and refuses, so signature is provided, that includes all untortured psychologists and psychiatrists

The action is already done, in current torture of me, and no need to go further, result is already had, terrorist connections uncovered, and you are drained financially and made it worse extra-nationally 

Forthcoming multimedia : contact is interpol.gov not anyone else and answer to their authority and restoration is not possible and you will be checked and released any terrorist activity is arranged by your government and your impersonated my tone is recorded mind terrorism and your terrorists openly terrorize, with freedom by your childrens protectors and I can anger myself more than the constructors and enablers of your torture of me

You are a terrorist country which I defeated alone, masked in kindness and raping openly and I don't give a damn about you and I don't want entertain this is not a show except when I kill for behaving as you do openly, and still torturing and I am not a tr like you 

The war you want is not happening do not approach nor ask nor take my money it is not yours you are thieves from royalty and you are not the identity provided here if you charge me a penny I'll art you you are terrorists give my art back any terrorist act will art you more to take from you financier, bank, submit all theft to interpol terrorists do not contact me you will not be contacted your money is international currency currently and has your torture blood of only me, a real victim, with those suffering, not fake victims

This is a final warning against not collecting your sexual torturers before you get a warning of war

Your rape music is now not near, and rape racially is a necessary component of your torture, and your terrorism, your child is saying la two times a row and rapes saying all kill you using rape word alt eight 

Every citizen not tortured is liable to arrest by interpols power


Psychiatrists practicing and any family member and parties previously involved

Any person whom is torturing is noted structurally, including vanished buildings

Taylor Swift and her partner  and financier financed  torture directly of me and other, yet this is used as a shield against fighting back, you are each responsible contact naval authority for return of funds, and use interpol necessarily

Your child is racist using nazi tactics because of your torture by racism program it is already financially the costs of your terrorism you are only adding to the economic cost it is current does not work because it is current and yours you are a torture financier in waiting child

We will not die without defending ourselves even though your torturer for me is making money while torturing openly


Sunday at 4-16 PM.m4a
Sunday at 4-16 PM.m4a