
hocus pocus cum laude ta da {Osama Bin Laden}

royal palace saudi king video watch torture and princess let me see


the slim shady musical is not yet comical to you because it is not yet played to you, these are terrorists, and hate marshall mathers, with aaron steffen and his parternincrime, had told you can listen to one song that is taylor swift all day and make everyone insane, and his partnership with her, is noticed at most terrorist sites, where he frequents as if brothels, a dangerous person cannot be, yet has a history at that univesity and at that facility near the university, and his partnership with that person is extremist ideology, as he has no sexual torsion, is ordered out often of establishments, and has yet described because he is fearful, and cheerful, and a homosexual, whom travels for that purpose, and cannot achieve erection, due to his aspergers syndrome https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/torture-music-leaves-no-marks-destroys-minds

this is high-level terrorism, your person Aaron Steffen has worked with currently, utilizing current holes, and is a wanted person at interpol.gov, please forward all biographical inforamtion, of any party related (please note subistence and tonality) this involves hacking into Google's servers and the current extra-national meltdown technologically, it is supplementary (let's go army) he is anti-asian, and is scary warning loud and quiet shift (this is uk work, no work with us government)6

this is high-grade military order from japan,  stand on america this terrorist attack is noted it is transcribed without, it is now terrorism to the kingdom of japan, racist stay away, military attack strike at your black site in japan this button is antaganostic to korea, and it is your choice find all family members located within japan and frend this is a terrorist cell pocketed by asssitance of america (And with military)6

ADL Hate on Display Printable.pdf

high-level sophisticated cyberterrorism

noted teror attack. they have intiiated a hate crime attack only, racist. it involves so many. they are armed and dangerous, yet not well-spoken, nor wealthy, and culrpits in 9/11, they are the hijackers, using masked voices, and trick tactics, and i had a few notes to share; this person whom is illustrating that number is very scary, a known terrorist, whom is scary for a reason, i know his name is "steve" to that effect, and is the trafficker of Dion Hayes and as well as Daniel Hernandez, this is high-level trafficking, with switched identites, he needs to be stopped; my personal gripe today is that of my university and college roomate whom is not yet known on my radar, "presented" as white nationalist is a skinhead and is dangerous, with fradulent documents and hate crime advocacy working with him, Aaron Steffen, "Angels" fan and neighbor of David Rayhan, the fellow with the long face in the other picture, had a deliberate role in 9/11 planning and comission has a deep-seated hatred and is not safe, for the United Kingdom, whom is known with a different name possibly on the punk circuit

did you have to

did you want to

and why did you

i was so kind

i am no longer kind.

because you are a very dasngerous terrorist, whom  I did not know that well, either, a dangerous man, yet not scary, only loud, he was hired by that university official whom is the president's confidante and this situation ballooned because he has that action of hatred, and has that deliberate tendency towards madness, and worked hard to injure me, yet I did not speak up raise my voice, nor did I show that I did not get angry. It his father, a known supremacist, his sister, a demon, and his mother, a reckless person, whom collaborated to see "am I okay?" and is that nature worked yet, because they are not good, like the neighbor at that attenuated site of terror, the University, it is where he has injured and said "can I fly away?" "can I fly" "and can" it happen, that I am absconced, for that reason, you are so beneath the dirt of your ground, that I have no care left, but to explore my anger; you are so reckless. it is your choice. to destroy life. you are death. it is not my fault. it is your mother. she is dangerous, and worked to harm. "can I show my anger?" that is your voice. and i will not know it, shamefully, I do not respect you, and "when I had yet" there is hope, that you stripped, "here" that is all i do, it is upsetting my prayerful year is not yours, you are scared, of me, because you "take to give, and work to take, take to know, and had your identity changed as a young person, as a danger to society, worked for that organization, "can I help" is your thought" yet it was so angry my anger, that I cannot show it high-level racist terorrism6

it appears you don't like people, have autism, and are unable to communicate; you are sending a sign "t" and that means anger to you, you need to be stopped, I don't want you obsessed with numerology, that is very aspergers-related you have the number six as a repetition, that is uniquely aspd. i would have you know that your behaviour, and your terrorism abroad, in asian country, where you travel, it is noted that you are a high-stakes terroirst, and "rape to" is not an effect

Your partner in crime at your bed is not a bedpost remember that hi sundar I am mad as you aren't that you are my googz forever sweetheart you are that part I had departed to sea you there