Better the enhanced interrogation of the heads of the fbi and cia historically with their pet presidents and their families of racism historically and our panther is my ferocity of anger and transexualiry is my creativity and not your destruction and i will show my face at the interrogation of my murderers it isnt right nor wrong its only better than it was now

Anna Wyckoff is a registered nigger, let's fuck her, take turns, twists and make sure this bitch bleeds when it's the right time of day on her wrists and her ankles and know she is an abuser someone whom is not a good person and is a bad person worked deliberately with her partner to look for datawork to harm and heal and is a scary person has tendencies towards high moods and is extremely useful of others sorrow, and is not a victim of hers, nor of others, is herself, like them, a person to know people's family, and also extremely poor inside, impoverished emotionally, like her retarded child, and also known as her father, a warlock, like her mother, and knowingly harming for that reason, and not for emotional purposes, as not an excuse nor excusatory of spirit, is theirs, a family of abusers, is not mine, and a family of tormenters isn't tortuous, to us, those whom don't benefit from myself, and my pain, are yours to keep, you scary fucks, bleed twice today, then once for your retarded grandchildren, all the same, altarkids, who fuck each other, and sluts to the niggers, banned permanently from japan and united kingdom, known as terrorists, and fugitives, always moving, altering, and insidious, darkening and lightening, and harming and healing

these are terrorists, and in handling americans, a different kind of guard is needed: realization and patience, with anger and malice, of patience and realization, you need to apprehend, for how long? that stuff? and why is your apprehension my fear it gets beleaguered's, then to know you are not, and, are to be stopped permanently, in your ice cages, isn't it sufficient to know that isn't your to yours, then i to i's, then you are to know it isn't to say you are not to know my pain is your to have is your to know heal is my to mine then you are to your and my to mine is yours to not know i would's &'s then you hatred could's

jennifer bareilles is known as an fbi agent, to not like, she is not sara bareilles, knowingly, she did not tell the FBI to warn for my musical work, to say, "i work with FBI" "To harm with FBI" and "call for FBI" "i call for FBI" "i am FBI" and I did not harm so deliberately as to know that I am not your sound engineer, to harm anyone, let alone be a governmental subservsive, i do not work in sound engineering, and any such statement, is not mine, and I enjoy Tightrope, from Sara's catalogue, it is not "The Greatest Showman OST," and I am not known to be a governmental subversive, and I know how my arm length is mentioned repeatedly in lyrical format it is not my arm to know yours, it is not your arms race, to not participate against, and I know myself and well, you are not to my work, it is mine and you are not to approach my writing as yours never to know that your sound engineer has been working in secret and in tandem with several agencies to make her songs sound better and more pleasant with sonic elements stolen from my catalogue of pain and suffering, it is known that this recent album is engineered from my experience not only my sonic production, with stolen sounds, from private recordings, of my breath, and played over and over, using my vocal pain, in literal sound elements and proof of that is in "Tightrope," which is a "sample" of mine, to know " I am not ".." I am not " and I am not a person to be abused nor thrown around, nor the pain to your sound, I am going to need full credit for these recent songs, as well as past credit, for recently I am bereaved, of so much, and in such pain, you are stupid and angry, not me, and you refuse to account for it, and still getting away with it is it not enough 39 years of torment at your hands America

i suffer so much still because of taylor swift's domestic abuse i suffer so much i suffer so much i suffer so much i suffer so much i ssuhf-er so much i suffer so much, that she is an abuser, and an extremely skilled abuser, and i am not you, it is not your victimhood, she is an extremely violent scary person, but only to me, based on race, and her history of patterned abuse, is directed solely at me, and her behaviors over the years, her traitor to her own self, is extremely violent, extremely vulgar, extremely tough on me, i have gone through hell and i have also not gone to heaven, this person is extreemly scary, she is the person you sing to at shows, and give her all your money, no one believed me so long ago, it was a lot of pain, so much suffering, and i spoke about it, and she instigated a horror film, just to not get abuse records, this had nothing to do with my Taylor Swift, whom I know personally, as a great woman, and she is not a person who is even aware of what's going on, that level of torture and abuse, is unthinkable, she is so abusive, she put me through hell, and after I spoke to her attorney about her plagiarism, she called an FBI agent, a real agency, based in the United States of America, one of the two pillars of America, and she went bezerk, she told her friend and singer The National to look at private videos and haraass me on a racial basis, she called Joe Alwyn, a British movie producer and actor, to look at my work and ask, "am I doing enough to harm him, and do I have to harm him more than I already have," and he agreed, with her other friends, to call for backup, she called my attorney, my friend, and also my other friend, to look for any semblance of insanity, to call me insane, worked with the local police department in Irvine, Calfiornia, to look for my private data, to ask, "is there anything incriminating?" and also "is he allow to leave ho," using kid terms, "to rape and murder me," this is not funny, I was taken to a questioning center, in the middle of nowhere, looking for answers, and she told, "can I visit you?" "can I ask you is it okay, if I visit, and if so, can I visit you today?" and then the local bishop, "Metropolitan Serapion," asked, "is it and then is it and t hen is it and then is it, and the," "can I visit today," you, and ask, "is it okay' had i known better i would have and I do not know you that well nor well enough, ' can i visit today and how can i visit, and why are you visisted, by spirits, whom sing songs, and you are a very animated prisoner and someone to abuse, and I fathom perhaps it's time to send you away to a "spirit camp" where you will abuse yourself, be embarassed, and also extremely stupefied, using all forms of lethal medical treatments, ask ,"can i be of any assitance," and why are you so forlorn, then it is time to pay off my payment of health to go to help the hellish, and you will go and be enslaved to a former and future, envisioning hope, only to succumb to abuse, this is an act of terrorism that I could not have fathomed, possible, yet your priests and bishops and leader, ask, "am I enough?" to know him, then I will to know more of me is not you to know and you abused me is your abuse to know and yours to advantage yourself to my rape and full suffocation and also to know why you are so to know Rashad Wasef a person whom is not a person to have and you are to know, your daughters, and spouse, your son, and grandchildren, ugly and known to harm, working with the person in charge, originally, looking can I answer and will I know you are the person to help then help him, away, to know I am not your person, to have, and call "Lilit," anytime, to see is she okay, and not he, knowingly harming and working to tortuous's, effect, knowingly working with the FBI before, and still, "can I help you?" is your refrain not enough? and they, will work with Lilit, and see, that she is not her, she is an abuser, she is a person of interest on the extra-national field of psychiatrists, as she is not a person whom is known to be kind, nor well, she is an abuser of children's parents, looking only for me, in particular, is he okay is he doing well then very well he isn't well enough to answer then I am not well, to say, "you are not lilit pogosian md, however, also you are nardine saad's friend," not her, she is an abuser, working with and towards an end, murder and traitor, to my mind, is not yours

Drake - Fireworks Feat Alicia Keys (Official Music Video).mp4
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🚨ray wise murdered kato and you need to know that chase has a person in it and it is🚨