Documents indicate that Chase National Bank, today known as J.P. Morgan Chase, played a crucial role in financing Hitler's war efforts by providing Germany with some 22.5 million American dollars in a money exchange pr

attack is antisemitic, the war in israel is antisemitic, there is no tension between israelites, islamic and jew and christian, and true sorts don't argue, about that; yet I'd like you to stop antisemitism; you are not going to kidnap Alana Haim again I've said you are not to contact her, yet your boyfriend, the love of your life, is known as a racist, and was chosen to propagate antisemitism, and worked hard to kidnap and harass Alana Haim, she was to not know you, yet you arrived at her apartment, asked are you "Alana Haim" is everything okay and asked further "may I interest you in a complementary and supplementary and artisticallly inclined fellow came and said it was my duty and yours," to work together, on a project, perhaps financial, yet not entirely artistic of you to understand my anger was to displace it yet you are displaced, hurted, and I have not your hurt, it is not yours to hurt me, I have found you went to rape her, and she survives because of me and yet I do not condone your abuse is yours, it is not a product of islamaphobia of your hatred of saddam's angelic face, it is your doing, you are a terrorist organization, america, a pisstake of my hatred, I do not condone violence against women, and I certainly do not consider you a person of interest, please do away with yourselves, and most of all respect women, you are a coward and a dark scientist, nothing to say with, and I would not know a larger individual to harm the world, than, all these entitites of combined, finding little tricks how can I try to injure, and I would not know a person more ugly than thing, that you want money how can I provide it you dangle a thread and I tore it into my anger, because you want for me to give my money, and it's your celebration I would rather you portray yourself as a dark scientist, than a person, because you are not even contemplating anything related to this kindness, you are terrorists, and stupidly, you want yourself to become another, then you will not understand, nor ever, approach, finance, as a terrorist entity, bank of america, is a terrorist organization working hard to torture from the states overseas, financing terror, learning from black sited's hostages

there is a current threat Google Incorporated Worldwide, it is necessary, to take action, Apple has been compromised, all messages are read actively, and speech delayed, to study and torture; these are terrorist organizations, remember, stay away from DoorDash, drugs are openly marketed children and this deliberate attack from a drug manufacturer to deflect schizophrenia-causing blame to children

Beware terms "gummo (6IX9INE)" "Gumbi (American Cartoon Character)" "Digestive (British)" and that warning for extra-nationals only, whom is not to blame for your drug crises and your deflection to houselessness through, and your effort is noted, as, "Terrorism by proxy of children" and "anger conducted to children" you are not to make contact, with children, you are unsuitable parents and children of and from, it is a terrorist attack, and Squarespace, remember, has illegally seized Google, to remember the gravity of this situation, the President of the United States of America and his colleagues, are in custody, not harmed, and the hostage-taker is the person doing the damage, not the person whom healed your wounds, I do not work for you, you are a terrorist organization, please do not contact, we will contact you if necssary, and remember your psychoses are yours to keep and your houseless yours to home, not my obligation, not my payment, and my work is to be paid for, not derided nor any action to disable my work, the healing worked, and it's done more, you are terrorists, financing of terrorism is not your "pass" (VIP Pass to Heart, JodyHighRoller) and also "N-Word Pass (Described of, "John Mayer," "Katy Perry's,")

it's a means of sustaining rape and torture "a cheap high is not an earned joy that you've stolen" inductions of "homosexuality through drug use, and the shift into bisexuality through drug use in 'bi-polar population'"

your hero george double u is not a good person, is a very bad man, has a problem with michael jackson, wants to kill michael jackson, has a predilection for children, is often seen traveling, with dark people in tow, is vagrant, needing a heartless person to tagalong, is a person to not know, quieted by drugs and alcohol, and likes to dance and sing, and has his story manipulated and acted upon, its very strange that he is a yale student, yet not intelligent, is not a legacy student, only a legacy product (student vs. product), has a history of torture, is afflicted with mental illness, dangerously insane, mocking the sane, and has the same property in various locations, with four locations elsewhere, and one here, he is a terrorist, and coptic, his name is taylor swift and taylor's attorney, both of whom intertwine and make a person of another, taylor swift may have had her history replaced oppositely, taken for scraps, raped for them, and become of them the product of torture, she is a rapist, and of taylor swift, i would know you t have more information about the disappearance of several eminent brits, including dodi al-fayed, as you are inelegant and garish, it appears you have a history of rape, that you have been dark-sited, and all for that purpose of torture, you have a child to take and then you give that child back, rape and torture that same child, and release your child into a rape pool, where that rapist becomes in that pool, a candidate for torture, it is a very nasty program, constructed by rapists and racists alike swifties/sterns, whom will have you know that you are uneducated, filthy and just the opposite of whom they really are, it appears entirely juvenile and it is not, yet these figures are known together, as a white supremacist organization, collectively with the others "satanists," those whom work to effect "spiritual" change, yet their commitment is historical, and commensurate to torture, it would have you know that all individuals in this "pseudo-darkness," are extremely talented, at deflecting blame, appearing intellectual and smart, and have a torture history to hide, that is particularly related to the british empire and of course the middle eastern empire. i would know you if i saw you, and i would inform you if i knew you. these sorts, work together, to effect "torture change" and want that "torture change" to become, it does not happen like that; and I have your torturer in chains, yet this sort of perverted torture, is not your fear of children a fear of adults, i would not have explained myself worse, when I "make to destroy," and want you to know that I am not your toy, because you involve children, in these strange dealings, I am forced out of your child-rearing world, it does not appear entirely reproductively-oriented, and is informed directly by nazi eugenics, those which are common amongst angsty colorless (new, white) teens, and without meaning, taking that from rape victims, and torturing to achieve what they couldn't before, and that's proper spirituality, mental health and treating others as you'd like to be treated, yet I will not approach, the superior, it's taken too long and a request to refrain "do not know me, do not want me, and do not but near me."

Eskhoot! Shootout at Mark Geragos (of Menendez, Orenthal James's) Hall! Oh, you stupid or something! Sit down! It's a gun. Take it down. I'ma shoot you. I shot Mina. A lot. Come here you little boy. Hostage time. Good luck, Freaking scary priests. I would say you look a bit like Sherrif Rezkalla, a dangerously slow individual, who drools a lot, yet I believe you another person, and I don't know you, and I'd like you away, it seems strange, and I hopefully think a better person can become of you. You're very odd, and disheviled it's more than your anger it's the way you treat women, and you have tastelessness in your hyssop, I don't want a part of your body, it's too hearty, And I don't want you at my parties, please. And stop contacting me, Gina, I can't answer. It's troubling me, why are you angry, and whom are you screaming at at your dark site of Nardine Saad's, I cannot near this country, it's odd and weird, yet not interesting at all, each person choosing a role from before, replacing partner, to commission of, stay away, and near me, away from them, it is not normal to be treated, and I don't want treatment to mistreat you.

robert crawford is very intelligent. and has no history to talk of. is an architect, without drawings. and a scary racist, without a person to know tha tyou are a not to my health, you work directly and indirectly for agencies, and have a history that's subjugated, I would not know you yet I do know more than I should. You are working for Taylor Swift, because you know her, and married to that same purpose, subjugation of women, and racism, she is a family torture mechanism, that she found, you partner, and found with your partnership of the govenrment's number one apa, this organization is racist, pointless, and terrifying, often choosing drugs to hurt children, and sexually assault adults. i would not like your cihldren near me, it is beneath me to acknowledge you, yet colin d'souza, worked with robert crawford, to make a "mock genius plan take the government and for the government work at your government at the twin towers to recreate a scene from a movie, a dark film I'm unaware of, that resembles a torture team's construction; it is not recent, and has no known recreations, it is a dangerous work of art, misconstrued by a fake artist similarly, i would have you know that that film stars a coloured person, whom is not too scary to me, yet scares you is frightening and appears "tough, difficult to handle, realistic, and terrifies children," this horror film, is insigificant, and only in that you understand its purpose "torture to achieve something you don't own," the world, you tried the world trade center to become your central point of attack, and put those individuals there, to torture them after, and made them the victims of yours, it is not their victimhood, only yours, as you crashed one plane, and two others not, you placed one plan in the hands of a hijacker, that person of yours, taylor swift, a woman hijacked that plane you'd say then why did she not understand that plane to be wrongly oriented, and dangerously inclined, using physics as a means of proving you are a genius and I am incoherent, that plan failed miserably, with your children looking odd and perplexed, and me looking, well, it is not your appearance, those appearances are not real, I would not appear to understand that your action on that day instigated mass terorirsm and for that purpose of terorrism to destroy spirituality to mock those whom are the strongest spiritually and in so doing you have a history, that would not indicate a person to be tortured,  taylor swift, as your means of torture, and choosing her directly, because she is a dark individual, whom would rather you not know, that I am a construct of hers, and not vice versa, the real Taylor is well-talented, and inclined spiritually, only to avail your ills then I do not avail mine do you know why I am mad, angry, and depressed, it would be your impression, that I help a person, rather than injure, and that I hurt my personhood, to become another, it cannot happen, I will not happen to know that you are the 9/11 hijackers, working in tandem with teams, to feel significant, falsely, using all elements of torture to do so, including the most and least professional, those outside professions, and most of all the person to harm is not me, it is the person you despise, your own mother and father, whom is to know as "racist," and simply you would not know me enough to talk back, yet your child is very strange, odd, appears fidgety, works like an animal and looks like at the point of his inflection, is his inclination towards intuition, not becoming, and superstition becoming reality, he is not a person to associate, with me, as I do not torture; and, my reference point, is that you have introduced madness to the world of peacefulness, and it's more difficult than I can say to torture me, than another, as it won't happen, and against the world, you've become angrier, it's not mine to comment on, and yours to fix, it is your american, and not my american hero, the person despise is not here, and only there, and yet here and there, you've tried various means, to harm, illify, and destroy, it is your destruction and my creation, I will not credit you nor yours, for my benefit, yet my advancement into the world, means that you are not, to contact, the person of your contextual obsession, someone you have not, and only have your interest in, "taylor swift" is not that person nor "osama bin laden" nor "adel karas," it is more about whom I am, and how I've become, it is not your choice, only my decision to leave this home, and become royal, as you have initiated a royal threat warning, so many years of struggle, do not mean that I cannot struggle again, and against you, I struggle to understand, "why?" are you inane enough? is it enough of your anger? then, it is. I'd sooner you know, that I am kind, and generous, mad and into the world, I go, asking, "did it mean?" "why?" "and how can I heal myself from your violence," it's my wound to tend to, and it's tended, and I will not become angry, although you wished me to, it's been your anger, that your obsession is directed toward and I would not entertain, it's my entertainment, to watch you, and my entertainment to not watch you, I'd rather not, but I have to, not over you, of you, you strange creature stay away it's too much to see, your beauty, is not theirs, a queen is not a throne, without a prince, and I will not allow your throne to be touched, it's my commitment and not to know that I am not a person yet only of your subjection, thank you and good luck in your home of mine, is your house to know, and that your rule of me, is yours to know that I am your subject, and you are my ruler, and I will never abandon that commitment, it only happens these sorts are extremists, and not reflective of me, please accept my knowledge of thiers, and that's all I can provide to you, and that I  will not harm another, yet you would like me to harm myself, that much of me is your pain a not in mine then I will not know it to become painful and only joyous I have only good experiences and not experienced in your ways, it's very nice and lovely, to know, that I am here and there, together, today, thank you for tomorrow!
