nanas is a place of hope

alright, okay, is a place

nah, it's a state of being,

implying that proud boys and girls are not against the government,

for private firms, and have stakes in all, have no role in governmental decisions, only in business decisions, and are obligated to hire similar employees, whom are private investigators, of themselves, and of, others, in a new form of business; take and go business, it isn't alright, okay with me, to take mine, for you, yours, and finally amend your laws to my ways, which aren't yours, it's a system, for money, and in a state of panic, gave everything to one company, aio, an internet conglomerate, seeking world domination, and affection of each other, in a homosexual atmosphere, for homosexuality, to rape, and enjoy the fruits of rape, taylor being the original rapist of me and my friends, and not of others, she is a proud girl, not a proud woman, and has a deliberate stake in all of these corporations, some desperate, some less, she the glue, that is no longer, and is the person you have looked for her? and her falsities, and the government's? then, it is you can take you can borrow it's yours, it's gross, and it's not alright, it's not okay, bobby brown's prerogrative isn't yours, it's whitney's, stay back

those bananas are not yours, are mine from a tree, of my planting BTW