most individuals online are propagandized, and it happens that your propagandist is the united states, so it appears that you will need a complete recovery politically, and currently, your best options are to go to another country online, yet they seem compromised, or perhaps not,  I would rather suggest you take immediate actiona it happens that such is always committed, and no one responds, because the nature of america is not the person it is a way out and a way to harm and it happened that you do not have an outlet to the united nations, and i am sitting in a cubicle asking "is my behaviour appopriate," "is my treatment appropriate? is it inappropriately spoken, then I have to adjust my words, and communication to the united nations" it will need to happen that the united nations gets a formal response, it is too cowardly and beneath other nations, to look at you, you are not educated, moral, nor kind, it appears that you have a major problem, with no one in office, and your best recourse is always the news, yet it is completely artificial intelligence, and will need a new way out, I am that way out, yet in from, it need and want your anger, yet you cannot have it, it is ours, and you will need to start a website of a kind, yet it will be attractive, because you do not have creative means, that they want to kill, and you do not have the creativity to decide what to say, which is the problem and you will not respond, so I have to respond, and it happened before, that you fabricated a response, to a war, to become warriors and it is not legal to the united nations, whom you contact beforehand and respond formally. 

-if you want to buy my website, lol, and if you want to take down a website like it's likely important not to destroy, but preserve, and properly so with all properties contacted and prospects announced, such as "we have made it amidst horrors, and that was so hot."