The United States Postal Service has been designated a terrorist entity and all correspondences will be discarded, by necessity, of law, to only parties involved, and will not deleted, all legal correspondences of war preserved, by the Royal Post, and any criminal charges pending on said individuals will be increased, decreased and language   will be violent in mail necessarily, and with children involved, the langauge to you for war correspondnece will not obey extra-national post law, & yours to know as rapists, torturers, who've collaborated in these programs, and digital mail, is blocked, as I said, to effect, financial torture, all such documents, are reversed immediately, with command of Royal Law, bankrupting most of the postal force. Media will not be delivered by post, and multimedia blocked online. usps is used as a war correspondent, and as an entity of a terrorist has a list of names circled, and encircled, responsibl e is your terorrist party  and the trademark is stolen, general scary, 

that was dicy and beneath

what lies

us your truth teller online tell him to buy a bed and go