to make the fbi you need people and the people of the fbi are not good people and you will not know how bad people are until you become intertwined with darkest deepest part of the fbi, resered for the societally elite, and it is there, that you die instantly, it is not a fun and games thing, it is more about how you can't approach even, yet I conquered the entirety and the history of your fbi, and its people are still alive, and are actively sought, yet are protected by the cia's active reserves overseas, and these are the most terrifying to my population, of societally elite, and their behaviours are so complex, that no historical figure could conquer one behavior, let alone action, it is obvious that your terrorism has no bounds, and that i am the one to conquer your terrorism, accept no duplicates, in case of illness caused and/or death natural/otherwise, it would be necessary to designate an heir, and that's not you, it's not you, nor america, it's my heir, and she's well-known and not yours, it's a contractual obligation to the group that works with those whom are known to get hurt, not you, the terrorist that frightens you, it is against your entirety of government, and that group is my group that I foudned for my foundation to be cemented economically and ideas just the same, it's very hard to get into, unless you are me and my family, meaning my wife and kids, that's the designation, and the choice is obviously not you, it is my choice and you know it well, enough, to guess, yet when you take my mother, and make her yours, it isn't, your choice to designate, and all deisgnations have already been codified, so your baseless physical attacks, using the most profane methods, are extremely documented, you will get hurt not helped, this is the entirety of your country that i conquered as the strongest conquistador in history, and no one here is getting shit, it's for my future, and designations are already present, please the conquering is not your to know about even, and you've already committed against them, it is those hurt indivdiuals, whom are known, not your money-interested sort, and the worst fear of yours, my choice is mine, my partner and children, for my Dr. Mina Samir Sargious, not you, it's already designated, it's in my name, and my partner, whom is not a part of you and my children not known of you, you will find me, away from your terrorism and it is extremely difficult to make you leave, and I have no interest in your money, because it is valueless, and your abuse sexually and your child of noise, it isi this person whom needs to die, and you cannot. it is time to designate that I hate you very much Asks Virginia Woolf and Vincent Van Gogh and Martin Luther (PROTESTant) and Kay Jamison (not Setting Fire clonie) and Nellie McKay (not touch) and Betty Shabazz and Cornel West (White Nationalist Hologram) and Dorothy Day (and FBI FOIA)  and against all these institutions that break us apart, and injure me actively, you are not me, you need to stop acting my family in the United Kingdom, you need to find an outlet for your rage and drug dealing and taking, it is not my interest to deal with you, you are the most violent terrorists in history, benefitting from my torture, in particular, it is your terrorism that has brought you here, to war, and it is my victory, already codified, at every country's office except yours, and that's a big problem, if you know my name, you already know it and what of "Thoraeu" and "Picasso" and "EE" it is not yours to know "you scary" against those I don't like, and whom (and money and name)

it would happen, just another day

it would happen, just another afternoon

it would happen, just another night

yet without me

again. it is fun, though

have you ever awaken to the sounds and sights of? i don't know. maybe of your anger, rage, and mine, your anger, rage, and mine, that which you cannot express, that which you know, and wish you had.

so, tomorrow, i'll awaken the same, without you, to have, my anger, rage, and mine, is yours to give, with your, to take, and mine to offer; yet enough of?

then I will make myself to know!

to know, is your anger, and your disspirited, then of my spirit, and our spirit, isn't quite yet fully developed, only in part, yet when I had your way, it was to understand that you have to carry me through it, and without you, a terrorist, and an abuser, yet is it fictional, then I don't.

want you near me.

in your fictional war against me.

you will not know, the rage, violence, and my despair; it will be apart from you, and a part of me. and, worse, it will be fun. because it has been entirely fun, using you is my weapon, and my use of that weapon, is it your to have that and why are you so angry and is it because you are and, then, had I not known, i would have.

that kind of stuff, yes, where you say, "can I not?" and "can you not?" that's the problematic stuff.