so you've harmed and you injure? then, you've harmed whom are you looking for

it's troubling me, and many others, that you are still Ariel and I still Daniel

it's time, to know (scary)

(till when?)

you are harmful enough

then say your name? excuse the mess, and procedure, but procedural error(s) indicate madness (yet of - yours!)

did you know

did you guess

it not true?

a haim member told me it's about it

(it is time!)

do not occur, with, against (scary)

it's abuse, rape (torture)

did it occur (it fun? to torture based on race? a misogynist, it isn't racist)

you are to occur (then, for my fun!)

funny, you say it seems the opposite partner, is always. (and the partner's opposite, is your racism)

no, contact (do not)

and (do not)

do you not (do not)

and do you not (do you not) have any self-respect, left? I know the disease, yet yours it (is different[ly] displaced, and, thus, anger!)