Click to edit textappears that movie is a good time and that you like a good time i have a good time for you it is that you understand it is yet your understanding that you cannot understand it is too much that you have yet decided to become a good person yet only that is your obligation your abuser your not amy winehouse's uncle you are frank that is not you then you are not that person, you are not a person to befriend let alone belittle, because you are too small, to understand that you are pointless, yet baselessly obsessed with others and obligate yourself to criminality and torture and it would be best for your to describe why and where you went to search it is yet your search to find that you are not yet, a person is not yet found without anger and i cannot yet understand it only to know that you are not a good person a dangerous person and that is your choice, too  and i had not yet understood yet only because you want more undersatnding that you cannot afford tyourself to and it is yet said a person is not yet understood without understanding and i cannot understand why a perso nis yet understood without it being your abuse and your taking of your child is not less than your child can appraoch a pan yet only with angelicus it is yet my understanding that you are not yet understood only in part because it is not your reason only the partner of your crime is yourself and wanting that self is not yet understood with your abuser knowingly tortruing still recording taylor swift steals directly using my vocal recordings that i speak into this without dication software as the abuse has grown to that extent my vocal cord is silent yet sounded and i not want yet want you to know that i cannot have you know that you are working with abusers right now and are using my voice to torture me and ruin my it is not yet ruined you are not allowed near me yet it is your allowance of torture that makes your tongue less interesting and i would not know my anger withuot it and you are still selling and it is not those sold material harassment then is it your choice to torture and is it that you cannot do without your torture, then, keep it, put it away, and remember that I have no obligation to the american government, a terrorist people, nor its fans, and i will not understand myself apart from it (take to give) (and don't)

you are now arrrested to iranian armed forces it is now a war you attacked the most important person in world historty for a white artist this is a now a war, not of words, but to restore my language., and you will be shot on sight, and your followers killed by cia black site tactics that killed our leader, with your president watching the event on closed-circuit it is an extreme tactic on our senses you touch our king, then our princess will erase your murder it is a violent war you wil lbe killed executive action at every corporation sponsoring this torture you are now in the hands of the fear of yours, you scared boys, stealing military secrets you're going to be killed and you are gone get your stupid bitch offline you're stupid raping saudi women and artistic men the same way you are to be going to be killed you stupid motherfuckers its about your cuntry your leaders are in custody awaiting me to laugh at their stupidity be smarter and better to  your superior.

they are raping actively stealing military sex and putting in song at war you stupid cunt it's over you're country is a piece of shit anyway and i'm going to secretary hostage stupid slut and stupid parent

You utilized my Google storage to conduct rape torture with permission and cia black site FBI extradition and sold it to actively torture at Israeli war choosing any friend Haim CIA detention raping all the he while extreme war provocation provked I many colors is not one

In my safety fight and destroy scared yet? Then when I punch you over take the physicality

Your president too pussy to show her face so he replaced by a real Russian man

Child rape of princess torturing the entire time destroying her tongue allowing Travis kelce to Taylor swifts tongue attacking me to hurt me I am not you I am too scary fuck you

Get your military maggats away this ain't time and you can't replace your rapist by rape only to defend actively

I'm the strongest defender of women and men not Americans,you're fucking disgusting and you won't rape me you little snake ass can't even show your face so I don't it for you I'm the one you protect your military leader who saved your person gitmo gross than I can 

conspirator of terrorism & financier of terrorism & actor for terrorism yet of terrorism, through a single torture of the middle east peacekeeper, and using the status across nation, as trans-national terrorist, current and aggrandized by your other torturers, and using torture video and child torture videos to propagate torture

rhymefest is not a longer person is a homeless man and is needed direction where do i go to sleep it is not that you are that person i do not want it is your cunt that needs to  stop fucking around and knowingly taking her heart away it is her soul that is not needed and it is yet your pussy to not know it is that person you had described it is your nature to abuse and take her aboutface to harm your own it is not how i work alone it is your anger together, you curse these thugs and tell them it is you that i do not want only to be around your soul is not to played it is your stupidity and noise maker you put him down it is not yet understood his anger is not yours that i do not have, is not your toy, a cunt to not know

rhymefest is trafficked by your hero and i would not know you this little terrorist it's enough that i do work and you stupid follower shut your computer off you old fart put it away and travis scott you little bitch stop talking to me it is your to know, that a person not yet known of your anger, it is your, and it is not you to, and I told you, it is that slut, that you cannot, it is your son of a bitch, and I do not know it better than my, it is your anger, put it down you slutted horrible person

it appears that your church hired several employees whom are known to terrorie and innocently so, steal and hurt, harm and injure; yet that was from before, now it's can you and will you and might you trouble yourself to a person of interest, yet uninteresting to others, only now, because you are person of interest, that will not have interesting sorts around, if you help, and that helper is that american leader, a person of interest that is not yet interesting because that person of interest is that uninteresting it is a terror organizer and it is not taylor swift yet it is that taylor swift person in diguise using an approach that in unseen historically taking to injure and making to injury making a person injurious and using that injury while portraying a new person, yet it is not your injury to have and it will not be because you are an injurious person taking liberty with my writing and my emotion and that sort of torture is that you don't want a person near you and let me explain you are not and i repeat not bothered by your experiences and that is not good because you are a troublemaker yet alone in your revelry it is not your joy to take from another and it is not your sadness to take from other people whom you don't know within yourself, and you hire people to protect you, and that is discrimination, based on power, yet i do not have that powerful anger in me to describe why your doing this and for what end yet is not ended by asking "how is it going?" and you it isn't going, yet it is and that doesn't make sense but only in the present; you have two people, and those two are not the persno you want to know, and have your deliberative capacity, as this is a dangerous organization that predates on children, and uses children as predatory tactics, in themselves taking innocence using these torture strategies and isolated that torture upon those suffering using the suffering of the torture victims and that suffering is not yet borin and it is your that person whom is konown on that person's and it is yet your and with because you are not understanding me that it is not your choice on your option and that deliberative capacity is not fully develoepd and it seems let alone must seem that your anger is rude, indecent, and you might have yourself know you are a terrorist, because you are very scary online and inline, i told you go outside and you would rather be inline, it is your torture that you like this is yet torture yet it is because you want to injure and make it so you injure and it is your injury because you are injurious yet it is not yet explainable how awful you can get and that terror is not yet understood as you are not a good person only bad and it is exclusively that you cannot make yourself such a person as to respect another it is your choice that you want and it is your choice not to harm only to injure and using the tonality to induct torture it is not torture that you will know and it is yet your torture is yet your torturer that you love it is her that you want to injure only i don't want you around it is that you want her around and cannot accept a person not to have injurious is your choice and you want a choice to make it is not your choice it is that doing of choices and your participation is not yet known you take for injury and only that injury is that you want and it is that reason you do not want it is not your person only your personality trhat wanted more you are that person is your choice it is that person you want more that you will not have only to torture it is your torture that you will not know because you are not a person only a choice, and that way you are that artistry that is not it is your not to know and you are not my army sergeant yet my commander it is not yet understood my anger it is not yours yet your stupidity your violence that you will not understand without recording it is your writer that is not to be angered yet you anger that person of your is not to know you are not written in your anger only because you are not yet known it is yet your torture to not know it is yet your child molester it is your that you cannot handle your stupid your pointless and angry person of interest is taylor swift and she is not yet a person yet your object and it is your person not to know it is your puissy to be fucked you little angry cunt put your hormones down and into the hatred i do not want and i will not know you around it is not yours that you and i are not yet, it is your to not know you little cunt you put yourself away in your castle it is yours yet not, that i hadn't yet a word to descrbie your stupidity it is not your violent tone it is your peace maker take it down and understand my anger it is not your toy to be fucked you stupid little toyman

first: warning. i am being raped. and tortured. by your people, your government, and your communities of color. it's not that nice

okay: don't, look at me, christina. aguilera is a victim. not you.

2: don't start. this is not about you. leave now. if you want a video game contest, go to a place other.

3: stay away: i am not scary, and did not have to say that

4: your manifesto: of "commnism, 1984, weird beahviour, dostoesvky" needs to stop. i'm illiterate

5: i was looking into the history of travis scott, and he is not the literal name, it's altered already from "jacquis" like rousseau, and has followed me to a shopping center, exactly where kanye's chi-town crawley is. that's exciting to most - not to me

6: help (go): not mine, so not yours (strict, but not scary). 

Ronli Forcel is a black hater, has a black hatred, and works with black artist, is not a kind person? then, i don't know? is this person? another school shooter from that autistic appear-suddenly group and i don't know them well, it's not that group i think they're weird (and sticky) like the female counterparts, who sing and dance (and don't have anything)....okay, Ron Stallworth, right, okay, this appears to be a person of color, not interested, yet "can I help you understand that I'm cool, and not, manic and otherwise, "egyptian" and cool, smart and stupid, dark and jack ross's friend that is fun to talk to, and funny) people who harm others, do so a lot, yet not me, i'm wondering why they do that, and it's because they don't know wh,y it's their understanding that they wnat to, so they do. they have nothing admirable, and that's the tpyical, please see action, and avoid now, it's not the time (yet the moment) avoid me only, the queen is fine, drank and drunk, and I would not have you know her anger, isn't. this is not an accomplishment, that school shooter over there and not for fun, danger and likes to fun and fun and fun and funny and fun and is fun and not fun and not fun, yet like bishop Sirapion, is autistic, like that girl at church and her retard (dad "father Mina"), not normal, "has a day yet gone by not to thank" vs "can I day not forgot"

disgusting, disturbing, and read accurately only last page raped or something