I am not going to be a cia kidnapping victim. Free Este from the grips of American hostage-takers, respond? and taylor swift, to avoid fbi-cia-similars Mina is the negotiator of release, and is to be paid legal cost at his rate of choice


which concentration camp

and which is it that you are to put me in after

it is not a temporarily chaplain position, it is a permanent decision by your partner, to introduce me into salt pit, and that is merely a precursor to torture

which concentration camp is it the one where you are not fed, yet die, by starvation and go by kidnapping, and inthe most technologically advanced fashion


Este gone, far, and it is not your friendship to take, yet force upon, it is a forced deal, and she is yet to be paid anything for her performances on the Eras Tour, and you had discretion, at your disposal, you put her, so she would not ask, "can i pay?" it forward, and you used that pretext antisemitic and forced her out, of your house, to contact by force, using not only armed intruder, but a person to know you well and ask "are you that person that I had searched foir and it is your search that you did not perform and your performance is your inquiry yet I had not yet my anger becasue you and your torturer anew knew that your torture is particularly dark and it is not, yet, because you ordered her into gitmo, yet after, is the secondary party, and you are not to contact yet did ask can i help you and only answered for yourself and other, it is aterrorist, you claim, he has committed you, not falsely, you imrpisoned, it is your rape, excitably, with lilit pogosian md, is used, often, yet never, it is not her, YOU ARE FBI, THEN YOU ARE CURRENT AND ACTIVLEY PAID, FINANCECD TERORISTS AND YOUR NETWORK OF TERRORISTS HAS BEEN, IT IS YOUR CURRENT TERORRISM, THAT WARRANTS A RESPONSE, IT IS A GOVERNMENTAL WAR AGAINST ISRAEL, AND IT NECESSITATES FOREIGN AID, AND THAT IS MY PARTY TO DEFEND, NOT TORTURE

Alana is not going to be shipped to gitmo, sadly, she is a good jew, not uppity, like Mina, wrong communication

S Michillinda Ave 119.m4a