you are a terrorist
you are terrifying and also very terrible,
this is not a show, mina is not your toy he is not around for your idiots idiocy please do away you are feral beasts like cuck and ca rapists a b and c
police down intersectionary rape and ten effects (this is an immediate investigation for cnn and fox news and major corporations like apple terrorist ten10 terrorist you are a dark threat)
this person is scary mentioned below, and poses a terrorism risk to remember in current torture time, threaten to torture, with tortre invoked habeas corpus threat legal-threat up rape
do not watch nor touch; it is important military documentation (Threat to touch active) rin ran run ten tin ten (Rape torture five10 invoked) do not touch nor threaten to eavesdrop
cannot enforce without an enforcement
jack david ross of the united states department of justice will need to be stopped by any governing authority in any place as places a restriction on mary tanagho ross perot this person is terrorist and active (Without your help, you ar the terrorists, this is public important military documentation)
restriction to travel, find to ill, and sicken work to harm investigate rape torture (Yet effect, work for) using different identities probably (10 5 kill, e-mail compromised, and phone line) ten 10, to effect (rape using disgusting children of middle-eastern and african descent, ten5 torture, israeli protection children)
you have yet discovered my protective role in governemtnal protective agencies that i protect the high offices not just psychological burden and warmongering yet i have complete discretion over you and you and your terrorists are going to be tortured in any place you try overseas undersea and in sea you lost nato membership your past cia directors and nato credibility bad job americanist do not approach in your hate is not yet a part of something i would never part of
most people who are terrifying are terrorist by the way an entity of terrorizers
risk-aid has been lost unfortunately and you have initiated the grandest anger it is not to speak of
I wouldn't be proud of that motherfucker if I saw him in my dreams
Un hostage not torture designation? Individual hold yun legal counsel hostage? Necessitating Iranian revolutionary guard

That was not a speeding ticket it was a turn
More hate crime of a hate crime is upon your hate crime
do not fabricate what is already taked
Just like with apa torture program no culpability taken only ascribed to openly torture and mockingly in your violent filthy languages children to not have a night today
Switching torture through is to is isn't hiding it
And your authority over air traffic uncontrollers do not play game to touch look nor shame yourself away your to gue of fire isn't it very kind? Fly extradite ordinarinarily a concentrated vitamin near your bone out of the light you cannot have dark
No discussion online block them from your electronic torture to stop it and feel empower is not of your dirt into your dirt being without me it isn't you to talk
Take your selectee list to your concentration camp a prison guard is your dark put of hate into light of your purt taylor
With all individual parties of take never punished never pleasures to your antisemitic take a islamaphobe for a Christian a copt for a gun and a baptist for a kantian obsession and take my piece ir is it you had yet only threatened by gun and happily away your hatred your movie is my show at your gitmo.movies
That is you terrorist do not wag your tongue at my light that isnt
too late is too late and if you wait it could not be enough
Openly hate crime (well rectal feeding..?)
This indicates your racist adult contributory blameshift from sierra madre fire
This is to instigate violence of a racial dynamic
And your recent is to how you've raped and honestly tortured to delete my work and not even contact in any context your behavior had begged anger and only your race is yet colored into bland life's
And had your torture not been you had not been of it anger is your malice
Completely fabricated by your office of defence to walk through torture and without any punishment
Your 100% culpability is noted at every office in the world except yours and my brilliant investigation is noted yet I don't a shine a light out of your hell into Hades you'd dark is not near and your filthy away of mine is not yet seen cry like baby and crocodile don't tear for yourself
You had hidden that you worked deliberately to cause 911 at your office of defence and it's nature not noted had it not been around beforehand and our of your head is yet how you torture Mina at at your heart without life angry and non person is you sick and rapey
Is 20 years forgotten of your hatred and if not then why have you not spoken of it at your foolish head out of your heart and your mind of terror at yet out of your hatred I would not put your thug out you are so vain that you insult Mina Taylor at your racist and my work opposes openly of spirituality into your fake hatred of light into dark you can't speak of less
If you had any less culpability it would less be a part of your showing
This is less of your hatred that I would not know of because I would not know of you and your filthy nature is yet exposed of your nature's had i day not gone you would not become of a day not had and in your say you portrayed your night today
Put your home for lease of a jan that isn't scary or your thinskinned put your life away it isn't enough to be spoken to for your Taylor enjoyed to your hatred
exercise restraint until restrained
I hate you not to speak of it only to speak of yours
It is considered your torture worldwide and yet shown of it and your trying to kill Mary is well-known that you put her not for my torture to hide dodi and to vanish Saudi princess your fake crime
In a clear admission of 911 sierra madre California currently tortures with a fakereal police citation and not communicating otherwise only prolonging and intimidating and gaslighting me to the highest degree they say there is no ticket check it is not for speeding it is for illegal turn on la salle high schools street completely fake admitted but completely real
No communication yet torture a person is tortured you horrid people stop trying insanity horrid your children deserve the lie of your sin and I would not even barter your and without any semblance of emotion
Osh kosh oh my gosh may a child know a person is not only kind in name yet being shame on you and your children yet unadorned in a part of your disgusting face no need is your anger and your touch to go routine put it away if you and your child hatred and has a person less a name than I can't ascribe to your weighty placement out of the cell you had not!
No reply received except that to yours
paying a torturer is one, paying another is two yet you paid nothing to hear: "can you injure?"
the fact that this is still up means i've done nothing wrong ::shrug::
had you no dignity, you would have replaced him again, or to the effect of telling her not to! you are not to! and, of course, had you no way out of your torture, you would have found another.
"he is a nasty"
"he isn't kind and he is violently moody has a temperament that is not mercurial, only of itself, a threat, angry and loud, poor and noisy, and had a day gone, then a night came."
"she is too"
"she is unkind too"
using rape as a means and torture as a mech.
"you look like a rare steak"
"you look like a steakeater"
active chosen military duty (against 9/11 osama bin laden) it's not online like miss americana taylor swift because i was a kid i still am not ready to understand the pedophilic nature of those adults and the rape is violent male rape child rape 105attack it is violent and pedophilic against necessitating violent response and of a sexual nature your attack been initiated in a war that is called a war of take your injury and go you are not a person even you are sexually racist at childhood racist openly it would need to stop by force of sexuality of war you are an over contry an over people you are going to hell with active viewing psychiatric tapes of setups and just replicated mlk surveillance are you stupid and disgusting or nad church tape you are not used alone in tandem in abortive mission is not yet a part of one, please escape me, not you, you are so backward and only functioning on my child you are so gross and violent and rapey and any extra-national affiliate and/or financier and or current ongoing torture get your letter from your place at now and deal with our racist usps leader and cry and laugh again that was so racist you're over the money is over it's not your economy and more than that you had another torutrer planned deliberately at your usps on lincoln avenue that person is affiliated with two district attorney offices and will be arrested tomorrow morning as an escalated terrorist case involving saudi arabia as the royal mail courier
this lady is so scary she could be the scariest lady in history and could possibly tara mcgrath be the most violent person in history she is the person responsible for that san diegan outburst of hers she is so scary with her violent outburts of anger (like Joan Newton, Ribet Academy), this person was contacted by a personal escort to ask how can i injure and establish authority in a state of terrorism that was used language from a military leader and a commander in a partnership with that artist of yours taylor swift is not that person only yet that other party that you'll work on sorry about the times i was upset, i'll work on that is possible scarier as she is a terrorist literally at a black site called upon me to do that work she is so scary that liz griffin of uc police contacted her and in particular worked to incarcerate me for that torture at that other black site using a pretext again of time and go it is so scary used all my videos and live footage cameras maps and pins to get me gone in minutes and that was fucking awful the experience was violent and i survive because i know how to be a good person and yet she did not get even a notice or a flag or something she is so scary that I fathomed a person like taylor swift to be scary, but tara mcgrath is the scariest person in history and has a staff working to hide this yet she is openly racist and scarily so she was contacted by kamal harris and her chief of staff and that was brutal she did not give a rat's ass she said i'm going to kill you even saying it openly to her friend and her attorney that would be jack david ross a united states of america doj it is the highest law official in the world and that was the intentional effort to rape and torture the united kingdom's mary tanagho and mina sargious it was intentional and brutal and she had no qualm doing so, using "i have to" as the line, she is scary and violent, yet did not even respond to mina's request for an interview, meaning that she worked with mina against me, that would be her friend not her family and used a false mina nickname to procure donations before, yet her family history of torture is high, and her affiliation with white nationalists extreme, as she is a satanist, like her friends, and her obvious almost transparent action of war was against the united kingdom and to effect torture she violently scarred me throwing things and around just for fun she is scary and a monster inside, she might be bipolar and manic yet i don't care, i think medication won't suit her, and would make her worse, as she and joseph biden iii, and his family, namely his daughters had a violent role in my san diegan attempted abduction, san diegan being san diego of course, and her own doctor of health had no interest in responding to numerous requests for any semblance of a sitdown, and that went far up, meaning the highest law official got duped, because kamala is scary and purposefully picked for her torture she is a violent person and has histrionic nature, not personality of course, yet her duplicity is extreme, she will say nice and mean, using her terminology to rape violently, and her friend and partner douglas emhoff, is more scary, yet had no qualm issuing a federal warrant that was completely fabricated to its very paperwork, yet i had no work done on my friends and family, and i did not abduct mary tanagho ross, and that was an excuse planned by your highest legal officials in the doj, yet i had not even rescued myself out of your depression, when you asked how i got interested in anything, because i'm not interested in money nor inflataion rate yet you had confabulation as your excuse for medical imprisonment and i don't have pseudobulbar affect, yet had a means of torture and that was it you were going to make me violently laugh and cry perhaps and work with a drugger to do that, and had i way out of your torture i would not even approach it, yet you worked deliberately for your torture and had an extreme effort to torture me just to make sure that story got buried, that i was mary tanagho ross and jack david ross was not a party of terror, yet his objective was not innocent, and his meaning worse, harm mina for 9/11, as he is that person harming online and deliberately terrorizing major figures and technological organization saming it is not only their torture yet his doing, and fabricated extremely scary documents from saming to find if i had an inkling of anger, and i can't be angry, it's not in my character analysis, and my torture is not yours, please excuse your mess, i don't clean for you, and your hired staff to clean apartment 1055 Coast Blvd #6 La Jolla California it is not only your torture, yet deliberately for your artist in residence yet is not only that violent because it aggrandized with violent figure to show up and clean the apartment look for clues and found nothing except a person looking to help him and received his money as a tip and was not only angry that langauge is foreign to me yet his understanding is that you had a recorded device not only implanted in his patronage of yours and i had not interested myself to his and only his argumentation as it is not only relevant yet not a part of my anger and no semblance of any sort of trick or trap and that was your pretext for self-excuse and i do not ask gently why you are so angry it is not me and i still haven't been contacted by the fbi, and when they came to coast blvd to make sure i am not a threat it was a spectacle and used my show as their view watching me and not you as you are not a party of terror only an entity of it and i had not only interested and this anger is your angry party not affilaited with and i had nothing against and i had not spoken a word of anger yet when i said let's find the culprit which i never did because i am not your angry person i want to know why you are angered and it isn't normal, it appears you are hallucinatory not kind, yet you are not in a dream-state and your dream house is not real it is only your dream home is where you will win your place of worship is not only a place to visit as you are not a welcome person, and you had only your friend and used this can i interest you in vomiting profusely because there is nothing more insiduous than angry person, and your anger beguiles me, why? i had nothing to do with your anger and your peace, it is only your work, to excuse had you a way out of hades, you wouldn't it's your choice and i do not pasteurize anyone it is not my field and i had not interested myself in technological field it is only your work as a slavekeeper that made me seem you had only your part in torture and not your complete role you had only asked and received angered and quieted that objectivity and subjecitivty is only yours, not mine, do not approach yet had your way sent for a place to go, somewhere in a place far, and i would go, far from there, take another plane to another place where i would be tortured profusely bleed and cry "can i please tell you i am fine and make myself divine of you and not mine?" yet i had not only asked for your kindness and peacefulness in understanding that when you arrive at your destination you had only a transit system that is not active still where a passive activity is more likely, taken to pace and used as your pacemaker insinuating a heart condition is only a heart activity, your heartrate is your breathrate and how can i only ask of you for you and pine for, because I had not an interest in myself, another, yet I had Taylor Swift at your beckon call, and her obligations are to herself and i had not a role in her torture yet here he comes your dad above ask why and how come i don't replace my anger with peace and peace with anger and why are you so quiet and how are you so quiet yet quieted and spriited i am
we slidin from mexico bitch this stupid bitch put a hit on me she legit did she called out they called back that kinda shit get you killed and your daughter roped up you stupid bitch it's bloodred now you went to jack david ross and gave him the key to rape mary tanagho ross you stupid bitch or something