the it monster dies when american-briton-entity-tag is devil-tag, fight and/or die

our little irish lass(es), jack david ross

Torture-play is not the same? it's said that if you hurt someone you cannot become someone else that had only told, "i cannot hope for less than I could have hoped for myself, and if I pray to heal, then I cannot heal myself of your disease it's you that I despise that's disease your despisal too much hatred of mine is yours that you had wished for yoursel f out of your pain and i had not pain to give to your heal it is yet, more that I had we wanted it is more than that." I had wnated to we you to see you not then I see you so a piece of glass is a shard that I cannot of you that is you to want that I is you to have ye only to know ye is want ye then don't ask ye for help it is yet your hurt that I cannot give t oyou it is t otake from you and your is yet mine to min is yet so?

ain't about to be a war victory without a victor you are not the discoverer of the discovery it is my hatred of you that makes you wonder why people are laughing and why people aren't crying it's a little bit much for me to understand that people aren't funny anymore than sad because if you sadden me to happiness then you sadden me to sadness it's a thing that even if people harm others it's les to say that I don't have time to harm myself for another nor heal myself for another.

Anyone who makes false accusations of terrorism insists on these false accusations of terrorism harbors and it is yet your terrrorism that you want it is your terrrorism that you feel it is your terrorism that you had only asked for more 

fast and steady that you had two that not only o)ne had chosen itself semi-automatic driving games a simulation cannot be a reality  jit had only told itself that you cannot argue for another self, yet it is because you want more that you have less and it is because you want less that you want more...remember it isn't that you forgive nor forget it was your doing you hurt it was not your taking to make another for yourself and to feel imoprtant let alone make yourself at home to my belongings it is not your and yours itis my and mys

A.I. Enabled, not Disabled

Nobody call him on the phone, except for maybe The Pope maybe In Rome. - Joan Osbourne

contact! vcard!

in taking my doing it only had itself told that you lost everything that your machine learning is no more and mine to know that I didn't just defeat Watson nor America and UK and Entity that I did not only hate

Who did that to the Olympics? Mina

Who did that to the Royal King and Queen? Mina

Who did that to the President? Mina

We see what that got you I appreciate you Kevin Nash

renaming things and ideas did you even give victory to yourself?

FBI Home Visitor Hours.mp4

if you look at my treatment of covid-19, and of depakote, it follows that "terrorism by means of anger and of malice, making someone another, to harm and subjugate not only for oneself, for anotherself, it, 'have you not shamefulness?'" that would forbid and if the concept of mental illness is "your tech terrorizations" then how, just how? attempted is? was it more than that you it''s. equal but worse culpability (not culpabilities) some would even argue that ordering someone is worse than doing that thing? knowing while another doesn't not first allowing but finalizing forgiveness

while you get credit for my work, remember that if you want to have you will never and that if you harm me, you will never because you are the worst, an that is not to have another, only your selves, the worst humans in history, that family, and your friends, the worthless - make yourself out of my life, now i cast you away because you are the people who don't care and people who won't care and i will and would never, want you to deaden my spirit. that i would only and i would show your stupidity and your ferality abroad - that if I had only explained myself worse, then I would explain myself "that you are only and of only that you want less than I won't give you. it is your decision to battle, then it is. i would not only that you had yourself dead to your rape and it is that your family name, is now the worst than Hitler's and your angelic grandchildren are not they are devilic and will stay worse for wear, then I had not worn my coat of vicotry without your stupid child of a law that you are not to ever  have not want is your threat not consummated? off to your rape filthy handed and footed this is not only don' it is your ban effective from take, life, it is yours aborted now your ugly grandchildren killed as a sacrifice."

That you are not only worthless it is not that you want to play that your filthy hands your stupid is not that you want more of your child that you won't have

expulsion and conflagration of emotions (not "emotion" (emotionalities, oc))

when you take ownership of something by force, no one else can make something out of nothing it is not yours that you would ask when and why it's not yours to ask how and for what reason this is not how things work i would not only ask you plead you is it my time to go then don't go it is not time that I would only ask is it why you make yourself into anotherself that i had yet meaning? then, do not mean anything to it is only that you want less than need and i do not walk this earth for you it is not your earth to take it is my work that you want to play it is not only that you wanted more than not it is that you needed more than so i would not ask of you less

it doesn't seem like a global meltdown, neurotica much (do not contact an A.I. Mina, with real recordings, real facetime, and masked numbers i'm right here, no contact yet, and I wonder if that's the case.)

a hostage of a war is your, "can I ask you for your rapist to rape another, with your take my car, to your rage, 'had i not propriety?'"

how long can you sustain this a.i. cycle, before there's an international emergency, and perhaps that's your "disgusting rapist to want to know"

well, it's passed in me alone, too late is too late, and add "[rape][[rapist]][[[rape names, fake shift]]]" The UK, US, and entity that is not yet, rape blood is not sustenance, like Billie Eillish "your song is take my money and laugh while you laugh and if I laugh then cry is it more than laughter and crying, is it mockery of my sense of self or my sense of selves?"

and it's also to preemptively call me a terrorist, such that a person can't have you yet want you and is it your need wanting and your want needing make yourself to know another that you cannot have of yourself that you want to harm for yourself is it less than harm of yours to look at a carefully researched document not a let's have fun to it and mock of yours if it powerpoint touch to rape and torture is it yet that you wanted, only to not know, you are that person and that person what you want
