The governmental torture continued had you no way out you would find a way and used a device to trick and trap molest and berate that was yours to keep as your lead CIA agent is nothing, a snake, a coward, and a rat, cowardly, and often seeking more, than less, working for an end rather than a start, and has been treated as a terror suspect and is currerntly not sought, representatives are your agents, I don't expect protection, that I don't have, and your stupidity is have you less than more and why is your stupidity is it because you want to have fun with a person sought?

You give me my money now It is not yours It is mine And it is retracted You must acknowledge it and why and to whom we have Saudi Royal Bankup in the form of Office of Diversity and Outreach Hires a CARE Advocate | UC San Francisco ( 

Cyber Physical Conflict


Cyberstalking (Explicit Directive of Terrorism)

Cybersleuthing (To cause and derange)

Domain(S) Hijacking (Google)

Cyberterrorism against children directed by your military using all aspects (targets: noted.)


I saw through all your costume designers you are so vain that your anger became that you want everything to I am a person that could have you ain't got a life to live so don't live mine.

they thought the harder the United States Government abused me the more they could become of a person I wouldn't harm only to injure is your harm then injury it is not only your hatred I want to know it's  your less not my gain, away from me, is your antagonism, and you are not to then I would only know it is yet not that I want to free of you, is my hatred of you and your family. Fuck you. I use my words carefully not you. It is your words. To rubbish. And I wouldn't approach you if I didn't want to, to break your neck of your ugly face

you are disgusting; no means no I had never been more disgusted that I would even look at you in the face it is not only your doing it is your wanting of my doing your own psychosis that you will not have and you wait because you want more of what you can't have you have no interest in another person that you would be that person

You held them hostage this person is using that device and ordering things to mock and injure that is your decision as a country and its too late you don't care you won't care and I'm the one who cares it's not about your anger, it's about why you're angry, and I can't fix you, you're disgusting and have to know, we are fine, we got refuge, in iiii. But you are not fine. Especially with me.

This is your take it child to work today. it isn't my work. fuck you then. give me my money, not give me money. that's you. not me. i hate you. it's mine. it's ours. you fucking weirdo. you fucking weird. you like a happy day, and your aggressive, too strange, and lying. that's all that I can say is about you. give me your fund, to a laugh, of a cryer. good job, for your taker, of my doing, is your taker, of a doing, and your a mover and a shaker, butter maker is your taker play your game to a real person, not a real thing, you are the person, avoid, to, and with, for yourself, then don't, yourself away from your done with you hatred of another

you are the hostage, I am the standoffish guy, then. give me my money or I won't free Alana? You scary liar. That's you, the I would not even look  at person tape your ugly ass out of death, it's like football and taylor swift, you dance and shake and expect a response, yet your the responder and real-life hostage, dish network, do you even give care about alana

and you raped my writing again

this is enough bullshit for my day

i had a great talk about this now you pushed delete 

you stay away from i don't want play this game with you and I have more evidence that I will need to show you eventually

I've been through Hell I'm not going back. 

it's considered now a war financially to get my money 

this is now considered a major military affect using UK to rape me originally you are terrorists the money will be bled not for my blood your seed deranged you are bound to your hospitals all openly that you make it up to me? You will not. Death is upon and near also your daughters taking money the same way but worse

It was torture to work to save Di

Joe Alwyn is make your to do with has fun to do not against steal my money with the same purposes 

Because 911 was to free me by torture financially not psychiatrically yes


had egypt had not had its own ownership it would know its owner and that owner is not even of interest you would need to stop any potential invasion safe sheltet and use together and without me you would have no voice none it would be you cant have me so you have to do what i say it would be a tragedy to invade similtaneously to antagonize 

it has its property that egypt worked with america and that im not from egypt ill make you passports mac drive?


a person aint a person if he aint already

...musicvideos dot cm

...songs dot cm

...recordingss dot com

Provided by PBS

if you don't stop with the "I'm going to" and it will be worse for you i don't want you near me it is not your duty it is your dutied do not allow yourself near me.

waves are not cycles and cyclothymia is not hyperthymia and you are not talented nor successful

indications are that Dr. Ramzi Kiriakos Encino, CVS California UCLA Professor of Psychiatry had intimate knowledge to save the United Kingdom, instead tried hard to kill me with his associates and murdered my spirit not only to find victimhood in his child, but work hard to do so, to injure the United Kingdom, find falsely and worship truly, it took years of effort, to overcome america and you in particular are an egregious actor, taken to kindness only in circumstance, and have worked deliberately and violently to torture, yet are unpunished by your government internally and as a governmental body, I have no anger left. I cannot be angrier. Because you are a kidnapper of the Royals, and this choice was yours, you went hard on this to make your son and daughter important, and they aren't; they look like you and your wife. Yet I would not only recommend your torture, yet your disability as a conglomerate and with precursors and with the most violent intentionality of war, to destroy you and everyone in this damn country, you are stupid and vulgar. It would be your police, and the very fine nature of your discretionary action against me, that would be to kill Princess Diana, using the Coptic Church, and a man I don't weasel away from, to instigate and torture, it is your choice


injure Princess Diana


rape Jasmine

and violently with your antiislamophobia with your corrupt to make and to injure violently, with Jack David Ross, as a chosen weapon, unintelligent and garish, the same with the rest of you

find him destroy and humiliate Princess Diana that is your goal and your dream, as fuckups, at UCLA and all associates within, this corrupt country isn't financialy corrupted to rape and torture You are not a good person, have initiated war, and this will be the start of me, and the end of you. This document is considered application to Royal Service.

this is a federal agency that protects all agents except itself

Your country is not at war with itself; It's at war with its own

tomorrow is not my dancing day if I had a day today
