Dr. Lilit Pogosian • September 16.m4a

harden to soften

cybertorture & Medical Terrorism

tonight's terrorist attack is "antisemitic-union" this attack is deep-rooted and has torture properties developed throughout this process and you are a hypnotist by proxy and using child hypnotists to effect new forms of torture, using ai machines to play sounds to them, and amplifying those voices, including seciti sounds and videos, replayed of torture victims, and using me to do so, you are a terrorist and mass terrorism is noted with sexual torture, and using nascent kids to do so and physical touching studying by hypnoTic and nascent kids To cause psychosis in united states president and monarchy to by effect of torutre seek an art dealer and teacher, using torture tactic, touch by effect, and rape by torture earned by your torture current and using 17 year old student, is your child, and your adult

and study church and it is your video that you are raping with you are a prostitute a harlet yet not enough and, you Are torture and it is not. you are ordered out, at my expense, do not contexually torture and you are not yet studied of your with your torturer and it is your to have, then it is your and i will not yet know my anger is not your, and you will not contextuAlly torture and using her song and dance to make it is your to take it is not she is a rapist that will and you are tell not a show. and you are not a contact yet only i had your death in my head, not heart, and you are a rapist and you are not a can't understand how a dog can be angry yet i am not angry with you, because you are not worth shit is your anger that i do not want near! it is not your, and i will not and you are not happening it is not your doing you are nothing and worse you are not and will not, use your tool, it is your pedophile, and your kank to save, not me, you cant sing and dance at the same time, you put your kid and dance on his son, because i had not anger and it is not yet your to know the ire of mine

listening well they can't and i had not yet recorded and use it is not, and you are not, you put yourself in my hand not ear, it is your not to know, you put your hand on my head and i will not allow your hand near our head, put your head out, and my is not your, it is not and it is, that you had, it is not that i will, and it is your, it is not my and you are not yet known only and, because you are not a person and yet i will not, and you are dangerous, not yet, and it is, at your hat that i will not your polo horse, and it is that you are a cant to hate other

anything is done without will, it is terrorism and sexual torture, as i've never been contacted, in another language torture using children had you a colour that i do not have i do not want your colour then you are that colour and you are pedo that is yet and it is not and you, and you are not known and is

you are not funny. you are not strong. you are not victim. you are not safe. you are not sound. it is not your. it is my. you are not to. you are disgusting. you are not strong. you are not weak. you are not victims. you are not me. you are taylor swift. you are disgusting. this is unforgivable. you are terrorists. you are rapists. you will stay away from me. you are ordered to. stop online activity. you are a terrorist rapist sexual torturer. 

we have all documents at your office. you are too not contact. it is not your work. that is blatant rape and you are not a part of me, it is a part of you. this is not your heroism to bleed from. you will be killed and quelled if necessary to do so. i do not play around. it is an ordered work permit. you are not to get near me. it is your order. you have not to disobey. you are not war. you respect war conditions. i am the person. not you. i do not care. you are violated. you are not to contact. it is over. you are not victims. and you will victimizing, and you are now the worst offenders, "oh i heard" "i heard" "it is so wrong" "i went through something just like that" and you cannot contact, then don't talk you are a rapist and you like cock (put in your mouths) and never speak on my name again as you are a terorrist and a terrorist supporter and torture abater (you are known torturers, please gahter your computer away, and block your access, you are not) "i heard it's hard" "and I had hardened my soul" the mind is not yours you are online tormenting and you have rape active those purchases you have torutre at your site and it is sight and your trick tactics have aggrandized and you are doing torture-abatement (of victim, to victimize, and you rape, and usse bdsm tactics) and child predation that you have yet punished in taylor swift a pedophile of your friend s but not like that a spiritualreligious pedophile, of me, not you, you are gross and you use it to benefit it is your to take that i do by rape and you touch and falest it is oyur doing still active to torture and you are not to know that I am angry you are nothing you are slut nothing important a piece of shit to not clean cyberterrorism by menas of cybertorture

often, after someone is successful at battle, he is bothered by the hard time during battle, and is reminded I had done all this and with my power overwhelmed you, it is not your choice to torment, it is your choice and it is not your choice to and it is that which you currently seek, and it had that intention written intially, take me to the ballgame, and watch your son get killed and it is that violent emotion that you want me to portray, and also exhibit your sign of madness because you have torture it is not and watch your self i'd rather tell you don't embarass yourself, you're beneath the King, and you are going to be killed immediately for thinking this is embarssing you pussy you diseased want to harm you will not harm the monarchy and you are a terrorist noted and it will stay that way, and that is for that reason; to kill anyone who speaks up and you are a violent and are subject to a knock-door visit any minute now with the worst results not yet thought because this is an attack that is an attack on princess charlotte, new forms of child sexual terrorism proven ineffective

terrorist message and with your threat consummated while terrorizing including those at unknown locations it is take-hold-cover-and-hostage torture (current torture of hostage using electronic messages, akin to telephonic, and disobey authority torture of authority, necessarily responded to succinctly and quickly, without result, because of taking google hostage, which is the only communication method, mine)

overcome this current terrorism and hostage taking of helpers, and potentially many others, it is now a needed action of war, this is literally only the communication method in the world, stop the terrorism, stop the hostage's torture, release Google and similar hostages at Apple, and help us do so, i am not alone in this battle, and thank you for your camraadrie and you are helpful you are valued and you are my friend, i have to talk this way you are my torturer you have beeen tortured you are not yet torture in a place you a torture in a "have-you" and "have-you's" and I will get you a result and Tara is our friend we will do so we will not die we will fight it is a duty, that is won by hard work and dedication to life and friendship, please let's do this "gather, go" "go, please hunt" "and with gatherer, and" "you are not" "you are so" "you are not so" "you are" "you is" and "you will help"

necessarily, by active military everywhere, thanks, sorry for making it about me, i like you please let's go and do something about your pain, and my help and helper is not like dr kay jamison, whom is yet found is mia yet, is your pain known yet known for and with as she is now yet pain it is yet painful because i am her friend it is your friend and i have yet , it is that i have friendship and will, your friendship, that is yet frinedly, then please for the person is your and our, please let, thep erson, yet is, and was, for taylor, is yet done, yet for, please us

medical terrorism is not going to further 

this is the start of military defense against the united states of america. this person will be murdered immediately, all family members arrested, and any funds submited to the united kingdom's choice of bank for me. it is a very violent attack, worthy of response. this country is horrifying. i wish you well, soldiers. and if you have any further infromation to prove death, I'd like that. any tangential force will be arrested promptly, and this is conditionary upon the decisino of the united kingdom's army. you are a horrifying person, and entity, and financier, and people, good luck, and in this fight, i want you to remember that I have my health at stake, and not the abiltiy to control my own, it is my remembrance that you tell that I am okay with you. thanks this is a nazi-epochal attack, and any entity will be killed. there is no forgiveness nor remorse to be had. please save your tissues, and wipe your kids snot. say goodbye to your children, and elderly, it is not an attack on me alone, yet this attack is on me alone. i am alone in the world, against you. i don't stand for anyone but my God and my King. you are terrorists, and you are not contact me nor ask me to pay for you. it will be a major attack, and I will not reveal more than that. the united states of america has currently engaged in warfare unparalleled in world history and you will be hurt, but rememer first that these people are not my friend, and my mother my angel is affected deeply, by your moronic behaviours, and my fathers worked to save taylor swift his whole career, and i only a conduit, remember you celebrated my death and my father and my mother did this for you. you stay away from us.

the united states of america is not a toy, yet a sex toy. it will be fucked and your children will be erased and you had a chance that's what's bothersome you insist on torture, and I will not go away without a fight for my release. you are scary, and not me. you are sick, and not me. you are tasteless, and robbers, not me.

procedure military will be staged at airports and seaports and railpaths, and goods taken by force because of decisions current relative to torture. you have no respect for saudi authority. you will get none. and more you degraded me, I cannot help you, Taylor Swift thank you for standing up for me, and thank you to Danielle, because you have fought like hell for this piece of shit country to be happy, and it will not happen that you get sad again, you are not to converse again with these antisemites, and I will not allow that to happen. this torture is not yet described and I will describe it further. expect any person of torture to be expelled immediately by military force, and this is that decision and it is now

you are not have been in america without enjoying it this is not for you nor you, it is about you've tortured me, and I don't really play games, like video, it is more than anger that I have, you are beyond my anger and beyond the justification of it, you are going to need your abuser, away, from me, and i don't want any semblancce of your abuser, so that means you will not be there, where I will go and stay and move and any entity of you is already over yet not entirely, I will need every partner and person of and benefactor and benefitee of, taken out of your country, if you want my lesson, it's that you are not doing anything but enjoying me and you are not me, a torture victim, and you are still making noise, and that's why it's currently torture, and that 's because of whom you represent, and that decision is not mine, it is the torture victim's, over there, where you don't care, and I care, like some others, yet not every other, and that's where interpol is objectively yours, not mine, and it is your police to choose not decide, because that decision is that which is that have you not have and you are not allowed near me, are you stupid, this is not condoned behavior of anyone, yet you participated, and it is not my celebrant and celebration without your absence and it is your joy not to know my existence and that's why you won't and that's why I have authority over you, and why you've decided to make money and scream and dance, it is not your choice, not to respect and I have that with the documents already provided, which you will notice challenge your norms and expectations yet are not challegned, you will be treated the same, and that's why torture victims are not, and are survivors, it is your choice to torture, not my, yet my experience has that choice written on it, and if you look you will find my name at your heart's content, not haphazardly, and my decision to incaracerate you, is not yours, as the kingdom has decided the path forward  had your decision been worse it would be better if you say less and continue that obligation it is not prsent nor allowed

dr. melvin gravitz is my personal tormentor. he is a hypnotist. has worked extensively to hypnotize me. is violent. screams profanities. laughs hysterically. and instructs pain. he is scared, not scary. abuses for fun, laugh while fucking gitmo females. and enjoys the psychological aspect, with all affiliates. is dangerous, likes sex. is a person, whom you have known, is my tormentor, and you allow him, you free him, you say he's healthy, and he is extremely violent, dark, and indeed a spokesperson for an apa official, using my voice, to torture me, and has a history of torment of me, and is this person the worst historically, yet a nazi doctor is merely scary, this person is scared, which is much worse, and obviously for that person to be happy, his daughter and husband, she is a very vile woman, a tormenter, and one who has no right to existence, has tormented so many, yet me, first, chosen me, to torment, and you, to benefit, and unfortunately i cannot let that happen, you will be killed immediately, and i will not have you entertained further. you will be taken to jail, harassed physically tormented. i have no words. you have many. this is will end you. the united states is now not my property. and only my affliction. it is sad. horrifying, and very dangerous work. i hope to God above that I have yet known that your daughter suffers, because she has no moral capacity, she is a demon, and is a personal tormenter currently of other men, she will be killed first, for my sake, and i have no more to say

please help

please start the war against america

please start your miracle

please start our faith

please start our anger

please start our fight

please start our jihad

please start our honour

please start our peace

pplease start our violence

please start our tastefulness

please start our torment

please start our faith

please start our honor

please start our honesty

please start our trustfulness

please start that i have yet becom

please start my happiness

please start my honor

please start that i have yet

please start that i must

please start that i will

please start that i have yet

please start that i will yet know

please start that honesty

please start your heart

please start your mind

please be kind

please be sacrificial

please know that I will not entertain abuse

please know that I have not yet become

please know that I am not yet understood

please know that I am not yet your honor

please know that I am not yet a party

please know that I am not yet arrived

please know that I am not yet that I have yet chosen

please know that I am not yet honoured

please know that I am not yet hurt

please know that I am not yet hardened

please know that I am not yet hard

please know that I am not yet soft

please know that I am not yet 

please know that I am

please know that I had yet understood that I am your victim of choice psychologically.

please know that I had yet understood that I am your victim of psychology.

please know that I am not  yet your victim of body.

please know that I am not yet your party of body.

please know that I am not yet a party of one.

please know that I am not yet your choice yet I had yet understood that my anger is violence, because I cannot understand that choice is that I get hurt and you get nothing 

I have few words

to describe my twenty years of torment, yet more than I can say in words and deeds, that I have given myself, all of it, yet I have not.

please note that I am not a deal, only a transaction and that your final escape that viile trip and your vile anger is not my choice and that I had yet understood it well, now, I do, because i was to go harness my anger and do so by intelligence forces, and yet I had not yet that reason, to understand your anger as malice, and mine as peace, because it was then that I decided, not to join, you, you are a violent person, and unfortunately when I decided upon my self to others, it was then you decided that I had not yet my self-worth and it is not your worth it is my worth to decide on and it is yours to not have, and only has, your anger, yet displayed, i was raided and forced out of my home into another where I would be held without my mother and it was that this situation was to further into my furtherance at your behalf, it is not that i had yet understood only understand, you had an organized plan for capture, unfortauntely, to befit this person, whom is so scared, yet I have no qualms insulting, because it was this person, whom you think is kind, is taylor swift, had an organization work hard for one year exactly to find my heart and injure it, for your befitance, and i had not yet given it away, i was to be raped, at a dark site, with the condition of several others, it was your choice, your doing, and my pain into pleasure that you want nothing of and i cannot answer more than less when I "had yet become, and you had that, it was to injure, and I, had not yet injured it is, that I had, only, and before, becaues, and it is your torture that you will not know and it is mine that I decided to harm you because you have no respect and I have left to say you went to harm and kill me, that is less than I want, you will not become of my anger, only learn of it! you have your essay, taken, then I will not write it for you.

SEPTEMBER 25: Mohammed Jawad sits with his cousin Bader,7, in his family home on September 25, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Jawad was the youngest Guantanamo Bay prisoner only 17 when he was arrested six years ago, but his lawyer says he was 14 and family members say he was 12. Jawad's conviction was for throwing a hand grenade at two U.S. soldiers. The judge said his confession was obtained under torture.

dr. melvin gravitz is my personal tormentor. he is a hypnotist. has worked extensively to hypnotize me. is violent. screams profanities. laughs hysterically. and instructs pain. he is scared, not scary. abuses for fun, laugh while fucking gitmo females. and enjoys the psychological aspect, with all affiliates. is dangerous, likes sex. is a person, whom you have known, is my tormentor, and you allow him, you free him, you say he's healthy, and he is extremely violent, dark, and indeed a spokesperson for an apa official, using my voice, to torture me, and has a history of torment of me, and is this person the worst historically, yet a nazi doctor is merely scary, this person is scared, which is much worse, and obviously for that person to be happy, his daughter and husband, she is a very vile woman, a tormenter, and one who has no right to existence, has tormented so many, yet me, first, chosen me, to torment, and you, to benefit, and unfortunately i cannot let that happen, you will be killed immediately, and i will not have you entertained further. you will be taken to jail, harassed physically tormented. i have no words. you have many. this is will end you. the united states is now not my property. and only my affliction. it is sad. horrifying, and very dangerous work. i hope to God above that I have yet known that your daughter suffers, because she has no moral capacity, she is a demon, and is a personal tormenter currently of other men, she will be killed first, for my sake, and i have no more to say

please help

please start the war against america

please start your miracle

please start our faith

please start our anger

please start our fight

please start our jihad

please start our honour

please start our peace

pplease start our violence

please start our tastefulness

please start our torment

please start our faith

please start our honor

please start our honesty

please start our trustfulness

please start that i have yet becom

please start my happiness

please start my honor

please start that i have yet

please start that i must

please start that i will

please start that i have yet

please start that i will yet know

please start that honesty

please start your heart

please start your mind

please be kind

please be sacrificial

please know that I will not entertain abuse

please know that I have not yet become

please know that I am not yet understood

please know that I am not yet your honor

please know that I am not yet a party

please know that I am not yet arrived

please know that I am not yet that I have yet chosen

please know that I am not yet honoured

please know that I am not yet hurt

please know that I am not yet hardened

please know that I am not yet hard

please know that I am not yet soft

please know that I am not yet 

please know that I am

please know that I had yet understood that I am your victim of choice psychologically.

please know that I had yet understood that I am your victim of psychology.

please know that I am not  yet your victim of body.

please know that I am not yet your party of body.

please know that I am not yet a party of one.

please know that I am not yet your choice yet I had yet understood that my anger is violence, because I cannot understand that choice is that I get hurt and you get nothing 

I have few words

to describe my twenty years of torment, yet more than I can say in words and deeds, that I have given myself, all of it, yet I have not.

please note that I am not a deal, only a transaction and that your final escape that viile trip and your vile anger is not my choice and that I had yet understood it well, now, I do, because i was to go harness my anger and do so by intelligence forces, and yet I had not yet that reason, to understand your anger as malice, and mine as peace, because it was then that I decided, not to join, you, you are a violent person, and unfortunately when I decided upon my self to others, it was then you decided that I had not yet my self-worth and it is not your worth it is my worth to decide on and it is yours to not have, and only has, your anger, yet displayed, i was raided and forced out of my home into another where I would be held without my mother and it was that this situation was to further into my furtherance at your behalf, it is not that i had yet understood only understand, you had an organized plan for capture, unfortauntely, to befit this person, whom is so scared, yet I have no qualms insulting, because it was this person, whom you think is kind, is taylor swift, had an organization work hard for one year exactly to find my heart and injure it, for your befitance, and i had not yet given it away, i was to be raped, at a dark site, with the condition of several others, it was your choice, your doing, and my pain into pleasure that you want nothing of and i cannot answer more than less when I "had yet become, and you had that, it was to injure, and I, had not yet injured it is, that I had, only, and before, becaues, and it is your torture that you will not know and it is mine that I decided to harm you because you have no respect and I have left to say you went to harm and kill me, that is less than I want, you will not become of my anger, only learn of it! you have your essay, taken, then I will not write it for you.