😡 where are you jakey, it's been days, and months, and year 

to know i hadn't

been sadn't

you gladly help' vanessa, you are my friend, and you confided in, then you are depressed too many happies, i know them, unwell like you


Please reference the below audio and seek emergency shelter if necessary, apologies if my writing has been offensive

everything is about

Too much, too soon

Too little, too late

it is not a blog of a stranded traveler; nor a hope of a hormonal child, I will need your cooperation in kindness and anger,

not everything is about

where do you want help from? i looked high and low,

you found highs and lows, then, of ours,

to know, we are courageous and found us, overly there, for where I am, is you are

is i am enough too find i am yours found

in dealing with you, i'm faced double-faced and crossed yet not? it is to know, you're to have a home, only a house, a dollar, only nothing, you will need to buy something, a new, to become, for you alone, it isn't for us, perhaps if your trust is that i cannot access the phone, we'll, it is different and i need you, two let's download an e-sim, for phone? it isn't there to own it's your i 


to have


to create

and wonder why you sat to take, to move to give you my money for your hope and your money for our despair i didn't take it and wouldn't take you to not know you to motherangelica.co where you'll find resources, yet to add obviously, perhaps https://www.metrobyt-mobile.com/resources/esim to have a phone tonight, is your communication limited by your fund, it is to your electronic abuser, to my electronic device, keep stowed and hidden away, before flight, never in mid-flight, i would have your phone taken to examine, you if you have, to two documents: citizenship, birthright, and ownership; yet you are own, to owned! I am own to disown you, I wouldn't

yet I would


you will to my depression, and my cvsdrivethru.com


of a hangover, is your a b i l i t y




near you, i would know to have

hostage negotiation:(respond!)

i need you to buy a home

i need you to buy a house for the homeless

i need you to buy a house for the homless

i need you to buy a home for the homeless' person's home-dweller

I have lots of fun times, to store, your memories (photos, & videos), and would like to press "+Share" i do not share my experience, it is not a travel blog, yet your and yours, aren't travelled, it is your to know, my pain is your mid-flight psychosis you own to yours, if i to mine and you to yours, then while I go up, to the down flight, I take a lavaratory is your, to you, I would slide your hatred, with lovred hope you cannot know, it

is your

is you

is my

is mine

to know, i cry to wail, you cry to wailers, you and yours, and i to i's, you have



is unfulfilled



is commanded

by your superior, i travel with/to

know you are my to mine,

and you to yours, keep me here, to there, i cry for you and your, i wouldn't know you and you're unknown i am your tear for eye, and cut to first, you

to there

me to here,

would you know harm heal and false prophet to not want, health is wealth

you are to own

and i to disown

i cry to fear

i wail to courage

you and yours, there to disown, you from mine,

 i went

i went

 you are troubled

i trouble,

myself to know is your pain enough, then more

you are to have, and has

you known, then know

you are to much to little

you are too little too much

i have you known, not vice versa, your home, is house,

and you unknown, not vice versa, your house, is home,

to take you to own you i would not disown nor distake you it's

distasteful and distatefulness'

not my taste and tastefulness'

you took to take,

you take to took,

you take then, took then but did not

make them, to us

{to have}

{{to have-nots}}

{{{to have's}}}

was it fun to funny?

was it funny to fun?

and you know how to make me unhpapy,

and you make me unhappy and that's yours, not mine, to take my and mine, take togive, give totake in your hyphenated way, to have moneys is moneyed enough our pain and our? 

Audio Message 35.m4a