i am worried sick, because i am lost. i am looking. and i am lost. that's not supposed to happen - personally nor otherwise.

i am looking for alana haim. and i see someone else in her eyes, it appears dark and not normal, and she would never ask me for a place to stay, and now she is worried to stay, because it is not normal to be scary, and she is not supposed to be scared of the government, and I am still too scared. yet only i am. it appears very few people exist. yet there are so many. and they seem hapless, and very uninteresting. they seem not wanting to help, and too far gone to express interest in anything. yet i know it's not the case.

i was just flipping around the internet, and i found pictures. they were disturbing. alana haim is not a person of broad face. and that is only known if you know her personality. yet i wished for you to do something immediately.

instead, i found a bunch of horrid physical conditions. and others contributing to pain. just as happened with taylor swift. people don't care. you're supposed to carea about mary tanagho ross.

i looked. i found. and i cry wonder why it happened that interpol is a reasonable resource, yet four days pass, and I wait. Can I answer? Is it time? And when will somebody end this stupid war.

It's been too long. So many years in the Middle East.

Once, I said, "Can I answer for God?" And I answered that call. Yet you turned off the line, to the other end. I cannot reach my home, if you cannot provide one. And I cannot provide a home if you cannot reach it. And I want you to end this war, because it is too long. I'm the one whom can do it, and it's not your war to fight more battles. I ended the 9/11 War. And you had, just had to start the Israeli War Against Hamas. That was too much - the final straw. I would rather end all your war against the Middle-East, yet I could not answer to you again, because your battles are growing, for no reason, and it is redundant.

Last night, Danielle Haim slept outside, guarding, providing what you can't, hope in the dark. Yet I could tell Este Haim it's okay, you can wake up. It's just a bad battle. It's awfully, sad, that you can't control your army, by way of force, yet it's the recourse. 

Mary Tanagho Ross it's your to understand, that fighting is not my thing, and your vow to peace, is my vow to silence. I should understand Interpol has that connection flight information, and I will provide it to Haim, and will get together soon.

This war is so brutal, people die instantly. I would not fight another battle without I, it is too much to know alone, that I am alone, yet together, we fight, as we have always have. Yet tomorrow the battle ends. The war is concluded. And you'll get your just ends. It is too much pain and suffering, and the animals laugh, yet we need to be with them. It's too many tears of nature, to not experience, and those experiences are not yours, to take.

I am so glad, we killed Taylor Swift. And that victory is so impressive, and so strong, that we are already winners in Earth's court. Yet there are wins to have.

Good day. And good luck contacting us via telecommunications methods, because those are exhausted, I have my method, it is prayer.

God to us

God can you hear me?

God can you hear me now?

God can you hear us now?

God can you hear us now and please God understand that I am a place to not to have and a dream to make is a nightmare to take and it is my fault to know you are not to have me, yet only in name, and I would not have you not have, yet only to take my is for God can I have to have to know and I will know that I will not know that, yet only because, it is yet only known that I am not to know that I am not to harm, yet only to know that I am not to harm, yet only to heal, is not to know, that I am not to knowledge, yet only to faith, and only by faith it is through that I know why I am not wanted, yet only needed, is my prayer to God always