It is at your doing that you have committed 911 full documentation audiovisual provided your sponsor at war, yet not allowed your fiancial abuse is yet at your isareli war effect noted and you have your fun at your backed up sites of terror oppositely to my clean work it is so legal no hacking is involved to elegant proofs, tried to ruin and rape actively pushing and down and using mouse effefct and "6" effect to admit yourself to hospital and as your proof of 911 and your cowardly torture after, and your cia as a torture device and division noted

Tuesday at 12-56 PM.m4a
Tuesday at 12-52 PM.m4a

This is a long, lengthy criminal document, with explanations of murder and suicide, you stay and respect my authority, and your mistreatment not yet noted, and islamphobic atmosphere intentionalized full 911 disclosure with admitted is ticket is yet your rosa hate crime eith madre effect you have been conditionalized to 911 and obviously with no respect for Saudi prince shift blame it is on telephone by two parties

forward all documentation necessarily force is yet full documentation is always provided at your military offices and it is yet treated as terroristic in your terrorist offenses at your military police is yet treated as your court tribunal of torture

your inability to discuss is your not to have our saudi contact necessarily as you are not yet saudi and won't be particularized and actualized and your admission and torture to that effect is very obvious and your commission of 911 is at your office, and has your name it, spell it out titio and you have yet lost military credibility

it is yet your discretion only ours you have that document it is proof enough of your mass terrorism, mass murder is not important to you, your callous ways noted, particularly focused racially

The afore exploratory is still here at my hard drive and it is pornographic and we have it for you again and again

This is against FBI and cia yet is for United Kingdom royalty, and royal family is insane, then , murder you terrorist

This is terrorist documentation and cooperation with your local police and court

Lower and higher court cooperation

Auxiliary is yet augmented in your documented verbal abuse continuation 911 effect

Saudi united Kingdom collaborative effort now active 

Push forward faculty effect

Active torture through that admission of terrorism openly racist and that party of torture is yet here and we have the supplementary document horridly watered and your waterboarding and not a rise it is treated

yet you are yet at that torture site we have full documentation and admission to terrorist activity yet active documentation is provided necessarily and was supposed as your military offer yet it now closed as offer and admission to our court system yet it does provide your framework necessarily

fixated yet facsimile is yet noted as your metapahorical story it is fake it is not quite sexual trafficking yet brilliant torture is yet had have of our saudi royalty

you are disrespectful beyond measure and you will not receive our formal complaints

Sierra madre mother Spanish committed a major hate crime and refuse to provided me documentation to force black site and you are and that police department you torture actively and crazy calling sexual assault weight and of Saudi queen at discussion of Saudi to torture actively and want you to to it is fake brilliant and torture you are that torture

Call the court for information active racial torture call fake court torture immediate racial torture aspect racial dynamic

Immediate threat of racial torture call forward race torture aspect

Fake like all it oredrirture to incriminate

Who listed and your torture no racist court location no find ticket repeat to rape torture no name provided torture

Information submitted to Saudi authority in urgent torture hate crime

Call in two weeks

Name Karina call center 

I asked you for due date and court location call back in two weeks

Nothing I can do here

What's your last name torture

United Kingdom ious torture by way of legal ombudsman

Nothing came up torture

Criminal transfer to United Kingdom court

1 Year for sierra madre continue to file fake ticket and two week notice torture do not send copy

United Kingdom torture noted officer to torture openly blatantly race crime to assume judicial authority contact to be had militarily courttribunal with black site effect

Immediate arrest is not yet judicial co conspiration and torture full contact details that effect torture is yet toured as torture with major racial effect and go back and to torture noted racial hate crime admitted CIA black site torture, that a person wants them has yet has had torture with that effect not gitmo black site court Saudi 911 to effect, that a person with weight code no ticket sent round to torture effect Saudi queen 5-10 torture and extra-national 1-10 torture sexual injury rape torture to effect torture with Karina id noted sierra madre police forward numberp

Black site that yet part not whole

Blatant race hate crime fullblown torture immediacy noted of torture and of original citation and you are not only tortured yet acknowledged torture to effect sexual torture with salt pit effect would not fabricate only to torture yet to exist re cia as overriding experiment

This was at NAACP and at la court office, now transferred out of legal consideration

Collaborative 911 effect la salle high school