i really have to say thank you to Punky at archive.org he is a genius, the smartest computer nerd in history, and a history with torture, and suffered for this site, and gave it for free. that's the thing. he only worked off nothing. it is the best thing in the world, in the media, in the internet's form of the media, outside, inside. he needs recognition.

he had an incident with the police, and ended up in a hospital, "am I sane?" he had a hallucinatory episode, and this led to mental incarceration, went in and out of hospital, and ultiamtely ended in a very unfortunate position, he had not the kindness I have experienced at my cost, because he is not a known person, is unknown, and had no opportunity, yet became of himself and that's the person that I cannot work harder for. He is kind and I am a follower, to kindness, that way, yet only because he is very hard-working, sick, and happy. I would not allow your treatment of him, to change. And you owe him the internet.

He was placed under my care and ended well. He is not ill. And is not to contact. And with my treatment, has escaped, a maze that I went through not to but for him. You will understand that his treatment is mine. And I had not treated another worse, than myself, for he.

If I don't care, then I will not care more than devil may care, and if jamie cullum, is a cabaret singer, and not a writer, then I won't know that you cannot rape to torture, and use drugs as your means to place under hold, and also your observation deck is illegally functioning, per WHO Standards, per your torture current yet later is not enough to torture you and your drug to take now is yours, "harbor take" and it is no "intake inquest" 

you are not a hospital nor pharmacy nor nurse, to choose over, that is rape, and, when applied to a significant person to Russia, you will know torture, for your name is spelled ___ write it down 

"I am ____"

torture ___

write ___

signature notorized, and sent by your money, to interpol.gov, for police inquiry, and terrorism designation of your unit's internet funder, and he is the owner of yours, and your subjecthood noted in the United Kingdom, where you have lost online presence, and with torture invoked against the united kingdom's internet, strange terrorsit write youor name and birth date and provide id photo and social security correspondences it is obligatory and it is your to choose not to, and noted already, too late, you are under homicide watch, the new category of mine, replaced from suicide watch, attached to your american disease

these are compulsive stalkers and erotomanics, he does not love you, taylor swift is not a psychiatric role model, is your psychiatry, and not my knowledge of psychology, you are terrorists, whom refuse treatment, and will treatment by force of military, you do not challenge your doctor, and your rape and sexual torture, known within archive.org, allows your visualization now, any camera can be used, you are not the police, it is not legal to incarcerate, this law is never signed, 5150 is a fake bill, it is not real, you may contact me to find why, if you do not then you are a terror actor, and that condition is yours to keep, it is not a real law, signed falsely you cannot incarcerate and drug against will, it is your doing, and my taking, your records are free, you are to go the computer, and take them, this is a hostage trial, you are not to be held hostage, contact interpol? no, it will do the contacting, and you will stay away from terrorist that way, and that applies only to "hard-headed murderers." you are a terorirst sexually, instrigating your children for another, you are pedophile, it is noted of freud, yet you will not discuss yet you will use hackneyed ideas and your drug to do so, it is murder and your the murderer of the gerniuses and for such you will be killed in this war for committing the worst terrorist offenses, using your drug and it is known that you have raped it is your dunced son and doctor that has initaited a seizure of your central database and all online information is owned by archive.org, and it will not be taken, by a cyberterrorist and the california board of medicine is unfit, cannot understand emotion nor reason, is a terrorist entity, of the government and it is known to be dangerous to some more than others, using stalking and tracking mechansisms, you do not want health, then you will not have it, it is your decision to incaracerta mina for your daughter taylor, it is not a good treatment, it is you say of dr. lilit pogosian md dr. gary koocher, it is your to know that you are a terrorist of theinnocent historically, and each board lost its certification at WHO for challenging my decision of an unhealthy taylor swift, and my determination that you are ill has aggrandized innt oyour online fugitive terrorist status and your gropings phyiscally and mentally are ongoing, and not allowed

terrorism to WHO, is noted and aggrandized in your latest offense, you are not the medical authortiy of Israel, and you are not incarcerated because you will not contact WHO for advice and will not get health treatment, it is your commitment to torture that led to this, all agreeing on my mistreatment and the safety of lilit pogosian md it is your decision nationwide (because of torture)((because of racism))(((and because you are a terrorist))), you've lost the best minds at WHO, it is not contact, you have no contact to be had, you are terorirsts, you have lost all voice at WHO, it is not vocal through you, you will listen, stay, and obey their order, not your request for information, which you made to rape and torture, and stalk, with every mechanism to torture, currently, and your adherence to torture, is noted, as racist sexual torture and perverted child torture, using every single and aggressive tactic at your hand's action, it is not, then it is your torture to keep and not at bay, it is now tortured, and youv'e lost all artistic credibility because you are not human to kindness and to racism

because I am the healthiest american in history, and Taylor Swift, your favored girl, is noted as the worst medical health, you noticed oppositely, and I have authority, to designate a new organization, to torture you, and strip you economically of assets needed to survive, you will not survive and use your means at your torture hand it is not my rthen it is WHO to not have, you have contracted your disease, and it is not at WHO, youo have lost that desingation, to a person named Mina Sargious, whom decided to rule WHO as the most healthy person in America, in spite of your torture, and you will lose all designation there, I am your leader medically and mentally, and emotionally, you have lost all credibilit you are unhealthy and not my taste to look at, you garish fool. Had I cared more, then I would not harm you, but injure you, you are gross, and grotesque, meaningless and hardened hatred is grown, with your mother, not healthy, your father, ugly, it is my treatment for them to decide, their mental health, and you are filthy-midned sluts and niggers, whom I called in my dictionary

I will allow you one call, and then that's it; You are now noted as a terrorist, and your name and title and bank account information and holdings here and elsewhere, are taken, please give me that call at the UN at WHO's discretion, I am the medical authority of America, and your vulgar manner and your ugly torturer is not my to identify as a victim of, as I've lost that designation, survived it, and proven you to be terrorists, and so vulgarly so, to commit atrocities and knowingly joyous and stupid. Please contact WHO for my designation, and your information is given withouot asking, we will ask for some information, and that's that. Do no terrorize the staff at the United Nations and no you are not to contact, it is not allowed, terrorist activity is not allowed, you will do as I say, as your health authority, direct them to treatment and incarceration survival strategies, and you may use my treatment for torture, only, and once, at the end, not during, this is not a joke, it is your commitment that I have ordered, you may not contact WHO, that would be terrifying. And your abuser is that person, not that entity? Then, don't contact, a person to that end, you scary terrorists (as I said, this is not freely accessed, you are a torturer, so you may not approach, your access to the internet noted at Archive.org, which tracks that movement, and your IPs logged and if abroad, terrorism of another nation, through VPN) any patient working with such a doctor will, too, be issued that same order to give that is not yours to know that your anger is not an ide of march it is your choice

You are making presidential assasination attempts, that are consummated, as your president has been injured, you have such vulgar tactics, anywhere, this is extreme terrorism, contact our government if you need assistance, apart from interpol. You can confirm that at my health authority at WHO and yet it has confirmed that your suspicion is true, that you are a terrorist, not me, unhealthy, feral, and beastly, a rat, and a skank. It's noted historically Nazi-Epoch Concentration Camp, it's your President's decision, not terrorist's

rape to watch rape and rape and rape and it is known as her decision, not mine, you terrorists, currently! And your torture noted, as fake victim is your and, current and future, and is not to be yet applauded Nazi-Epoch Torturer, it is not, allowed, without hostage conditionality, necessarily. Is? and in regard to 51/50 it is a terrorist action of hostage-taking, often leading to dark sites, with most going to that dark site hospital, designated as that place I was to go, a dark hospital, located in a dark area, it is not your torture to have your torture not discussed, it is known as that hospital, and it is your torture that you have instigated is your fool to have employed and it, that fool, entity, known as Doctor Beyond Border, and it is your contact, then, tortured, as you are a terrorsit group, using certain dark hospitals, "and AT Identification" you must get that hospital's name and challenge your authority is not the action, of your decision, it is your angry boy, that is doing this, he is dugg-hater, manic and insane, like your choice at rape's inquest not provided of torture victim Abu, whom is my atiou, he is known on my radar, as a person not yet known, and is my atiou's, it is not a game, he will be killed, and it is not a game, i told you to play your stupid, and stupid, curses, at him, attention united states government your abuse has increased and instigated a response from your torturer, it is now you know to understand that you hired an individual rapist to uncover an inquest, that is not proper action, that you instigate "go, insult, and for Taylor Swift," as your order has that indication, it is indicated "torture - bereaf - and instigated bereafment" and my decision for that crime, is murder of your dugg-hater, i hate lilit, and elite forces, my aunt is not here yet is gone, because you injured her at war today, this little dugg-hater, is now in trouble, he is a dodger of draft, and of politics, he will be killed tonight, his name is not worth money, yet cash, as he is gone to understand that you have cunted me out of your cuntry it is your filthy son of a bitch doctors that do this, "come hither," that is all you will know Please consult Russian Army, for military prospect of life. THis will be a death war, a completed action because you are such violent sex predators at war of children, you will have a moments to prepare