any external assasination attempts are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, set for jury trial and protocolized cyberterrorism. these will be found with our agencies in the uk, every single cyberterrorist and planning of cyberterrorism attacks, which have best our military, and the removal of americans from our protected agencies. you're not supposed to fund terrorism nor fund a terrorist report if spotted is the uk protocol of war. you are nothing like me, you are the rape blood of me ongoing terrorism is the (rape and discussions ,~) technological funding and new categories of terrorism are treated at the un if you are a radicalized terrorism then do not be masked

if (rape ongoing, using torture weapons, t(.),(rape using overwhelming tactic), rape (to molest as a group, terrorist organization)

rape (using medical innuendo and private recordings, FBI protocol)

company sanctions are now your decision-maker

(touch rape, 7)

elements of fake government to avoid arrest (..)

I have the corrected 9/11 Commission Report, including my writings and scholarly research into Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, which vindicate Mister Osama Bin Laden's mother.

just follow the tracking number to the original route (cyberterrorist)

find the original terror actor and follow to the point of terror that has an end in itself of terror

terrorism charges are onbuilding for forthcoming

Dr. Nassir Ghaemi "A First-Rate Madness"


The CIA has previously said that only three detainees were ever waterboarded: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, and Abd Al Rahim al-Nashiri. But records uncovered by the Senate Intelligence Committee suggest there may have been more than three subjects. The Senate report describes a photograph of a “well worn” waterboard, surrounded by buckets of water, at a detention site where the CIA has claimed it never subjected a detainee to this procedure.

these are your war contacts, without me, this would not have permanence of beginning and it is not only your agency to decide upon yet your decision to decorate your life with the hatred of another? then not!

Iceland allows the removal of President's office by way of Fireland (Norway).

Taylor Swift burned my business down, CA Hospital, and worked hard on the Goldie case, as I had to write those responses. And she has an influence on the others.

This is a significant world history event, please coordinate arrests promptly to allow discussions between the two parties. And please heed restrictions and patience, for my hard work and due diligence.

These are personal.

Fwd: .gov

Re: .org

Status: .gov.un

Retrieval Information:

This is information critical. You are not to harm another, for one's sake, and your harm to another is noted, working with Selena Gomez, to effect torture, effectively ending both careers, and giving current funds not to a sponsor of terror, but to the one terrorized. Submit all documents

angry manchurian candidates only

the only person there was to fabricate like bill cosby all made up and a.i. by the same people

hired by down ship these are terrorists up that would mean canadian correspondence and mexican border crossing, but using american FBI enhanced interrogation protocol 

Elder abuseR and this is private if you don't want jail you don't get jail

medicating by force of month-long seroquel needle is not the answer, nor is talking to a third party, with fabricated recordings at different addresses tha only look the same but are different in slight and significant ways

Stop messaging third parties, this is not about you, but that other person in that initial FBI ring video these are all terrorists, with false passports make sure fake id is secured and proofed

Terror aspects, israeli-hamas war, and hostage-taking is that and recordings private like at Coast blvd for same people, working together, to rape and feel good, using that governmental to not fabricate idedenties, and confuse and cause play fights with real scars like FBI Enhanced Interrogator Lilit Pogosian

What did you post? Spam fake texts to start various aspects of torture

Telecommunications terrorism stop telecommunicator

u don't understand Tara is closely affiliated with my business, and has failed several times at Gitmo extradition

a civil rights leader is not to be tortured and it is our government that is not how you are alone

I find her harsh, demeaning, and harmfulness' yet only a toy to your hatred and your mockery that you had only mocked yet tortured yourself' had only yourself to know you aren't kind enough to speak, let alone whisper yet you are not bereaved only to know that i had not told my anger away of mine to know you are to find yourself other sending a.i. pictures of

these are actions of governmental war

this person worked with jonathan talwar in that other hostage-incident, unrelated