
...and where they fit into the game currently

To be clear, I do not advocate investing anything into Alts at this point of the game. You should probably start out as a Stellar Hunter (SH) or multijob to one so you can do all your farming on your main character. In anycase you may still want to make your alt your farmer and if that's the case there is info on this below.

What is the main purpose of alts today?

At this stage of the game alts are used to complete daily board quests and sell items on the exchange. Each alt has 8 slots to sell things on the exchange with and both of your alts should be rolled as blacksmiths. Over time you amass enough job exp pots to level them to whitesmith, increasing the number of exchange slots to 13 and providing a 90% return on exchange fees for items that do not sell once you place points into the appropriate skills.

Since combat time is shared you should not be farming on your alts unless you have a real good reason. One such reason may be that your main character is a terrible farmer. What would I consider to be a terrible farmer?

  • Any class that has to run into melee range to kill the monster, wasting time running between mobs

  • Classes that use single target skills that activate once per second

A decent farming class has skills that can occasionally kill more than one mob per second but a great farming class is not constrained by skill cooldowns. This is what sets ranged auto attack builds apart from the others since they can shoot more than once per second and spend less time running from mob to mob due to range.

Alt Class Selection

If you insist on making an alt then it should share the damage type of your main. Since adventure handbook stats are shared this is very convenient so increases to atk or matk affect both classes so you don't have to split your funds between raising both stats when your main may only need MATK. Another perk of this is that some of the gear should be useful to both classes so you can pass the gear between them to save you from spending additional zeny on your alt unless absolutely necessary.

The most common classes for alt farming on brand new accounts are usually Blacksmith or Wizard for two reasons. They both have Area of Effect (AoE) skills and there are a few mobs between levels 40 and 80 that spawn in the same exact location in groups of three every few seconds. This allows you to stand still using the Stay Alert adventure skill and kill 3-4 enemies every 3 seconds. This is a low effort grind and your alt can quickly become strong enough to do this without consuming any buffs.

The issue with the two farmers above when they start to get into the 80's and 90's mobs become spread out and AoE skills are no longer reliable for multi kills. Wizard can eventually switch to Chain Lightning but this needs heavy investment to keep going. To avoid this you'll have to come to terms with deleting your alt every few months to avoid major penalties to your drop rate.

If you really want to take your alt further and don't want to delete them then consider making an archer and working your way up to Stellar Hunter if you're adamant about not wanting to multijob for it. You'll probably waste a hundred million zeny or so on that road that could have been invested in your main but eventually it will make a ton of zeny for you and is well worth the expense.


  • Avoid quests, they give you huge exp boosts, quickly increasing the level cap adding drop rate penalties, defeating the purpose of your alt

  • Use buffs if you have to in order to one shot

  • When drops feel awful and you're forced to move on but cannot one shot stronger enemies then it's time to delete that character!

    • Before you delete your alt make sure you transfer all your materials to your main character!

    • Don't forget your pet!

    • Deletion takes 48 hours and you can log into that character again to cancel this process anytime before then

What do I farm with my alt?

Most older guides will suggest farming steam goblins until level 60 then leaving for Orcs. These are great targets for a newbie that can easily be one shot. These guides are also severely outdated. You no longer have to leave at 60 and can stay for much, much longer without being penalized. With the penalty capped at 50% when you're 71 levels over you could stay here for a long, long time if you can't handle tougher mobs. You'll probably want to delete and reroll when you hit a 70% penalty if you're so inclined which is about 61 levels over the mob.

The general farm path in most guides for alts is usually as follows:

  • Lv. 1-40: Use exp potions or farm something you can one shot that drops a card you do not have the unlock for

  • Lv. 40+: Steam Goblins

  • Lv. 70+: Orc Archers & Orc Warriors, or Kobolds

  • Lv. 80+: Anolian, Sting, things in the Culvert

Mobs beyond this point no longer spawn in packs and are spread out like crazy making most AoE skills terrible on auto. This is where SH and other auto attack class builds begin to shine for zeny farming. This means these AoE alts are only really good up through the Culvert and even then, culvert mobs may spawn in packs but they are spread out so blacksmiths cannot farm there with stay alert since spawn patterns are unpredictable.

Moving into those Tougher Targets

As mentioned above you can move onto Orcs around level 70 but they are very tough for new players to one-shot. Don't be afraid to stay at steam goblins, their loot is honestly better anyway and the zeny difference is tiny. The boosts your main character received through the catch up systems are not account wide so your alt doesn't have all that extra power through guild praying and Aesir monument so you may have to invest in more gear This is a great time to review the Cheap Adventure Handbook deposits article since these are account wide stat gains. As long as your alt shares the same damage type (physical or magical) then these stat boosts help both characters.

Even with good adventure handbook progress your alt is probably going to need to invest in cards, gear with type advantages, and more buffs as they are a necessity at this point if you want to one shot these things as they have significantly more health and defense.

As for moving beyond orcs to level 80+ mobs, this is a completely different matter since there are major changes to mob placement don't lend themselves to the standard alt builds. Mobs no longer spawn in the same spots anymore and are often spread out across larger areas. This means the standard alt builds for Blacksmith and Wizard that rely on stay alert are completely shut down, especially hammer fall since you have to be in melee range to use it.

Even if you find a way to kill tougher mobs they are so spread out that you're mostly going to be killing one at a time due to how spread out they are. You'll only be making another 5-10 zeny per kill compared to just staying at Orcs/Kobolds where you score 3 kills every skill use. This is why most alts stop at Orcs and Kobolds.

Advanced Alts for Established Players

The mobs you're been farming up until now most likely drop Coal, Abyss Flowers, Glass Beads, and other things priced at 200z or some minimum price. Since everyone is farming these things on their alts they are almost always at minimum value and as a new player this is ok because the raw zeny you're getting is most important, as well as any refinement materials you can farm up like Elunium and Oridecon which will sell. These are the best spots for new players to farm because you just don't have the power to farm much else using other builds without much more investment.

Once you're much, much stronger you may want to try an alternative build to mix it up a bit, something to farm either different mobs, or that can outperform the 3 kills per second the other alts have been getting.


Utilizes plants that act like turrets to kill mobs all throughout the area allowing you to farm multiple packs at once

    • Requires you to hit second job (around 70) to even start farming since this is when you unlock Hell Plant making this a terrible choice for an alt for a new player

    • Requires you to hit third job (around 100+) to unlock Demonic Fire, another tool to increase your kill count

    • Can place two Hell Plant's by default, with a third unlocked after some Aesir Monument investment, costing you gold medals

    • Can place up to three Demonic Fire pools that damage mobs that spawn in it causing them to run towards you

    • Requires you to spend zeny on crafting bottles, a reagent for summoning hell plants

      • You'll also want to use up two slots in your Ymir Book so you can respec between crafting and farming builds to reduce the cost of crafting bottles

    • Has the passive zeny gain bonus from Merchant, increasing income per kill

    • Has the passive zeny boost when selling all those junk gears to NPC's after a farming session

    • Requires you to either play actively or make macros in an emulator

      • Placement of Hell Plants and Demonic Fire is paramount to how quick you clear mobs

      • If you don't use macro's your income is unstable, likely wasting tons of bottles

    • Expensive to get off the ground due to low hell plant damage without heavy investment

Wizard Auto Attack

Utilizes a rune that has a chance to proc chain lightning on auto attack allowing for low level access to chain lightning

    • Requires that you roll a chain lightning rune with a good probability roll, RNG

      • The rune causes auto attacks to sometimes cast Chain Lightning Lv10, extremely powerful for low level characters

      • Probability range is from 1% to 15% on attack. Not having a high probability means this is not viable, do not use this build unless you roll 10% or higher otherwise you'll spend 30-40 seconds every minute doing nothing but extremely low auto attack damage, very wasteful

    • Requires unorthodox gear for a wizard, focused on attack speed for more procs but just enough MATK to one shot when it does cast

    • Chain lightning bounces from target to target, allowing it to excel both when mobs are in tight packs, and when they start spreading out

    • Adding cards to gear that cast other spells on hit may help when you're not getting chain lightning procs

Priest Shadow Wave

Utilizes a rune that gives you a new skill that behaves like chain lightning

    • Requires you to roll a Shadow Wave rune with a good damage percentage roll, RNG

      • Grants you a new spell, Shadow Wave, that is darkness based that bounces from target to target

      • Requires a good damage roll or it will feel extremely weak and will be worthless to farm with

    • Requires MATK gear investment

    • Shadow Wave bounces from target to target, allowing it to excel both when mobs are in tight packs, and when they start spreading out

    • Only deals 25% damage to undead, poison, and shadow mobs, many mobs in Glast Heim

    • Only a couple mobs in the game are weak to darkness, none of which are primary targets

TLDR; farm as efficiently as possible, creating alts if your main is a terrible farmer. This will significantly increase your zeny income and accelerate your growth.