MVP, World Bosses, and More!

What are MINI/MVP?

These are what boss mobs are called in Ragnarok.  Each type has its a slightly different mechanic to it but to summarize, these bosses drop unique loot and cards.  They respawn at certain times throughout the day and can be quite profitable.

These bosses do not spawn at a specific point on these maps they are in a random spot and teleport around so you'll find yourself using lots of fly wings to find them when you're hunting one down.

WARNING: Speaking strictly about MVP/MINI that roam around the open world, there are people and guilds that will threaten you if you kill "their" MVP and will mass report you until you are permanently banned since enough reports will auto-ban you and these people know how to abuse this.  If you get messages about stealing "their" boss several times and get threats this can easily escalate so best to just move to another channel or avoid this mob for a few months.

Some people really are obsessed and can't stand competition and will abuse any system they can to be "first".  Provoke these psychopaths at your own risk...

How to Find Them

To find a MINI/MVP or review its loot table, tap on the More Menu and select MVP.

Accessing the MINI/MVP List

This interface allows you to see every MINI, MVP, and RMVP and lets you review their loot tables and respawn times.  It even tells you what level they are and the zone where you can find them.

RMVP List (Top Left, 1st Option)

MVP List (Top Left, 2nd Option)

MINI List (Top Left, 3rd Option)

MINI Bosses

These bosses respawn quite often and can be seen on the minimap with a grey icon.  They are often much easier to kill than MVP's but they can only take so much damage at a time.  For example, each attack may only deal up to 5% of their health.  They cannot be one shot because of this, however it seems like whoever gets the first hit on a MINI gets all of the loot, even if someone else does most of the damage or performs the finishing blow.

MVP Bosses

These bosses respawn every two hours and can be seen on the minimap with a gold icon.  They can be much harder to kill than MINI's and have a unique loot system where the player with the most "Points" wins "MVP" status and is the only one who gets chances at the good loot.  This includes headwear blueprints and cards so people are VERY aggressive about this for certain MVP's.

Note that MVP's that you fight in other content such as Valhalla Ruins, Endless Tower, etc, don't work this way and instead, everyone in the party gets their own loot distribution.

The advantage of killing MVP's that are out in the world is that they can also drop ancient relic shards which is highly saught after, hence why people can be extremely aggressive about it.  Fortunately recent content, Void Realm, allows you to use Game Mode Time/ Combat Time to kill an MVP of your choice with a chance to get ancient relic shard or shard pieces from them.

RMVP Bosses

Revenant MVP (RMVP) bosses are undead versions of MVP's.  These have special spawn conditions and spawn much less often than regular MVP.  They offer unique rewards and cards that the normal MVP's don't have thus, are much harder to get your hands on.

Other than getting one to spawn out in the world you can kill up to four of these weekly in the instance Niflheim Purgatory so make sure you do this every week.

AMVP Bosses

Apacalypse MVP (AMVP) bosses are special versions of MVPs that only spawn twice a day at set times, 1PM EST and 11PM EST.  These are much stronger than regular MVP and have a special damage reduction that decreases the longer the fight goes on.  Every participant gets loot so the intention was to allow more people to show up so more people get loot, however people do so much damage now that many low level MVP can still be one shot.  The MVP still gets the chance at the best loot, but everyone that participates gets some good loot and boss materials from this.

These MVP have three times the drop rate and usually give everyone at least one boss material.  These replace normal MVP spawns when this happens so get out there and find some Apocalypse MVP's!

World Bosses

There are a couple world bosses that don't show up on the MINI/MVP list that are rather unique.  There are a couple older one I've skipped since they are outdated though I may come back at some point to add them such as the one in the Nifelheim area.

Dragon Skeleton

The first, Dragon Skeleton, spawns in Wasteland at the top left corner.  He respawns every two hours and when defeated everybody who engaged in the battle receives some wasteland materials, zeny, and maybe even some MVP/MINI materials.  If you're lucky you may even get his card!

He also drops (or used to drop) a box once a week that contains additional stuff.  This may have been changed and I haven't killed him in a very long time so I'll update this once I have confirmation.

Dragon Skeleton Spawn Location

Incantation Samurai

The second Louyang world boss can be found in Maple Leaf Famrita near the Top Left of the map, around the same area as the Dragon Skeleton in the Wasteland map.  He respawns every two hours and when defeated everybody who engaged in the battle receives some wasteland materials, zeny, and maybe even some MVP/MINI materials.  If you're lucky you may even get his card!

Incantation Samurai Spawn Location