Game Progression

Levels 50-60

Aesir Monument

At this point you should have  a yellow quest called "Aesir Monument".  Head to the NPC Orloum in Prontera City and you will receive some Contribution, Gold Medals, and the item Aesir Monument.

Aeisr Monument Quest NPC Orloum

Aesir Monument 

The Aesir Monument is another growth system that looks similar to the Final Fantasy 10 sphere grid.

To access this system open your inventory and use the Aesir Monument item.

You may spend Contribution to unlock nodes which grant stat bonuses.  You can also unlock special nodes which cost gold medals that augment abilities you already have or grant you entirely new abilities like the one shown here that gives the Doram class a turret ability.

This is an extremely important growth system that offers most classes over 1000 attack/mattack and several bonuses to existing skills.  Some of these skills are huge increases that will greatly help the leveling process.  Contribution and Gold Medals used by this system are obtained from the Contribution shop inside your guild.

For more details on this system read up on Aesir Monument.

Join a Guild

If you haven't already you need to join a guild.  This is one of the objectives in your extension topics and is the only place where you can access a few growth systems.

The most important facilities accessible through the guild include:

There are other facilities and features accessible through the guild.  For more on these read up on Guild and Facilities.

Lv 50 - Unlock Endless Tower

Once you reach base level 50 you should receive a green quest called "Endless Tower".  Head to Izlude and speak to the captain to be send to Endless Island.  Head up to the monument to finish the quest and unlock this instance.

This is a weekly instance that puts you against a 100 floor dungeon.  Every few floors you'll encounter MINI's and MVP's, with the number and difficulty increasing as you climb higher.  This provides you with several boss materials and equipment that will greatly boost your growth.  Unfortunately you won't climb high on your own, the monsters are too strong.  

Try to find a group to run this every week for a huge influx of materials and equipment.  For more on this instance read up on Endless Tower.

Lv 55 - Unlock Enchanting

Once you reach base level 55 you'll receive a quest called "Geffen's Crisis".  Head to Geffen to speak to this NPC to complete this quest and unlock enchanting.  You'll find the NPC at the top of Geffen near the equipment crafter.

Speak to Cat Friend to unlock Enchanting

This feature allows you to invest Mora Coins which you get from your daily assistant quests into your gear to provide enchantments.  You'll always receive at least three enchantments per attempt which boost three stats such as attack, hit points, defense, and many more stats.

If you're lucky you'll get a fourth enchant that provides a boost to a rare stat such as ignore defense, penetration, and several other rare stats.

Example Enchant on a Body Armor with +25 Atk and other stats

Example of a rare Fourth Enchant on a Backpiece

As you get more Mora Coins I encourage you to enchant your gear and try to get at least 20 attack/mattack on each piece of gear before trying to roll higher values.  With 12 slots to enchant 20 attack in each slot is a whopping 240 attack, a huge chunk of raw power for a new player.  Once you've got some decent rolls in each slot feel free to try for better ones as gear caps at 40 and headwear at 60 attack/mattack.

For more on this feature read up on Enchanting

Drop Rate and Exp Penalties

Just a quick reminder that drop rate penalties kick in once you're 31 levels over the monster you're farming.  Furthermore, these penalties are not that bad at first so continuing to farm the same monster until you're 51 or even 71 levels over is perfectly fine.

I bring this up because by now you should hopefully be able to one shot at least one of the targets listed in the daily routines sections at the bottom of each page.  Moving on to tougher mobs only adds a few zeny per kill.  If it takes you 2-3 times the hits to kill it you're cutting your profit by half or down to one-third.

Always one shot monsters!  Right now pushing onward in levels is your primary goal but farming zeny is everything and pretty soon you're going to need quite a bit of zeny to invest in your first +10 weapon, something you'll probably want to obtain by the time you reach level 100.  This is far away right now but is closer than you think.

For a closer look at drop rate tables read up on Combat Time.

Farming Tougher Monsters

You've probably tried fighting some of these other monsters and feel very close to one shotting them.  You'll find as you push higher and reach the 70's and 80's that attempting to kill monsters around those levels looks like it would take a massive investment.  Orcs is a great example of this as jobs that are not geared for this and don't use appropriate buffs takes 7-8 hits to kill these monsters without them.

It is imperative that you read up on General Farming Tips to get a solid understanding of buffs, how to use them, and how to take advantage of elemental, racial, and size modifiers as you move forward.  Monster HP is going to explode as you get higher making it tougher and tougher to one shot anything new.

Later when we reach the 70's I will outline a series of cards to invest in but for now they really aren't needed when you can continue to stay at goblins for the time being to save up for a good weapon.

Continue Following the Main Questline

Continue with the main story quest.

Daily Routine

Weekly Tasks up to this point (reset is on Monday at 7am EST):

Daily Tasks

Targets for Daily Combat Time