Echoing Corridor

This is a 6 man weekly dungeon that consists of 60 floors that unlocks at base level 70.  Don't let the level requirement fool you though.  This content was recently reworked to now offer both a Warrior and Elite difficulty mode, with warrior accessible at much lower levels.  

There is no quest to complete to enter this dungeon.  Once you meet the level requirements just head to Prontera to the spot shown below and speak to Zanana to get started.

You really want to clear this on Elite every week though so find a group to clear this each week.  Elite is very difficult so you'll need very strong friends to clear this.

Of course you may tackle this alone and bring in your mercenary cats if you're strong enough.  No matter how you go about it this content allows you to farm up light extract crystals for oracle mirror buffs and glittering star runes for fourth job abilities.  These are important for mid/end game.

Weekly & One-Time Rewards

This dungeon provides you with both weekly, and one-time rewards for each floor.  See the table below for a complete list of rewards.

The main reason to clear this every week is for Brave Holy Emblem's.  You can use these from your currency list to open up a shop to buy Glittering Star Runes (4th job runes) and Light Extract Crystals (oracle mirror buffs).  You can also use this to buy Book's of Origin (4th job breakthrough) and other stuff if you need it.

When doing the weekly clear on floors 31-40, 41-50, or 51-60 there's a chance that you'll get either a Combustible Knife or a Stick of Wicked Thought.  These are rare equipment's used to extract powerful pen buffs at high refine (good luck getting it refined though) so this can be an influx of zeny or a long term goal.

Getting Started

You can find this instance in the Instance menu under Echoing Corridor.  Weekly clears only count the first ten floors you clear so make sure your group starts as high as possible for the best weekly rewards.  

The NPC Zahana will be in the first room on every floor.  Speaking to this NPC will allow you to save progressProgress may be loaded anytime when you re-enter the instance so use this to retry a floor until you can beat it rather than starting over.

Loading Save Files

When the party leader selects Echoing Corridor from the instance menu they will have to click on the Load Progress button at the top right.  This will display your saved runs for the week.  Load the most recent run to continue where you last saved.  There is no limit to how many times you can re-load your save so keep trying until you win!

Every week these save slots are erased so be sure to complete your weekly before the Monday morning reset.

Mechanics Overview

Each floor contains 9 rooms and starts you in a random room with the save NPC.  There are seven room types you can encounter and the same rooms will always spawn on every floor, but their positions are completely random.  Each room contains an icon indicating the type of room it is.  You can teleport to rooms you've already been in by opening the minimap and tapping the room you wish to go to as long as you're not engaged in the current room.

As you clear out rooms you'll win coins which are spent on various items, some which provide passive bonuses to the entire party, and others that provide one-time effects such as heals, transformations, or teleports.  Starting from floor one you have zero coins but starting from a higher floor will provide you with coins at the start allowing you to purchase items as soon as you find your first shop.  This will become very important as you attempt higher floors.

Your objective on each floor is to find the exit portal and gather enough keys to use it and move onto the next floor.  Floors 1-30 require 2 keys to proceed but floors 31-60 require 3 keys to proceed.  The status bar on the right side of this screen breaks down your current floor, coins, keys, and revive count.  

Yes, the party can only use ten revives total every ten floors.  This means you can't just bring a bard to revive endlessly, you'll run out.  However, if you make it to the next floor and other party members have died, save progress and leave the dungeon.  When you re-enter everyone will be alive on this new floor without using any revives.

Finally, some sad news... pets are not active in this dungeon and you cannot use your own consumables.  This means any potions, panacea, or other items must be used from the temporary item left on the right side which is shared with your party.  Skill users will really enjoy a Marduk card in their headwear since silence can be a big problem because of this.  Yes, this is going to get rough...

Example map with two rooms uncovered

Dungeon status and temporary items pane

Starting Items

At the start of the run you'll always start out with 3 Osteocusis Chip's (instantly escape a boss room), 1 Holy Bottle (rechargeable healing potion), and coins depending on what floor you start at.  The coin allotment is as follows:

Room Types

Every floor has always has the following nine rooms:

Save Room

NPC lets you save your progress when you first enter, however you cannot save again once you leave this room until the next floor.

Exit Room

Has the portal to the next floor but requires keys to use it.  The location of this room is always shown on the minimap.

Rest Room

This room allows you to change jobs in it if you are so inclined and provides a fountain that recharges your Holy Bottle.

Secret Shop Room

An NPC is in this room that will exchange your coins for temporary items that help you with the dungeon

2 Mob Room's

Has one or more packs of mobs with special modifiers that must all be killed to processed, gives you one key and coins when cleared

2 MINI/MVP Room's

Fight at least one MVP/MINI boss and a pack of mobs to win coins and a key.

Tarot Card Room

Has an NPC that will allow you to select 1 of 3 tarot cards.  These cards have various effects ranging from buffs, monster spawns that grant you a key, debuffs that grant you a key, and long term items.

Example of  cards drawn in a Tarot Card Room
Select a card to invoke its effect

Example of a "Mob" Room with Cursed marionettes
Kill the monsters to proceed

Example of a "Save" Room
Speak with Zahana and pick Save Progress to Save

Tarot Card Rooms

The NPC at the center of the room will offer you three tarot cards to choose from.  If you don't like your choices you can spend coins to draw another three cards.  Once you're happy with the ones shown the NPC will shuffle them and you'll choose one.  If you don't like the one you drew you can spend coins to throw it out and choose again.

Tarot cards may grant one of the following:

Any coins spent and cards drawn are saved to your file, even if you wipe.  You can no longer reload floors until you get what you want so be mindful.  The tarot card effect will return to you once you find the Tarot Card room again if you wiped.

Mob Rooms

Mob rooms contain one or more packs of mobs, each with a special modifier.  These rooms can be much more dangerous than MVP/MINI rooms if they have certain combinations of modifiers, such as a room with Stare and Cobweb.  Floors 1-10 only have one type of mob/modifier per floor but the number of mob packs increases on floors 20 and 30 up to 3 types of mobs.

There are a lot of modifiers and thankfully, they aren't all available from floor 1.  As you push further into the corridor you'll start encountering new modifiers and awful combinations to deal with.  Modifiers that mobs can have include:

MVP / MINI Rooms

These rooms spawns MINI and/or MVP mob that you must kill to receive some coins and a key.  On floors 1-30 only one boss spawns but on higher floors more than one will spawn making things much tougher.  At least you can pull them one by one here but they will still be very tough.

Boss rooms no longer have traps in effect but a pack of mobs spawn in with the boss that have affixes and could cause serious trouble for your group.

Secret Shop NPC

Items purhcased from the Secret Shop NPC go into your parties temporary item inventory as shown at the start of this page.  Many items are one-time use so make sure you coordinate this with your team so you don't use up things you may need later.

Several of these items provide passive buffs to the party just for being in your temporary inventory.  Items like the Piggy Bank passively increase coin gain per room, or the double edge sword which increases the damage the party both receives & deals can be invaluable in the long run.  Be mindful of this as you progress through the dungeon and spend your coins, not all items are one-time use.

You may also press the "Re" button at the top and spend ten coins to roll another set of items for sale.  This is useful to accumulate a bunch of maps or Valkyrie scrolls as you push further into this dungeon and these things become more necessary to progress.  However, you may only reroll these items 5 times since this last patch. Furthermore, any coins spent are automatically saved to your file so be mindful of this.

Example Items

Broaden Horizon (50 coins)

Reveals the map for the current floor.  Great for your final few floors, especially if you have excess coins since you can tap any room to teleport there.

Osteoacusis Chip (50 coins)

Use to escape a boss room.  Great if you've walked into a MVP room to find something your party is not prepared to deal with.

Sublimation - Valkyrie (300 coins)

Transform into a Valkyrie for 20 seconds that uses an attack that increases with successive uses that deals big damage.  Important for speeding up runs and killing really tough bosses.

Ultimate Gloves (200 coins)

Passively doubles the damage of your next attack every 15 seconds.  Each additional pair of these gloves that you obtain reduces this delay by a second, down to just 5 seconds with 10 pairs of Ultimate Gloves.

Surprise Giftbox (200 coins)

Increases the number of items in the Secret Shop  by 1 and can be stacked for up to 3 additional items.  Having a few of these makes it easier to find what you need when you refresh the shop

Piggy Bank (200 coins)

Passively increased the number of coins obtained by 2 and stacks up to 5 times.

Final Thoughts

Alone this is an extremely difficult dungeon, especially if you want to climb into the higher floors every week.  RNG is your enemy and will be a burden here.  As it stands right now most people can't handle a single hit from MVP’s at a certain point in the dungeon, things start to become crazy hard in the 30's and it only gets worse.

For new players, you will not be making much progress here on a boosted character without help and even then, you'll be re-entering several times until you get some good RNG to get through this.  There are first clear bonuses for every floor that are completely worth doing since you will receive a large amount of Brave Holy Emblem's to spend every week until you get much stronger.

I’m able to solo floors 1-30 myself on Arcane Master who has some decent gear and solid deposits but many of the MVPs are just awful.  Monster packs can easily be worse than MVP's if they have the right modifiers though so be ready for anything.  When I clear 21-30 now I tend to get a shield stone (500+k shield for 15 sec) and maps then just focus on mob rooms.  In some ways things were nerfed but honestly, bosses are just that much harder, at least for me.

Here is a link to a guide that shows how you can clear bosses on higher floors prior to the last patch.  When starting out in EC this is not viable since valk scrolls just cost too much on early levels but honestly, due to the cost of valk scrolls now being 300 instead of 50 this may no longer be a viable strat on early floors.

Guide to Echoing Corridor using Maps and Valkyrie's

The RNG makes this feel awful sometimes so it’s unfortunate that we have to do this as F2P to get our star runes and extract crystals for the oracle mirror.  Thankfully recent patches have made floors 1-30 much easier and fixed issues with mobs instantly spawning on top of you but it's still rough.  I highly advise you to find someone strong to get you through you first clears just for the one time rewards.