Ponape Museum

Come get your ancient equipment!

The Ponape Museum is a 6-man instance for players that are at least base level 120 that may be run weekly that features a Brave difficulty, and a new Legend difficulty. You may receive rewards from either Brave or Legend mode, and can also receive loot from Novice mode for a little extra zeny.

Entry into this dungeon can be found in Comodo by speaking to Captain Hachi.

This instance requires you to defeat 3 bosses, each one dropping various loot that leads to the acquisition of Body Armor and Offhand Ancient Equipment. You may only get drops from each boss once per week regardless of which difficulty you completed. So if you completed the first boss on Brave difficulty, the first boss on Legend will not drop anything. You can switch between difficulties to kill bosses you haven't completed yet but will only receive rewards for the difficulty that boss was defeated on.

Ancient Equipment, the new equipment obtained from this instance, serves as a cheaper alternative to existing gear that rolls a bonus stat that in some cases makes this gear vastly stronger than what exists today. That makes this instance appealing to both new and old players.

Example of Offhand that rolled Ignore MDef 30%

Example of Armor that rolled MPen +10%

Exapmle of offhand that rolled Max HP +12%

Which random attributes varies by piece of gear. For example, the Devil Skull above may roll Ignore MDef but not MPen like the Dreameater's Disguise. Each piece of gear has exactly one unique stat, then several other stats that may be less favorable that all gear in that slot may roll. For example, the Max HP roll on the Dragonbone Shield above may be rolled on any offhand but if I got lucky I would have rolled Dmg Increase instead, it's unique attribute.

The best way to know which pieces to aim for is to skim through Miss Maven's ancient gear comparison video which outlines the stats on ancient gear and also compares it to equivalent gear that you can buy off of the exchange today to help you decide when you've obtained a piece of gear to replace what you've got today.

I could have transcribed all of this but I didn't want to steal her content so please give her some credit and skim through to the gear you're most interested in.

As for bosses, details on them can be found in the Traveler's Notes, the Brown Book in your inventory. I'm not going to dive into them here sadly, there are plenty of videos on each boss. Perhaps in the future I'll add this...

Killing each boss provides you with some random drops based on the list below. These rewards will be either Blue Quality if you've cleared them on Brave Mode, or Purple Quality if you've cleared bosses on Legend Mode. The only difference between gear of blue and purple quality is that purple quality has an additional random attribute line that always contains PvP damage received reduction. This means that if you're not into PvP you never need to run Legend difficulty so no worries!

Rewards include:

  • Warrior Military Reward Box

    • Shows you three pieces of ancient equipment and allows you to select one of them

    • May not be listed on the Exchange

  • Military Exploit Chest

    • Provides you with a random piece of Ancient Equipment

    • This box may be listed on the Exchange

  • Prehistoric Brand Currency

    • A currency used to purchase any Body Armor or Offhand Ancient Equipment of your choice for 80 Prehistoric Brands

    • Any unwanted ancient equipment may be salvaged using the Stove in Prontera which will give you 4 Prehistoric Brands

  • Hearth Ash

    • Used to repair or slot ancient equipment body armor and offhand

  • Zeny

You may also use Lucky Coins for additional loot which is highly advised until you get a few good pieces of gear.

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