
Reaching second job unlocks the ability to Multijob. This is accessed by tapping on your More menu at the top right, then selecting "Class" from the list. The icon shown here is always the icon for your current class so in the case of the example below, I'm on a hunter so a bow and arrow is shown.

Accesing the Class interface

In the example below, this character started off as an Archer and became a Hunter. You’re allowed to unlock the alternate job of the base class you started as for 500,000 zeny. If I wanted I could spend 500k to unlock Dancer as well. Once unlocked you can switch between them freely for 10,000 zeny.

Example class interface for "Hunter"

Example class interface for "Dancer" which has not been unlocked yet

Free Job Change Vouchers

Any other class you want to unlock outside of your starting base job will have to be unlocked with either BCC or a job change voucher. Yes, the alternate job unlock for 500k zeny only applies to the base class you took to second job. This means if you started off as a class that does not have an alternate path such as Doram, Ninja, Gunslinger, etc, then you do NOT get a second class for 500k and must either unlock via free job change vouchers or spend real money.

Each non-collab class rewards you with one job change voucher for clearing brave difficulty on either Ponape Museum or Lost Isle. The dungeon depends on which class you're playing. You can do this for every job on the list so with enough time and effort you can unlock every non-collab job for free! Here is a list of dungeons and classes that reward a job change voucher for clearning that dungeon:

  • Ponape Museum

    • Divine Avenger (Crusader)

    • Begetter (Alchemist)

    • Solar Trouvere (Bard)

    • Dragon Fist (Monk)

    • Spirit Whisperer (Doram)

    • Chronomancer (Sage)

    • Phantom Dancer (Rogue)

    • Luna Danseuse (Dancer)

    • Tyrant (Gunner)

    • Apocalypse (Taikwon)

  • Lost Isle

    • Runemaster (Knight)

    • Lightbringer (Blacksmith)

    • Soul Binder (Soul Linker)

    • Saint (Priest)

    • Arcane Master (Wizard)

    • Blade Soul (Assassin)

    • Stellar Hunter (Hunter)

    • Shadow Wolf (Ninja)

    • Novice Guardian (NoGu)

if you're impatient or just starting out and really want to play another job you'll have to pay 88 BCC to unlock a class immediately if you don't want to wait until you reach base level 150.

Also, if you purchase/unlock another job that does have an alternate path you can't switch to it for 500k zeny. You have to use a voucher or spend BCC on each path. For example, if I purchase Knight on this character for 88 BCC I will still have to spend another 88 BCC to unlock Crusader too.

Benefits of Multijob

So why would you want to multijob?

  • Your base level stays the same when you switch jobs

      • This means new jobs have to kill higher level enemies for full exp and drops which can be problematic without gear

  • Each job has its own job levels, but share the base job level

      • If your base job was a ranger and you unlock bard, you start off as a level 40 archer and can start the bard quest immediately since archer had already reached 40 in order to unlock the ranger quest

      • If your base job was ranger and you unlock a knight, you start off as a level 1 swordsman and need to reach job level 40 as swordsman to undertake the knight quest since you’ve never leveled a swordsman before

  • All accumulated aesir monument contribution and gold medals is available for all jobs

      • Yes, this means you don't need a new set of medals and contributions for each job.

      • Jobs that really need Aesir progress start out strong since you already have these available to spend

  • Praying card packs stay allocated, the effects are character wide and no, they cannot be set differently for each job, the allocation for each job is identical

  • Guild praying stays allocated, the effects are character wide

  • All accumulated Quicksand Time is available for all jobs

      • If you’ve maxed all skills on one fourth job then you can max them on your others now without having to farm more sand for the other jobs

  • Skill bars, Aesir monument, Rune Box, equipment, skill points, and even vanity is saved to each job so you can switch between them and head out into battle immediately without having to re-equip everything anytime you switch

  • Reaching second job and third job gives your character permanent base stats no matter what job you're playing at the moment

This example shows that I’ve unlocked stats from leveling the following:

  • +10 INT from High Wizard & Warlock

  • +10 DEX from Professor & Sorcerer

  • +4 DEX from Sniper

  • +10 VIT from High Priest and Archbishop

These stats are now in effect no matter what job I switch to. You can get a good 30-40 vit and 10-20 in many other stats just from multijob so you get something for your main if you level others and don't enjoy them.