New & Returning Players

Returning Players

If you’re a returning player that's wondering what might have changed then visit the Patch Notes section in the Appendix to see important changes since Ep 3.  As you skim through the guide I’ve included some comments to help players in other regions like EU that indicate when a change went live with brief comments on how these systems worked.

New Players

If you’re here and you’re new and chances are you’ve already taken a stab at this game and boosted a character but found that you're struggling to one shot equal level monsters, yet people around you are blowing up mobs with impunity and the damage they are dealing seems unfathomable.  All you can think is “pay to win all around me”.

I’ll try my best to set the stage for progression and to help you understand how to better grow your character.  In order to do so we’re going to have to set some expectations, including knowledge on how the core game systems work and what is expected of you if you intend to rain destruction upon your foes.

Each of the following subsections within expectations explain the various subsystems of the game to provide you with some insight on how things work, as well as provide recommendations for you as you dive deeper into this game.  There is a lot of ground to cover so by all means, skip past these sections and come back later when you're in the right mindset to learn more about a specific topic, we do dive fairly deep here for a new player.