Niflheim Purgatory

Revenant MVPs

Once you reach base leve 80 Niflheim Purgatory is unlocked through the Instance finder.  This is a weekly group instance that pits you against 4 Revenant MVP (RMVP) bosses.  These used to spawn in ET, Oracle Dungeon, and Valhalla Ruins in prior versions but now they're in one convenient zone.  You may enter by using the instance finder or by traveling to Niflheim and talking to Mors the Gloomy Minstrel.

You may queue up for 5 stages across two difficulties, either Warrior of Elite.  Each offers different bosses but you can only complete one of these per week so choose the one that drops the most valuable goods and hope you get lucky!

Make sure you’re in a strong group before you challenge these because if your group wipes you cannot challenge that boss again until next week.  These bosses can have some crazy mechanics so be ready for anything.

Revenant MVP bosses are undead so they are extremely weak to the fire and holy elements.  This is a great way to take advantage of priest's Aspersio spell which converts party members damage to Holy element.  

Avoid things that change the monsters element such as the Tidal Shoes set bonus since this may drop party damage significantly, especially since you're not geared for this as a new player and the rest of your parties damage cannot take advantage of the elemental change.