Game Progression

Levels 10-20

Understanding Equipment

After completing your job change you'll speak to Cenia following the main quest and will receive an Epic Spirit weapon.  While we're equipping this now is a good time to go over how you interact with items in your bag and what you do to upgrade equipment.

Open your bag and select your weapon.  Since I chose an Archer I started with an "Epic Spirit Beacons - Bow [2]".  If you picked another class your weapon will be different but work in the same way.  Whichever class you chose it will always be prefixed with "Epic Spirit".  Once selected notice the small dark circular icons near the top of the item.  If you swipe through the text of the item you'll also see these icons or other icons you haven't seen before on the item.  Tapping on any of these icons opens up their related interface, providing you with quick access to these features.

See the examples below to learn what each icon does when you tap it.  Note that I've also shown a material, "Feather", as well.


Displays a preview of what the equipment will look like while worn on your character

Tier Upgrades

Opens the interface to apply a "Tier" upgrade, improving your weapon and unlocking the next "Upgrade Attribute" line on your gear


Opens the refine interface to improve your gear.
You have not unlocked this feature yet so this button won't do anything now

Slot a Card

Inserts a card into this equipment.  Cards are not consumed in the process!


Marks the item as a "Favorite", stopping you from accidentally selling it.
You will only see this icon when your gear is unequipped!

In a recent patch swapping out cards no longer costs zeny, regardless of wether or not you have premium active!

First, let's talk about Tiering.  This new Epic Spirit weapon can be upgraded using the "Tier" system by using basic materials you will find while completing the main quest and farming various mobs.  To see what each tier gives you, select the weapon and scroll through the Upgrade Attribute section.  

You'll notice in the case of this bow that there are Five (V) tiers, and one final "End" tier.  This End upgrade turns this bow into a completely new weapon!  Although the base attack of this bow is only +60 Atk, all five of these tiers add another +180 for a total of +240 Atk, including some main stat bonuses and special modifiers like ignore defense and crit damage!

Let's select your weapon and tap on the Tier icon to bring up this interface.

Tier Up Interface

Tier Upgrades of the Epic Spirit Bow

The interface shows the materials you need for the next Tier and what bonuses you get for that upgrade.  In this case, the next tier will give me +45 Attack and +1 DEX.  From here you can also see where to obtain that item.  Tap on the material you want to find, then tap either the icon at the top of the item with the magnifying class on it, or the option "Inspect How to Obtain".  This shows you a list of each monster that drops it and where you can find them.  You can even tap on the blue arrow to travel right to that zone.

How to obtain items example

Even if you are missing materials you can just tap on the Level Up button anyway to bring up the buy menu to purchase this item from the exchange without even having to find an Exchange NPC.  This interface shows you how many are on the exchange and the cost to buy all of these items you are missing.  This allows you to quickly upgrade equipment without having to keep farming monsters or make trips to the exchange to buy materials one by one.

However, you will make much more money farming things you kill quickly, selling those materials on the exchange instead, then buying what you need with the fundsUnlike other games, farming your own materials in this game is almost always a serious waste of time!  Focus on making the most zeny and use that zeny to bankroll these upgrades.  You will progress much faster and get to things that make you several million zeny a day in no time!

For more on Upgrading Equipment read up on Equipment Systems though I will cover more features as they are unlocked and/or become relevant to your progression.


Continue to Follow the Main Questline

Now that you have your fancy new job, you can allocate one skill point so put it into something that sounds interesting or useful, put it on your skill bar or auto skill bar if it is an active skill, then continue to follow the main questline.

Stat Allocation

Your main stats will be reset so you can set them however you like.  You can assign them manually if you want but until you're familiar with your job or look at a guide it might be best to just use the builds suggested in game since their stat allocations are great for low levels.  You can access this by tapping your portrait at the top left then clicking on the "Builds" button at the bottom of the screen.

This will show a few builds that your job would use.  These are fairly accurate so feel free to go along with these for now.  You can reset your stat points and skill points for a bit of zeny so none of these choices are permanent.

There are also a couple buttons at the bottom for recommended skill point allocations and equipment.  Feel free to use this to guide you in your early leveling until you are more familiar with your job or you look up a guide for it.

Recommended Builds

Quest Log

At this point, you may have multiple quests available.  You can swipe up and down on the quest list on the right side to scroll through your quest list.  Tapping on any quest will make that quest active and will highlight your next objective on the minimap, often taking you right to the objective.  You can see a quick list of your quests by tapping the icon with the three dashes on the far right which will show more details about quests and their rewards

Interacting with the Quest List

Accessing the Quest List

This quest tracker gives you more details about what you need to do.  It also outlines future quests in the main questline and what rewards they offer.

Main Quest Example

Side Quest Example (These are not available yet at this level)

Adventure Handbook

The main quest will have you do something with this so I figured this is a good time to discuss this more in depth.  This handbook provides you with stat boosts, adventure exp, and stores items.  It is probably the single most important system of this game!

Early on you won't be doing much with this other than claiming adventure exp from photos and such but as you push further into the game you'll be hunting down cards, equipment, pets, collections, furniture, and skins.  Each of these things provides you with account-wide stat bonuses such as "Atk +3", "Str +1", "Phys. Dmg +1%", "HP +60", and many more!  These bonuses are often small, but there are thousands which add up to a serious amount of power!

Main page of the adventure handbook

Bonuses from the Novice Eggshell (+15 HP when first crafted, another +15 if deposited)

Bonus from first looting an MVP Card, with another if also Deposited

Deposit bonus from bongun card that adds STR scaling to the swordsman's Bash skill!

Most of these things give you a bonus when the item first Drops (such as cards), or when it is first crafted (such as on headwear).  You also get an additional bonus if that item is deposited into your adventure handbook.  You'll want to fill your handbook with as much stuff as possible to pump up your stats!

You can remove any item deposited from your handbook at any time without any fees.  The deposit bonus will go away until you deposit it back into your handbook.  Keep this in mind if you find yourself carrying a lot of things you aren't actively using anymore that you may want to put back into your handbook.

Again, you won't have to worry much about these bonuses and collections yet, but somewhere around level 80 you will probably come back to this and start hunting down very cheap upgrades to start boosting your attack/mattack.

Fore more details on this system read up on Adventure Handbook.

You will not be hunting down tons of items for this handbook right now, but it is critical that you are aware of it because it will become important as you push into the higher levels and find yourself feeling extremely weak.

Level 15 - Unlock Adventure Skills

After a few quests, you'll hit base level 15 and unlock a sidequest called "Adventure Skills".  Swipe down in your quest list on the right side and tap on Adventure Skills to follow this quest.  This will take you to the NPC at the top part of Prontera City and speak to him and pick the option Adven. Skills to see a list of adventure skills.  Buy the first one "Combat Skill I" to unlock an additional auto skill slot.

As you take photographs of new monsters, defeat new monsters, and various other things you will gain Adventure Exp which in turn, raises your Adventure Rank granting you more Adventure Skill points and unlocking new skills.

As I reach new ranks while leveling I will cover this a bit more but you can read up on Adventure Skills to learn more about this system.

Adventure Skills Side Quest

Example of the Adventure Skills screen purchasing Combat Skill I

Level 15 - Slot Enhancement

Another quest called "Enhance" will be available from your quest log.  Tap this to head over to Hollgrehenn to unlock and learn about this feature.

Slot Enhancement upgrades your equipment slots to provide additional stats to anything equipped in them.  To access this open your bag and tap on the Pentagram tab on the right side.  Select an equipment slot on the left side and the right side will show the Strengthening Effects along with costs and effects of the next level.  Some slots improve attack and magic attack while others improve defensive stats.

These slots are permanent upgrades that affect anything equipped into these slots.  The maximum level is equal to your character's base level so as you level higher you can increase these bonuses.  You also receive max HP as your total enhancement level across all slots reaches certain milestones.  A final 1% Damage bonus is given once your total slot enhancement level reaches 2000 and all your slots are capped.

Accessing Slot Enhancing

Slot Enhance Interface for Weapons

Bonuses for Total Slot Enhancement

This is a cheap way to add attack to weapons and accessories early on.  Other slots add defense but when you're starting out defense won't help you farm better so ignore that for now.  When you have the spare zeny feel free to upgrade your weapon and accessory slots for more damage.  Beware that the One-tap Strengthen button will spend all of your zeny to upgrade that slot as far as it can!   Don't press this if you don't have the spare zeny because this gets expensive the higher you go and can bankrupt you.

In the past this upgrade was performed on each piece of equipment and could be refunded.  This is no longer the case since you now upgrade the slot, which also means they removed the ability to refund this action.  Beware the one-tap strengthen button since this can bankrupt you and you can't get that zeny back anymore.

Lv 15 - Mercenary Cats

You should have a new main quest called "Get to know the Mercenary Cat". Follow this quest which takes you to the eastern part of Prontera City.  Once you talk to the NPC it will have you talk to each of the cats to unlock them.

Mercenary Cat Quest

Mercenary Cat's Intro

The quest will unlock all four of them.  You can access your mercenaries by clicking More and selecting Mercenary Cat.

These cats will be summoned for an entire week and will disappear once time expires.  You can re-summon them anytime you want for a 10k zeny per day, or using Mercenary Coupons.  These coupons are given away frequently through daily mission board quests that you will unlock soon so don't stress about spending a bunch of zeny on them, you will probably have more of these tickets than you know what to do with in no time.

These cats also have levels and skills that can be unlocked and improved.  I highly suggest working on Goro, the healing cast first.  This cat heals, and with upgrades buffs your defenses, gives you an SP regen buff, and even revives you if you die without messing up your auto farm.  This cat is by far the most useful of the bunch!

Rather than go into detail here I encourage you to read up on Cat Mercenaries to learn about how to unlock these skills and understand more about how the mercenary cat system works as there's too much to cover here.  The sustain they give you while farming is very useful.

Warm/Hot Meals

After the main quest sends you out to West Prontera to speak to Sphens you will receive a Warm Meal as a reward for the quest.  Warm Meals and Hot Meals provide you with a reserve of HP and SP that automatically heal when below thresholdsWarm Meals provide a reserve of 120,000 HP and 8,000 SP, while Hot Meals provide a reserve of 600,000 HP and 40,000 SP.

While you have reserves your HP is restored by 500 every 6 seconds when your HP is below 70%, while SP is restored by 50 every 6 seconds when your SP is below 40%.  Eating additional Warm Meals and Hot Meals increases this reserve tank.  For example, eating 100 Warm Meals gives you a total reserve of 120,000,00 HP and 800,000!  These effects have no time limit and last until the reserve tank is empty so feel free to eat all of these as you see fit!

These meals are a great way to keep your SP topped off so you can use more skills while providing healing when things start to get tough.  Warm Meals can be purchased from shops in Prontera while Hot Meals are gotten pretty frequently through events and food boxes.

Since meals only heal your SP below 40% make sure you adjust your Play Dead to allow this to happen since doing this at 40% each time prevents you from getting SP out of your meals.  Drop this down to 20% or less since your job may have enough sustain to keep from getting too low with the addition of this meal!

Level 15 - Pets

The patch notes mention that this feature is unlocked at level 15 but I have yet to receive the old questline that gives you the poring pet even at level 65 so I'm just going to cover this here.

Either at level 15, or when you get your first pet egg you'll receive the Marvelous Pet Bag.  This is accessible through your Bag and once opened offers a few features accessible by selecting the tabs on the far right side.

Pet Adventure allows you to send pets out to gather materials from a zone or monster of your choice.  This can be a good way to farm monsters that are rough to farm due to spawns or scarcity that offer a good card such as the Minorous Card.  Each time you do this you spend 60 minutes of combat time.  Make sure you really need the thing you're farming otherwise you're just wasting combat time with this feature.

Pet Handbook shows all pets in the game.  You'll notice there are even higher tiered pets that are created by merging multiple pets together.  Use this handbook to determine which pets to tame and level in order to access higher tiered pets such as Osiris.

Pet Labor lets you assign pets to various facilities to generate free stuff over time.  For example, the item shop sometimes gives you experience potions, cuisines, and monster materials.  Only one facility is unlocked at first but others will unlock as requirements are met.  You can also only assign pets to two facilities are first but this limit will raise as you increase your adventure rank and buy passive that raise the limit.

Many monsters can become pets but each pet has a unique item used to tame themAlthough one item is enough to try to catch it, more increase that chance which can be raised to 100%.  These materials are either bought off the exchange, drop from the level 50 instance Endless Tower (ET), or can be exchanged using Colorful Shells obtained from pet adventure's.

For more on this system read up on Pets to learn more.  The Pet Catching Table has a list of tamable pets, items needed for taming, and quantity required for 100% success rate.  You'll find that you can tame most of the tier 1 pets for under 200k these days and some have passives that buff you such as ignore defense.