Moving Onward

The level 120 boost for new players has been removed from the game! This page is still here for historic purposes.

What's Next?

Now that you've unlocked all these features you're probably trying to figure out what to do. You try to do side content and realize you can't effectively farm higher level monsters, possibly even ones that are lower level than you. Group instances feel impossibly hard and will require people to carry you and that's ok! I highly recommend reviewing the following sections to try to guide you as to what you need to become stronger.

First, let's compare where you stand against someone that was already at 120 when the level boost patch came out this is what most 120 characters had to one shot mobs. The boost is nice but people who were farming at level 120 already had much more progress in the game giving them significantly more strength:

Boosted 120 (after Divine Tree is Finished):

  • Fourth Job Unlocked

  • Lots of Gold Medals and Contribution, significantly more than pre-patch

  • Epic Spirit Origin gear that's only good in Louyang zones

  • Starter Headwear

  • Adventure Handbook with zero progress

  • No Cards

  • No Runes for Rune Box

  • No Praying Pack Cards

Normal 120 (pre-patch):

  • Fourth Job Not Unlocked (pre-patch requirements prevented this)

  • 500 Gold Medals +/-, 300k Contribution

  • +10 Slotted Weapon, probably Synthesized

  • +10 Body Armor, probably Synthesized

  • Appropriate gear in other slots tiered up for bonus effects, low refine

  • Decent headwear options from blue slip headwear machine over time

  • Adventure Handbook with +500-1000 ATK or MATK

  • Full set of Size, Element, and Race Weapon Cards (Important!)

  • Some Runes for Rune Box, hopefully some decent ones

  • Lots of Praying Pack Card upgrades, lots of Pen, Ignore Def, and more!

Although you have fourth job and lots of Gold Medals and contribution for your Aesir you're still very far behind.

Your two biggest hurdles are gear and your adventure handbook. Epic Spirit Origin Gear is great for farming these initial zones because it has damage and stat boosts for those areas but once you step outside those zones the gear is no longer useful and needs to be replaced.

Start doing Time Rift Dungeons

The first three instances in the Instance menu are Time Rift Dungeons. These dungeons can drop a form of Ancient Equipment that can also be crafted using Wasteland materials. Warrior and Brave difficulties can drop "brilliant" versions of this equipment which comes with better stats and an augment so this is the gear you're aiming to get from this instance. You may need to find a group or a strong friend to start doing the higher difficulties when first starting out.

For more on this feature read up on Time Rift Dungeons.

You can transfer your refine levels and enchantments between Ancient Equipment so when you obtain stronger equipment from the Popape Museum and Lost Isle instance later you can simply transfer your progress.

I highly recommend you read up on Ancient Equipment to understand how it works, how to upgrade it, and how to transfer between pieces of gear.. This has become the premiere equip system for most players, with some ancient equipment even overtaking non ancient equips.

For more on this feature read up on Ancient Equipment.

Run Endless Tower Every Week

This instance should be unlocked already if not, unlocked when you hit level 121. This is a 100 floor instance that can be run weekly that provides you with tons of materials and equipment dropped by each of the monsters and MINI/MVP's that you encounter on your way up.

I highly recommend finding a friend or group to blast you through as this is extremely easy content for even midway geared players, at least through the first 80 floors. Many of the MINI/MVP materials will be useful to you in various early game quests and donations towards your Aesir Monument.

So long as someone in the group cleared Endless Tower (ET) last week normal monsters won't spawn at all and you will instant complete those floors and receive their rewards. This means you only have to fight MINI/MVP's every 3-5 floors so a run only takes about 5-10 minutes.

For more on this instance read up on Endless Tower.

Save your Zeny for a +10 Weapon

There are no ancient equipment weapons yet so you'll have to save up for a good weapon. In the interest of saving zeny I highly recommend saving up for a +10 for whichever weapon your build is calling for. If you buy the normal version expect to pay between 10-20mil. For the synthesized version, 30-40mil.

The cost to synth is the same whether the item is +0 or +10. In the interest of saving time try to find an un-synthesized version, then synthesize it yourself later. Synthesized gear usually deals 5-10% more damage so paying twice the cost or greater for this little boost is very hefty this early on. Get this later when you're much more familiar with the game and understand what you're spending your zeny on.

For a primer on how "normal gear" works, that is, gear that is not "ancient equipment", read up on Gear Systems. You may need to perform some of these upgrades when you finally acquire your +10 weapon to make it stronger.

Also, read up on Damage and Refining to understand what role Refining has in overall damage and why, early on, it's not important. The weapon is an exception at this stage since you need one so you may as well buy a +10 as your other main gear slots should be filled with free ancient equipment.

Find a Guild

Your growth boost forces you to do this anyway to get past the first stage but you really should find a guild because a critical growth shop is only accessible from within a guild. This is the only way to get more Contribution and Gold Medals aside from the small amounts you get from events. Many classes earn over 1000 ATK/MATK and gain several very strong passive bonuses so it's well worth the investment!

For more on guilds read up on Guild Facilities. You even get free chests every week just for people playing the game even if you didn't do anything with your guildies!

Also read up on Aesir Monument to understand how this works.

Continue to Upgrade the Divine Tree

Spend your combat time in Wind Breath each night, eventually upgrading to Wasteland once you can one shot those mobs. These materials will help grow your Divine Tree which leads to tons of free contribution, gold medals, increased Time Quicksand for upgrading your fourth job skills, permanent stat unlocks, and buffs that make farming in these zones easier.

Leveling your Divine Tree unlocks more quests to follow and you cannot claim rewards underneath those quests in the Divine Tree reward list until they have been completed. Finish off those questlines as they are unlocked so you can receive all of those Gold Medals and Contribution points. These quests will eventually unlock further rewards and an alternate farming area, Maple Leaf Faramita, which has a special mechanic used to upgrade the Frost Statue and receive other drops to increase your zeny gain.

For a refresher, read up on Divine Tree.

Start Accumulating Certain Weapon Cards

As you try to branch out into other content or try to farm tougher mobs you'll need a big boost of damage. Weapon cards are substantial damage increases and are very important. Most of these cards are very cheap nowadays with most costing 400k or less. Note that magic damage only uses racial cards or MVP/MINI damage modifiers! If you play a mage you only have to buy the racial cards.

Cards are not consumed when slotted and may be swapped out simply by putting in another card.

For a list of important weapon cards read up on Cards for Weapons.

Start Depositing into your Adventure Handbook

After you've gotten several cheap weapon cards, a +10 weapon, and some basic gear you'll want to start investing into your adventure handbook. You can actually get the first 150 atk/matk relatively cheap which provides a huge boost to your base stats. Remember, atk/matk has the same value no matter where it comes from so a weapon upgrade that gives 10 attack is the same as a handbook deposit of 10 attack.

For a list of cheap crafts and deposits read up on Cheap Adventure Handbook.

You're going to want to work on this as much as possible in parallel with your gear, Aesir Monument, and all the other systems. Be mindful and compare your options before blindly investing into something. Make it a point to read up on Damage and Refining if you didn't earlier for a better understanding that will hopefully guide you towards better decision making when spending your zeny.

Find Groups for Ponape Museum and Lost Isle

You will want to run these two instances on brave mode each week. Bosses have a chance to drop chests that show you three pieces of gear for a given slot. Upon selecting one of those pieces of gear it will drop into your inventory with a random augment. Since obtaining the right piece of gear with a good augment is completely luck based you want to start this as soon as possible since you can only run each of these dungeons once per week so it may take several weeks to score a good piece of gear.

Due to this I've made it a point to push you towards doing Time Rift Dungeons or crafting the brilliant versions of Wasteland to get good starter gear with great augments. When you finally receive a good piece of gear from these instances you can simply transfer your refines and enchantments to the new piece of gear.

Note, this is extremely difficult content, you will need a carry! Seasoned players still get one shot by some of the mechanics in these dungeons so make sure you find a good group or a guild to help you with this. It's well worth your time to get this started ASAP!

For more on these instances read up on the Ponape Museum and Lost Isle pages.

Review the Weeklies

I've compiled a list of weekly tasks to complete, many of which are instances but others may be side content you didn't realize was there.

Several shops have weekly limits on certain things such as Runes. Don't go crazy spending all your zeny on things you may not need. If you're not sure what it's for look it up to see if it's important now. It certainly will be later but as you're just starting out you really want the most bang for your buck to propel you forward ASAP.

View the Weeklies List

What Else?

Review these sections that I've recommended you read up on to learn about things that will help you succeed

  • General Farming Tips to help you kill mobs easier, particularly on how to use cards to your advantage and understand how to exploit enemy weaknesses which is required to succeed in this game

  • Pet Catching Table to see which materials you need to capture pets at 100% success rate

  • Instances to look into all the instance content to run with others, there's more than I've recommended here, this is just to get you started

  • Combat Time to understand how this works and understand how you can burn through it faster

  • Auto Combat to understand how to set this up, configure auto potions, and initiate offline farming if you've paid for this feature...

  • Lucky Coins are used to receive additional loot from instances such as extra chances are Ancient Equipment boxes from instances and you get 15 per week for free using adventure meatballs!

  • Kafra Adventure Log functions like a season pass in other games where you complete daily and weekly quests to level up and gain the rewards within all the way up through rank 100 and contains tons of free goodies

  • Multijob is a fantastic feature for those looking to invest $10-$20 to unlock another class to switch to on your main, particularly so you can switch to a farmer for zeny gain and a main to do content

Lastly the image below shows all the sources of strength your character will gain power from. Gear is just a drop in the bucket, do not neglect your adventure handbook, work in finishing your Aesir, Guild Praying, Praying Cards, and all the other sources of stats in this game!

Your base attack/mattack is vital to dealing damage and whether you get +5 atk from a weapon, armor, or a handbook deposit, that 5atk has the same weight regardless of source. Look for all the stats you can muster, do not tunnel vision gear if you can find deposits for 200k that give you 5 attack at a much cheaper cost!