
Around base level 100 you should receive a quest called “New Home’s Hope”.  Follow this questline to receive a Furniture Storage Box and a Furniture Gallery.  After this is complete you can now buy a house.

To do this speak to Ferrut in the southern part of Prontera who will give you an option to “Build a Cabin”.  To do this you need 500,000 zeny which can be reduced by using Reward Vouchers which save you 100,000 zeny each.  If you choose to do reward vouchers she will give you five quests that ask you to gather materials from specific mobs around the world.  Do each of these quests to get the house cheap!  Even if you have to buy the materials to turn in the materials are so cheap these days you will probably save around 400,000 zeny doing these quests.

With this complete you’ve unlocked housing.  Click on More>Home to see the housing interface.

This interface offers a few tabs, the first which shows your rating and popularity, the second which shows the Home Rating you’re getting from all furniture placed in your home, and a final tab that shows settings.

You can adjust these settings to limit access to your home, allow visitors to use your facilities, and other things.

Clicking on Rating Info on the first page will show you various things you unlock as you raise your home rating which rises as you place more furniture.  Unlocks include things like extra pet labor slots, drop rates, attribute bonuses, and cost reductions for gear modifications.

Clicking the Enter Home button from the main screen will teleport you directly to your home.  You may tap on the minimap from here and click leave to head back to the same location you just left at anytime.

You will notice a maid NPC wandering around named Delilah.  Speak to her and choose Start Building to access the build interface to start placing furniture.  You may have obtained some already from events so place what you have for now to raise your home rating.

There are several pieces of furniture which provide a special function within the home, some functions cannot be used outside of housing.  Furniture also gives you stats in your adventure handbook so you’re eventually going to want to craft all furniture, prioritizing attack early on.  Some of these things can be very expensive to make so check the ingredients list as you review blueprints.

Blueprints may be purchased at the NPC who sold you your home in Prontera marked “Furniture Store” as well as the NPC next to them “Geppetto’s”.  Geppetto’s sells furniture blueprints from 5 different sets and each set gives a small stat bonus upon completion and placement in your home.

The Furniture Store has a reputation system that must be raised in order to unlock more blueprints.  Anytime you create furniture and activate the bonus in your handbook you will receive a Golden Apple.  Talk to the Furniture Store vendor and select the option “Furniture Store”.  At the bottom left there is an option to “Send Gift”.  Click this and it will show an interface allowing you to donate Golden Apples.  Golden Apples are only used for this one thing, so give them all to this vendor as you get them, no reason to hoard them.

At the top right of the shop you can see your Home Prestige which represents your reputation with the Prontera furniture store.  Yes, there are other furniture stores in other regions like Lighthalzen and these require a different resource to donate towards reputation, golden apples cannot be used in other shops.

There are two unique materials required for furniture and home expansion.  The cost of these can add up quickly so but be mindful if you’re targeting a specific piece of furniture or home expansion so you don't bankrupt yourself before you realize it.

Home Expansion

You can perform three upgrades to your home:

The first two give you more space to put furniture but the last one lets you walk out your front door and walk around in a garden where you can place more furniture, including another pet house which is very important.

Each of these costs at least 1m zenny, 15+ Nine World Rough Stone, and 200+ Plateau Wood.  I would recommend that you only expand the insides of the home when you need more space to put furniture since the garden is very useful if you have several pets to raise due to the pet house.

Useful Furniture

Pet House

One of the blueprints sold at the Furniture Store is a “Cute Claws’ Nest”.  This is probably the most important facility for your home.  It allows you to store pets inside it to train and gain loyalty over time, even if you’re not logged in.

Loyalty takes a long time to gain, especially on rarer and higher tier pets.  Therefore, you’re going to want to craft this soon after you make your house since this will go a long ways in helping you unlock T2 and T3 pets.  Once you add a garden to your home you can place a second pet house outside for a total of 6 pets training loyalty.

Hayward's Workshop

You can do enhancing, refining, and enchanting all from your home using Hayward’s Worktop.  With some home ranking you receive zenny discounts (5-10%) when doing this from the Worktop in your own home so you can save a bit of zenny in the long run doing this at home.

This is near the top of the list in the shop so it probably has no prestige requirement so you can craft this one right away.  It’s not a priority since it won’t cut you any discounts until your home rank goes up but it’ll be there when you need it.


You may use any cabinet to bring up storage in your home.  You'll notice that in your home you see a third storage tab on the left.  This is a new storage called Homeland Storage and is another shared storage between all your characters..  

Homeland storage offers a ridiculous number of slots and is a huge upgrade over the normal shared storage.  Feel free to try to fill this thing, it’s seriously enormous for something that grants you more account wide storage space without spending real money.

Target Dummies

There are several DPS check dummies, most shaped like wooden cat figures that can be used to check your DPS and are configurable to test against monsters of varying size, element, and race.  Once placed, tap on the dummy to target it and tap their icon to bring up options for settings and damage chart.

Tap on Settings to bring up Dummy Settings.  This will allow you to set the monster’s race, size, element, and some strength modifier though honestly I’m not sure what this does. I would have preferred explicit def/mdef settings so I usually leave this at 0.

Once you’ve set things up the way you like click Save Settings and begin attacking the dummy.  Note, I’m fairly certain these settings are saved to your dummy until you change them so coming back to the dummy in a few days should use the same settings you used last time.

While you’re attacking some panes will appear on the right side showing your time in combat, DPS, total damage dealt, and a breakdown of damage types.  Generally you’re going to see this as either Physical or Magical.  I’m guessing the bottom one is healing though I’ve never tested this explicitly.

Once you’ve attacked long enough (use your judgement here) tap on the target to bring up the menu again and tap Damage Chart.

This brings up two summaries.  The top section shows your top 3 DPS sessions, ever.  The bottom section shows today’s attempts.

You can remove these by tapping the trash can icon at the bottom right of each of the two sections to clean these out.  You can also tap the Details section beside any of today’s attempts to see a breakdown of damage types.

Unfortunately tapping the icons doesn’t give you the name of each ability so some of these are procs from runes, abilities, or equipment so you’re going to have to discern that for yourself. 

Other Special Furniture

Time Phonograph

Allows you to listen to CD’s right from your own home.  If you have tons of spare disks and can’t be bothered to go to NA1 to listen to the jukebox just use them at home and invite your friends!

Colorful Television

Allows you to watch cutscenes if you’ve seen any.

Adventurer’s Map

Tapping this brings up a map of the world that you can tap on a location and teleport to free of charge.


Use this to set your home as your saved location.  Since you can teleport to and from home for free please don’t do this.


Any fireplace from one of the 5 sets can be used every hour or so to harvest coal, fire crystals, and lava gems over time for you to collect.  The longer you wait the more there is to loot, up maybe 20 items, I don’t know the exact number but hey it’s free stuff!

Sail with the Wind

Expensive facility to make early on but using this grants you a 5 hour buff granting a 5% boost to mobs that are water element.  If you’re fighting water mobs and need the bonus this can be helpful.