Endless Tower

Unlocking Endless Tower

Once you hit base level 50 this content will automatically unlock (or show up in your quest log). If you still have the old quest then head to Izlude and walk over to Captain Karoo, the ferryman in north east Izlude that takes you to the sunken ship. This will send you to the isle of origin where you walk up and touch a monument to unlock this dungeon.

Running Endless Tower

Find a group for this and get in there pronto! World chat doesn’t work across all towns anymore so it can be hard to find a group for this if you’re not in a guild. Find a guild or someone nice enough to help carry you through this every week. As a new player this offers a lot of zenny, materials, and even gear drops for something that takes twenty to thirty minutes to complete. Sometimes there are double drop events that make this even better.

Also this was recently changed so you can only clear this on just one character every week. Several more MINI and MVP’s have been added to compensate for this making up for most of the lost loot so it's nice not having to worry about getting alts carried through every week.

Once ready, the party leader will inspect the monument at that island and select a floor to start from. Progress is saved but the dungeon resets on Monday every week.

Once the party enters, you will climb 100 floors encountering enemies along the way. Every few floors you'll encounter MINI bosses just hanging out on that floor and sometimes even MVP. Every 10th floor you'll always encounter MVP mobs. Initially you'll only be facing one at a time but as you push into the higher floors you'll start to encounter 2, 3, and even 4 bosses.

Prior to floor 80 you can fight these bosses one at a time but on floors 80, 90, and 100, engaging any MVP will cause the others to come running at you immediately making these floors much more dangerous to solo.

When all enemies on a floor are defeated you'll receive loot from those monsters all at once. You can receive any loot those mobs drop including cards. Though I've never gotten an MINI/MVP card this way myself, I have witnessed a Mutant Dragon card drop for someone. Several of these drops are worth a lot of zenny on the exchange such as crystal pumps, nile's bracelet, and orlean gloves, just to name a few.

I cannot recommend this enough for a new player since it’s extremely easy to be carried through this. There are plenty of people who need to run this every week so don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Weekly ET Sheet for Global:


This appears to be updated again... need to confirm if accurate