
Unlocking Pet Features

After base level 30 you will receive a quest that will unlock the Pets feature called "Capture Pet".  You can also unlock this feature early if you receive a pet egg from an event or some other means.

To complete the quest head to South Prontera and find Dean whom the quest will guide you to.

This quest will show you how to catch a Poring pet which it will let you keep.  

Location of the Capture Pet quest in South Prontera

Pets in this game do not cost real money to catch.  You only need to find pet catching materials, purchase them using colorful shells received from pet adventure quests, or spend zeny to get the materials off of the exchange.  Another great place to get these is from the weekly instance Endless Tower.

Most of these are extremely cheap on the exchange, often costing less than 50k zeny and if you buy enough of the same material you can guarantee a 100% success rate.

Pets grant you passive bonuses while they are summoned, and have simple abilities to aid you in combat or support.  Later you’ll catch pets that reduce cast times, give more damage, increase ignore defense stats, and more!

See the Pet Catching Table for pet list, taming items, and amounts needed for 100% success rate

Consider looking at some of these starter pets since the poring you start with isn’t great and you’ll most likely banish them to the pet labor machine, something I'll cover below.  Notable cheap pets for new players with good bonuses include:

As you get higher you’ll notice plenty of other great pets to choose from.  Most of the guides you’ve probably come across have mentioned some of these starter pets and are very cheap to obtain these days.

Unlocking pets also adds a new item to your inventory, the Marvelous Pet Bag.  Use this from your inventory bag to use various pet facilities and review all pets obtainable in the game.

Each pet that you unlock also grants stats in the adventure handbook so collect them all!

Free Adventure Meatballs

No matter what pet you use you can claim free adventure meatballs each day by tapping on the little treasure icon floating over your pet a bunch of times.  Use these meatballs to skip daily board quests, purchase lucky coins, and instantly clear rift dungeons as needed.

Pet Labor System

Prior to episode 7.4, you needed to increase your first pet’s loyalty to get a side quest to obtain the Labor Traveling Machine.  This quest should be right outside Prontera south gate at the same spot you received the initial pet quest.  Using this machine you can assign your pet to stores for free stuff! 

For those of us who are on episode 7.4 that have the Marvelous Pet Bag, I’m honestly not sure if there is a quest for this feature anymore, please let me know if this feature is unlocked or immediately accessed through the marvelous pet bag.

To access the Pet Labor system open up your Marvelous Pet Bag and click on the bottom tab on the far right side to open the interface shown below.  Here you may choose a shop and assign a pet to it that has enough loyalty to go work in that shop to produce free stuff.

Initially you'll only be able to send pets to a couple shops and start out with access to the Item shop.  The rest of the shops unlock as you meet certain requirements such as reaching a specific level.

You may increase the number of slots for pet labor by creating your house and increasing ranking, raising your adventure skill level and unlocking passive increases, and using premium.  Premium will give you an additional slot while active and adds access to the Kafra Shop which can give you white dyes, Mora Coins, and other useful things.

In this example I’ve got 68 adventure meatballs and several other items waiting to be claimed in the cooking center and several other items just waiting to be claimed.  

There are two Adventure Skills that increase your labor capacity by one which I've shown below.  You'll need to raise your adventure rank a bit to get each of these but they are account wide unlocks when you purchase them.  You can also unlock another worker slot by upgrading your housing ranking, something we'll discuss later.

Pet Adventure

This feature allows you to send your pets on missions to bring back stuff.  You can target a specific monster in an area for its drops.  Below I’m targeting the Minorous to try and get the much coveted Minorous card.

To send your pets out, open your Marvelous Pet Bag and you'll be brought to the pet adventure screen.  Choose an adventure on the left side that has monsters that drop something you want.  You can then click on the icon next to that adventure that says all to choose a specific mob for your pet to target.After 30 minutes your pets will return with materials that only drop from that mob.  With some luck you can even get their card.

Doing this consumes 30 minutes of combat time anytime you send them out on an adventure.  New characters should probably not do this unless you can’t farm efficiently.  You’re going to need zeny more than a rare card early on here so I advise you to focus on your zeny earning methods first since it’s guaranteed.

Special cards like Minorous are extra rare so despite the seemingly large price tag it could take months just to see one from the pet adventure.  With that much wasted combat time every day you could easily farm up several of these cards.  

Each mission recommends certain pets or loyalty levels and for each pet you send that meets one of these recommendations you receive a bonus rare chest.  Therefore, having a vast selection of pets provides you with more chest rewards.  This has nothing to do with card drop, it’s just extra materials like MVP/MINI mats.

Again I would not recommend that new players dive into this right away since this takes away from your farm time, thus reducing zeny gain.  Just know that it exists and is an option most likely suited to your main when you can’t kill efficiently and are waiting for your alts to farm up some upgrades for you.

Pet Fusion

You can merge two or more pets together to create new pets with powerful effects.  The list of fused pets can be found by using the Marvelous Pet Bag, then selecting the center tab on the right side to open up the Pet Handbook to view the pet list.

Tapping on any of the T2 or T3 pets will show you which pets are required in order to create that pet.  All pets involved in the fusion must have lv10 loyalty (max) in order to be used in the fusion.  This is why the Pet House furniture item is such an important item  to unlock in your housing since this allows loyalty of three pets to grow at all times, not just by your side in combat.

Tap the blue button in the center to see which pets are fused together to create the selected pet

Example of Mysteltainn's fusion tree

In the case of Mystletainn above it requires a total of 5 T1 pets, three of which are fused into a T2 pet the harpy.  Growing T3 pets is a time consuming process that can only be sped up by either assigning all these pets to your pet house or buying and feeding pet to them.

T1 pets will only consume the item used to catch them, however T2 and T3 pets will eat any pet catching material to gain loyalty.  T2 pets do take an awful lot of loyalty to max out so consider using them to feed off all those lunatic carrots and other pet materials that you'll be overloaded with after several Endless Tower runs.

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