Oracle Mirror

Oracle Extract Buffs!

Unlocking the Oracle Mirror

You will receive a quest at base level 145 in Prontera that unlocks the Oracle Mirror. I cannot recall exactly who gives you this quest but you simply talk to a few people to unlock this feature. This feature is also unlocked automatically if you receive any Extract Light Crystals prior to this point.

What does the Oracle Mirror Do?

This mirror provides you with the abiilty to extract buffs from equipment. Depending on the equipment you select it may be offensive or defensive. These buffs are permanent and one offensive and one defensive buff may be on at any time.

Equipment that gives these buffs must be sacrificed to gain these effects and the equipment is destroyed in the process. Up to two buffs can be stored in your mirror by default but you can purchase more with BCC if you need. There are many buffs that can be extracted cheaply that are pretty helpful.

However, there are two types of buffs to extract:

Fixed Buffs

These provide a flat buff such as a % increase to AoE magic. These cost 90 Light Extract Crystals to unlock and they can't be upgraded.

Refined Buffs

These buffs work differently as the buff itself has a level with the maximum equal to the refine level of the item you sacrificed. For example, if you sacrifice a +10 wizardry staff then the maximum refine this bonus can receive is +10.

When you do this type of extract the initial level of the buff is random, between 1 and the maximum refine. This means a +10 staff could roll a 3 and count as a +3 / +10 buff that would need 7 upgrades to max out.

To upgrade these you spend light extract crystals to attempt to upgrade the buff to the next refine level. A success would bring it to +4 / 10. Failures do not downgrade or remove the buff so it’s safe to upgrade at any time with no risk. You can even skip levels when upgrading and for example, go from +4 right to +9 if you're lucky.

Cost varies per weapon, per refine level. For example, a +10 Wizardry Staff will cost 90 Extract Crystals for the initial buff but a +15 will cost 200 (Price List).

Costs to upgrade also vary depending on the equipment.

Example Fixed Buff

Example Refine Buff

Effects of these buffs do not stack with current gear. If you're already using a Holy Avenger then the Holy Avenger buff does nothing. Try to find buffs that compliment your class that your equipment is not already providing.

You can obtain Extract Light Crystals per week from Echoing Corridor (EC). If you don’t mind spending money you can also buy light extract crystals for 5 BCC each from the cash shop which is the only reason I can think of for this feature to unlock this early.

If you're just starting out and recently unlocked this feature it is safe to ignore it until you can run Echoing Corridor (EC). The Corridor is extremely hard even at fourth job for new players. Finding a carry for this can be extremely difficult, especially if you chose to play on Destiny's Promise where there is a lack of players. Chances are you won't be getting these buffs for quite some time so ignore these for now, they aren't life changing but sure are nice and so long as you have crystals the fixed buffs are quite nice.

Don't stress about this one for now, I’m mentioning this feature because this is endgame territory so be aware of it.

Increasing the Extract Limit (Refine Level)

You can now increase the maximum buff limit of an extracted refine so you don't have to acquire a +15 in order to reach the cap anymore. However, you will require lots of Extract Light Crystal and duplicates of the item you wish to increase. To access this open up your Oracle Mirror, then select an item on the left side that you already extracted. On the right side of the screen there is a new option for Limit Increase. Click this to see the costs to increase your limit by one.

Example of M.Def Fairy from 12 to 13 that requires 54 MDef Fairies and 45 Extract Light Crystals

As you can imagine the costs for this must skyrocket going to 14 and 15. When I find the data for this I will add a table to identify the number of items and crystals required for each refine level.