Game Progression

Levels 70-80

Job Advancement (T2)

By the time you hit 70 you should have hit job level 40 and can now do your next job advancement to T2.  I hit this on my archer at exactly base level 70.  Once you've hit job level 40 you'll see a red quest called "Job Upgrade" that sends you to Higgy Eez in the Adventure Hall in Prontera City.  Head over to start your advancement questline.

Advancement quest NPC in the Adventure Hall

Aesir Monument Expansion

After unlocking your T3 job your Aesir Monument has expanded outward.  You'll find more nodes that affect abilities from your previous job advancements but also some new bonuses for T3 skills and maybe a new ability to learn from it.  The monument will expand two more times as you continue to grow.

For more on this see the Aesir Monument page and scroll down to Layout and Expansions.

Echoing Corridor

At base level 70 a new instance is unlocked in the instance interface called Echoing Corridor.  This is a very tough 3 man instance that was released when fourth job came out so it expects you to have that level of power.  This means you won't be able to touch this content without someone very strong to carry you through.

The primary reward of this content is currencies used in a weekly shop that sells fourth job runes and light extract crystals, an item used by the Oracle Mirror system.

If you can't find anyone to carry you through this don't sweat it, this probably shouldn't have unlocked until around 120+ anyway.

For more on this content read up on Echoing Corridor.

Oracle Mirror

At base level 70 you'll receive a quest "[Oracle Mirror] Saga" which unlocks the oracle mirror feature.

This feature allows you to spend Extract Light Crystals earned from Echoing Corridor to sacrifice a weapon or armor to turn a property of that gear into a permanent buff.  There are two kinds of buffs, offensive and defensive and you can have one of each turned on at all times.

There are only two ways to get these crystals consistently.  You either run Echoing Corridor every week or you spend money in the cash shop.  It's amazing to me that this unlocks so early.  The only reason I can think of is to entire people to spend money on this system before they reach a point where they can farm up crystals every week.

Feel free to unlock this but don't stress about this system.  Once you can start clearing some of Echoing Corridor you'll eventually be able to extract a few fixed buffs.  The buffs based on refine levels are not meant for new or F2P players unless you have a serious surplus of light extract crystals.

For more on this system read up on Oracle Mirror.

Oracle Mirror quest NPC Grainy

Start working on a +10 Weapon

At this point you should start focusing on your primary weapon.  The best case would be to find one on the Exchange that has already been upgraded to +10 but for several weapons this is just not possible for new players.  At this point my Ranger has just over 7 million zeny, no where near enough for what I'll need.

In my case, my Ranger is running an ADL so in the long run I'd want an Overlord Snow Crab Bow which comes from synthesizing a Malang Snow Crab Bow.  A +10 version on the Destiny's Promise NA server (CRAZY high prices for everything, so weird...) would cost me about 120 million or more, way out of reach!  If you find that your weapon costs a ton then you need to start upgrading one yourself.  In fact, the game was designed expecting you to grow your own gear so this is natural.

There are several upgrade systems:

It is my opinion that unles you're rich you should procure the base item or one of its upgrades and tier it up all the way.  The cost of a Malang Snow Crab Bow is exactly the same as a Gakkung bow plus the cost of tiering it up all the way until it becomes a Malang Snow Crab Bow.  This is how all gear that tiers up into a new piece of gear works!  This means you can save some zeny by tiering it up from scratch yourself so that you can use up any materials you already have.

After this try and add the second slot to your weapon.  Cards are very powerful so this will give you a significant boost so long as you have appropriate cards for whatever it is you're fighting.

From here, look into Synthesizing it into its final form.  This will most likely give you around 100 flat attack/mattack and sometimes new bonuses but for most classes the overall damage increase between a +10 unsynth and a +10 synth weapon is roughly 5-10%.  This means synthing and refining should be your final upgrades.  Due to the low stats on a new account we're after that juicy flat attack/mattack bonus.

Once you've done this you can finally start Safe Refining to +10.  This type of refining has 100% success rate and is a bit pricey but guarantees you'll get there.  Enhancement chances are always against you so don't get impatient, trust me.  Failing when you're very close to +10 is devastating to a new account since the cost to safe refine it back is a lot to a new player.

Refining bonuses are saved for last because they activate small scaling bonuses when refined to certain levels which varies from gear to gear.  You may have noticed some of your ancient equipment from those rift challenges also have some bonuses that activate when refined to certain levels.  Typically these levels are 5, 10, 12, or 15 but always check to see how and when this will actually benefit you.  These bonuses are critical in mid-end game but for now you'll actually get higher flat values if you tier it up, slot it, and synthesize it first.

A final note, remember that you bought a starter weapon earlier so chances are it will be stronger until you've tiered up the base equipment quite a bit in order to meet and exceed the raw attack on your starter weapon.  This will take quite a while to complete so just work at it.  I recommend farming something that drops Rough Oridecon so you have plenty of it for safe refining since you'll need quite a bit.

Read up on Upgrading Equipment to learn about all aspects of gear upgrade and for details on safe refining including a table to help you breakdown the cost.

Also, check out the bottom section of Synthesis Gear Comparisons to look over weapons to see the differences between them at various refine levels to understand what it is you're getting for those refines after all that work.

Ancient Equipment Refining

Since you're starting to refine your weapon you may want to refine some of your starter gear to the first breakpoint which for most pieces appears to be +6.  You can tell by looking at the equipment to see the section where it says at +X refine it does something.

The reason we're refining this newbie equipment is because you can transfer these refines to new equipment later once you get better stuff so you're not wasting much by doing this now.  These bonuses are pretty small but are typically % damage increases which adds more to your overall damage than % attack bonuses would.

Materials used to add a slot, safe refine, and repair are created by sacrificing cheap materials so this won't be as expensive as it would be for your weapon.  In anycase your weapon is your priority so you may want to hold off until you start saving for the synthesis step since this has a hefty price tag.

Read up on Ancient Equipment for a review of these systems.

Continue Following the Main Questline

Continue with the main story quest.

Daily Routine

Weekly Tasks up to this point (reset is on Monday at 7am EST):

Daily Tasks

Targets for Daily Combat Time