Other Unlockable Content

The level 120 boost for new players has been removed from the game! This page is still here for historic purposes.

To see other unlockable content you'll need to turn on the "Show all the tasks" option. By default this is turned off and it hides quests that are lower level than you but many features are unlocked at lower levels so these are hidden from you.

To turn this off tap on your minimap (1), then tap on the gear icon (2), then check the show all tasks option (3). If you're in Prontera when you do this you should see a ton of quest markers pop up.

This content should be unlocked when you find the time to do so as these are other growth systems and some of which, such as rune box, are very strong on every build out there so don't miss out on these! Extremely important subsystems are marked with (CRITICAL) though honestly, all of this should be unlocked ASAP.

Adventure Skills

To unlock more Adventure Skills you'll have to raise your adventure skill by taking photos of monsters, killing monsters, meeting NPCs, depositing things, cooking, and all the other tasks related to filling up your adventure handbook.

Every so often you'll qualify to take an advancement quest to raise your adventure rank to access new skills and several of these are very helpful for you in the long run so keep an eye out for these quests. These advancement quests will not show up unless all quests are shown.

See Adventure Skills for more information.



Cooking allows you to eat multiple dishes which stacks their effect rather than increasing duration like normal buffs. This allows you to add powerful stat buffs to help during your farming sessions.

See Cooking for more information.


Roll random stats on every piece of equipment. Weapons and armor pieces can roll up to 40 ATK/MATK and headwear type equip can roll up to 60 ATK/MATK plus other great modifiers. That's up to 580 more ATK/MATK if every piece had perfect flat stat rolls! This quest may not show up unless all quests are shown.

See the Enchanting section of Gear Systems for more information.

Rune Box

This is a very powerful feature that you'll want to unlock ASAP. This quest will not show up unless all quests are shown.

See Rune Box to learn about this feature and see how to unlock it.

Mercenary Cats

NPCs that aid you in combat. The healer, Goro, can heal and even raise you if you die so these are very useful when starting out. This quest will not show up unless all quests are shown.

See Cat Mercenaries to learn about this feature and see how to unlock it.

Oracle Mirror

This feature allows you to extract a buff from a piece of gear. This is not important for brand new players until you know what to go for since this requires light extract crystals and lots of zeny.

See Oracle Mirror to learn about this feature and see how to unlock it.

Thanatos Tower

Important weekly raid dungeon that gives tons of free stuff, mostly Runes to place in your Rune Box.

See Thanatos Tower for more information.


Lets you create, upgrade, and decorate your own home. Grants account wide buffs as you put more in your home and each piece of furniture crafted grants stat unlocks in your adventure handbook. This quest will not show up unless all quests are shown.

See Housing to learn about this feature and see how to unlock it.


Pets give you passive bonuses just for being out with you as well as permanent stat unlocks in your adventure handbook once you've acquired them.

See Pets to learn about this feature and see how to unlock it.

Ancient Equipment Instances

While not a growth system per se, equipment received from these instances is random and also has random augments so it can take a while to get desired equipment with a good roll.

Given the RNG involved in getting good gear this is a high priority! Find a group to carry you, you'll thank me later!

See Lost Isle and Ponape Museum for details on these instances.