Game Progression

Levels 40-50

Job Advancement (T1)

Provided you've selected one of the original jobs or Doram you will now be eligible for the T1 job advancement.  This requires you to reach base level 40 and job level 40.  If you've chosen one of the newer jobs like Ninja or Gunslinger then the process is different and you will need to reach job level 70 to proceed to their job advancement.  While the level is different the process is largely the same, complete a quest and change your job.

Once you reach job level 40 you'll get a red quest or two in your log.  Only one may be completed and it will proceed you to the advanced job of your choice.  For example, if you started out as an archer you'll see a quest to change to hunter and a quest to change to bard/dancer.  Later you can multijob to unlock the other path for some zeny if you've chosen a job that has two advanced paths.  

Again, the quest NPC will offer a separate selection for each job so make sure you select the right job at this point since this selection cannot be undone.

Both quests for Archer advancement shown in the quest log

Options that come up when you speak to your quest NPC

Once selected you'll be sent to a trainer in some other town to complete a series of tasks.  Once these tasks are complete you'll be advance right to your T2 job!

Skills for your Job Advancement

If you open your skills you'll notice you can now swipe over to the right to see more skills, both for your T2 job and a preview of skills for when you do your T3 advancement.  This will allow you to plan things out since some T3 skills have prerequisites which may require a few points.

Example of the T2 Skills from Job Advancement

Level 40 - Rift Challenge - Strouf's Storm

A new Rift Challenge unlocks at level 40.  The armor is the same as what dropped from Eddga's roar so if you still haven't gotten all the armor from this then start using your daily Rift challenge runs on Strauf's storm instead of you can handle it.

Level 40 - Chaotic Invasion

A new yellow side quest will show up in your log called Chaotic Invasion.  Head to Prontera City and speak to Nashida near the center of town to unlock this feature.

Chaotic Invasion Quest Location

This is a group instance where you fight some bosses in order to get some of their loot.  You can run this a few times a week at the cost of Game Mode Time, or Combat Time once you run out of Game Mode Time.

In my opinion you should not be running this at this point in the game.  Not only do you lack the power to do this without someone to carry you, but you should focus your combat time on leveling.  Game mode time can be used in rift challenges to get some ancient equipment which you will need to do again when you unlock the level 60 rift challenge for upgrade armor so push onward for now and look at this much later when you're past level 100.

If you want to learn more about this system read up on Chaotic Invasion

Unlocking Cooking

Monsters drop many ingredients used exclusively in cooking.  The dishes you cook give you large stat boosts and the effects can stack, up to 6 dishes at once!  These buffs last several hours so these are great for farming, especially when you can't one shot monsters.  As you get higher leveled you will need more buffs since monsters will start getting lots of HP.

To unlock this you'll need to find the quest giver by heading to the northern part of Prontera City and speak to the NPC dressed like a chef with "Entrance" over his name.  Speak to the NPC named "Pizza" near the entrance in the Royal Cuisine Association.  He will give you the quest Cuisine Temptation.  You will need to gather various meats that can be purchased from the shop in the northern part of the Royal Cuisine Association or farmed from monsters.  These only cost a couple hundred zeny so just buy what you need from the shop in here and turn them in to finish this quest and unlock the Chef's Hat headwear and the Level 1 Cookbook.

Cooking Association Entrance

Quest to Unlock Cooking

Eating dishes also adds HP and SP discharge.  This is another reserve tank of HP and SP that does not expire and can be stocked up to large amounts.  Use this in conjunction with Warm/Hot meals to allow you to farm much more efficiently.

For more details on this and the benefits of cooking read up on Cooking.

Level 45 - Battle of Cake

At base level 45 you can queue up for a new instance called Battle of Cake.  This instance can be run four times per week and uses 60 minutes of combat time.  Each run gives you one marshmallow at wave 5, and some strawberries at waves 10 and 15 .  If you are unable to complete wave 5 then no combat time will be consumed so you can try again.  This means you can always receive four marshmallows per week.  

Using one of these marshmallows from your inventory will bring up the Cake Battle shop.  Various headwear, blueprints, and cards are sold for varying amounts of Marshmallows.  Any headwear or cards that you purchase also gives you the craft/loot bonus making this a great place to obtain bonuses for rare or expensive items.  Purchasing blueprints still requires you to gather up the materials to craft the item though so be wary of this.

Marshmallows are permanent so you can save them up for weeks where many good items are offered if you don't like the ones offered during other weeks.

For more on this read up on Cake Battle.

Example items sold in the Cake Battle Shop

Gachapon Breakdown

Despite being RNG and having low rates you can actually get some powerful stuff from Gachapon machines, particularly the "blue slip" or "yellow slip" Gacahpon machines, You earn a lot of slips that give you free pulls so occasionally you'll get some good headwear.  Since you can exchange your Assistant medals for any of the three primary gachapon slips let's talk about all three of them so you have an idea of what you should be doing with them.

Time Wish Gachapon (Yellow Slip)

This machine offers headwear from previous Gachapon from both the Blue Glip and Red Slip machines.  While this has a massive pool of items to pull from it also rewards you with Pity coins that do not expire, allowing you to select whichever headwear you want once you've accumulated enough coins.

There are amazing headwears from previous months that everyone should try to get that are top tier for farming zeny such as the One-Eye Captain or Ashy Star Flying Feather which, every time you kill an enemy, restores HP/SP and gives you movement speed boosts, greatly improving your ability to farm monsters!

Main Screen of the Time Wish Gachapon

Ashy Star Flying Feather backpiece for farming on mages

This Gachapon has a very high chance to reward you with headwear, especially since the pool is so large.  However, you cannot get duplicates so they are supposedly converted into pity coins.  Therefore, the more you have the more likely you'll get pity coins.

While getting pity coins seems bad at first glance realize that this helps you save up to buy the headwear you really want.  Clicking the Time Collection button at the bottom left opens up a list of every item the Gachapon has to offer.  Everything can be bought with pity coins and all of the rare headwear (purple quality) cost 21 coins.

Recent patches have changed this to always contain all previous gachapon now.  Before this contained a few sets of old gachapon and would rorate every few months.  With these recent changes I now find this to be a much better gacha machine than the blue slip and highly recommend this for all players since you can use this to collect all of the 1% deposits and great headwears over time, while getting suplimental stat bonuses from any other headwear you get along the way with an occasional costume drop!

Headwear Gachapon (Blue Slip)

Another great place to pick up good headwear for F2P players or light spenders.  This Gachapon offers five to six headwear that change on the first of every month.  Every time you pull from this machine you always get one of the headwear shown.  The rarest item every month always gives a 1% Atk/Matk deposit bonus, but also is usually very good.

These shops rotate into the yellow slip gacha machine about six months after they are first released so if you miss something you really want here you'll have to wait a while to get it, but it will eventually land in the yellow slip gacha pool.

Headwear (Blue Slip) Gachapon for June, 2023

An example of rare headwear from this gachapon

Latest Clothes (Pink Slip)

Do not convert your Assistant Medals into Red Slips!  This is the worst Gachapon for several reasons.

This is where the Whales gain a massive advantage over F2P players since it is very unlikely that you will pull a costume for the 1% atk/matk deposit.  Over the years this bonus has added up to give Whales a very large bonus.  We do not care about this, though getting this from free pulls and slips from events is nice but it will be very rare.

Main Screen of the Latest Clothes (Pink Slip) Gachapon

One thing to note if you actually plan to spend money here, there is a reward track to the right of the items list that only advances if you spend paid currency on pulls.  This usually rewards you with a statless costume after 5 pulls (no deposits, just unlocks some fashion if you're into skins), a random headwear at 30 pulls, and an exchange ticket (pity) for the main costume of that banner at 50 pulls.  Quite expensive for most of us but something to note if you plan to do this.

As I mentioned earlier, several other options in the New Events list are paid options so if you're interested in learning about this stuff read up on Paying to WinYou don't need to pay, but if you do the server thanks you for your sacrifice!

Daily Routine

Weekly Tasks up to this point (reset is on Monday at 7am EST):

Daily Tasks

Targets for Daily Combat Time (levels shown are the mob's level, not yours)