
On the first floor of the Palace of Beauty you'll encounter a little creature named Brooke. This happens a few rooms in after the first boss like monster you face. After you obtain Brooke, you may access a passive skill system that you can upgrade to make Brooke stronger, granting new abilities and effects.

To access the skill list tap on the icon for Brooke near your character icon at the top left corner, then click on Check.

There are six gems shown in this interface which represent a set of Brooke's stats. Tapping on one that you don't have (in gray) will offer a button to tells you how to obtain it. Try your best to obtain all six gems.

Tapping on one that you do have shows which passives you already have and offers you the option Go Upgrade. This uses materials earned from Eclage area's that are specifically for upgrading Brooke. This means you'll need to farm these areas to obtain the materials to upgrade Brooke to full potential.

Brooke is particularly helpful when fighting the megaboss on each floor so if you're not some mega strong whale be sure to invest into unlocking and upgrading these abilities to help you get through the boss fights.