Cake Battle

We Battle, for Cake!

Once you reach base level 45, you can queue up for Cake Battle. This is a group instance that may be run up to seven times a week. Each run consumes 60 Game Mode Time, or combat time if you've run out. This is pretty expensive on your time however, this time is only used if you receive rewards (wave 6+) and the rewards may be worth the sacrifice. You may enter the instance and view the shop by speaking to the cake merchant Elnie in Izlude Island on the right side of the map.

Recent updates have added a piece of zodiac headwear every week as well as rare and expensive blueprints though you still need to craft them once obtained. Normally the zodiac headwear are obtainable through an obscure daily routine in Prontera that takes several zodiac pieces so if you haven't needed Cake Battle for a while make it a point to check it out and grab these.

Entrance to Battle of Cake

The instance requires you to fight off waves of enemies. There are three towers that attempt to aid you in this endeavor that may be upgraded to increase their damage, add CC abilities, or increase the groups defense. Combat time is only consumed if you make it to wave 5 and the rewards are as follows:

  • Wave 5: 1 Marshmallow

  • Wave 10: 1 Marshmallow, 1 Star Strawberry

  • Wave 15: 1 Marshmallow, 3 Star Strawberry

This means at a minimum if you run this enough to use up all seven attempts you will gain exactly 7 marshmallows every week.

Marshmallows are exchanged for either headwear or cards from Elnie's shop and is the reason to run this content. Any headwear or cards purchased from her using Marshmallows will give you the item and the unlock/craft for it. The headwear and cards to choose from rotate out every Monday during the reset so check the shop before you run cake battle to make sure you actually want something that’s for sale that week.

When I made this part of the guide Elven Ears were available for 2 Marshmallows which saved me from 6 million zenny to craft and deposit this headwear, very worth it. Use this to make or save a ton of zeny while providing you with much needed stat boosts.

Marshmallows are no longer removed after the weekly reset so you can now stock up on weeks where there are no good options and use them later.