Auto Combat

The vast majority of gameplay is done through the Auto Combat system. You can configure which skills your character should use, can set thresholds for certain skills, and even turn on auto potions if needed.

Configuring Auto Skills

To start configuring this open your skills menu from the More > Skills menu. At the bottom right there is a bunch of Auto Skill slots. Every skill you put here will be used on auto when appropriate. For example, buffs activate once they wear off rather than just being spammed every chance it gets.

Simply tap and drag a skill from the top down into one of the empty slots and it will add it to auto combat.

By default you will have 5 auto combat skills with a 6th slot easily unlocked from the Adventure Skills NPC when you first start out.

Auto Skill Slots

As I mentioned you can also adjust the threshold of some skills. Play Dead for example allows you to set the HP threshold to auto activate so you're not activating this ability too soon or too late if your fighting tougher mobs.

Another very useful skill for auto combat is Prepare for Elite. This is unlocked via Adventure Skills as you increase your Adventure Level in your handbook. This skill allows you to add multiple buffs so that all buffs are cast simultaneously though this skill. This saves auto skill slots for jobs that have many buffs and does it all instantly under a single skill.

Engaging Auto Combat

To start auto combat, head to a zone and find the creature(s) you want to farm. Then tap on the Sword icon at the bottom right of your screen to get the auto combat box to come up. In this box there are a few options. You can tap on whichever monster(s) you want to farm and your character will automatically start farming those monsters. There is a convenient All Monsters option at the top but you can also target a specific monster as I have done below with the Crab.

Activating Auto Combat for Crabs

Auto Potion

You can also activate Auto Heal mode while auto farming to use potions automatically. To do this tap the Swords to bring up the auto combat interface, then tap on the white gear at the top left of this window. You can only select potions bought from Item Shop vendors so event items that heal you or things like Yggdrasil Berries cannot be used with this system.

Accessing Auto Heal Settings

Configuring Auto Heal Settings

Offline Battle

To activate offline battle you need to have an active offline battle pass. You can only obtain an offline battle pass through purchasing Premium with BCC. Purchasing and activating premium off of the auction house does not activate offline battle mode. For more details see the Premium & Offline Farming page.

Once active you can select the Offline battle option from the auto combat menu to allow the game to farm while you're offline. You can set the duration manually though it will default to your total remaining combat time.

If you've got this setup on an emulator chances are you're just going to leave it farming in the background so this won't be that valuable to you but if you don't have the option to do this or want to check on things throughout the day while you're away then this option is great.