Kafra Adventure Log

Kafra Adventure Log was moved from the assistant to the New Event menu.  You can now access this by clicking New Event at the top, then selecting Adventure Log.

Accessing the Kafra Adventure Log

Kafra Adventure Log

This log provides you with free rewards as you complete dailies and typically lasts about three months.  Completing dailies in your assistant log increases experience here and every 100 experience increases your log level by 1.  You can also tap the Scroll icon near the level shown at the top of the screen.

F2P only receives items from the top row, including the headwear, slips, and other materials shown.  

The second row costs about $9 USD to unlock for that “season” so think of season pass.  Rewards are retroactive so you can get your log to 100, then pay to get everything all at once if you’re interested.

The last row contains 172.5 million zenny, lots of enchanting materials, a couple of premium light extract weapons, and a refine coupon.  This last row costs about $29 USD and may be a good boost though everything in it is skippable since none of the rewards are deposits for your handbook.

Exchang rewards appears to have been removed from this the Kafra Adventure Log this patch and may return, thus I will leave the below example.

Sometimes the Kafra Adventure Log gives you currencies used to exchange items within an exchange shop.  Since you can choose what you need this is a great shop if you need particular goodies like Star runes or Nolan Cards.