Guild & Facilities

Unlocking Guild Facilities

Guild facilities are now unlocked according to the level of your guild.  The following is a list of facilities and the level that they are unlocked at:

There is one exception to this which unlocks based on the level of furniture within the guild:

Free Zeny, Contribution, and Honor Proof

Every week you can claim rewards from your guild.  You don't have to go out of your way with guild members to get these rewards, they are earned as people in the guild do stuff.  Activities range from completing board quests, to kiling MVP/MINI's, or even completing instances.  Make sure you go back to your guild on Sunday to check the contribution NPC to see if there are any more rewards left to claim before the weekly reset on Monday.

Rewards range from Zeny, Contribution, Honor Proof, and Eden Coins.  The amount of reward you get depends on how many objectives were completed by guild members, as well as the level of your guilds Cat Box facility.

This resets first thing Monday morning so always check this Sunday night before reset to get all the chests the guild was able to obtain to maximize your gains.

To claim these rewards speak with the Construction steward as you enter the guild hall on the right.  Select the option "Guild Reward" to receive rewards.

Location of the construction steward


Now that I've baited you into reading after reading about free stuff (muahaha) the main reason for most new players to join a guild is making contributions in order to grow the Aesir Monument on your main characterFor some classes this is absolutely game changing.  The only way to obtain contribution and gold medals to place points into the Aesir Monument is to join a guild to gain access to the guild contribution shop.  

You don’t have to participate in events with the guild and keep all the contribution and gold medals you've obtained even if you leave or get kicked from the guild.  Events give you little bits of contribution here and there but it’s not enough to make much progress.  Not investing in Aesir holds characters back massively early on, I cannot stress how important it is to work on this!

To join a guild simply click the guild button and start applying to guilds!  If you want one that’s more active ask around in game, on discord, or on reddit.  Higher leveled guilds offer higher level facilities which translate into more free stuff.  Guild facility levels dictate what you can do and how much free stuff you get from the cat box after you open your weekly chests and exchange those beads.   Once you are accepted to a guild you must wait 24 hours to start using any of the guild functions.

After 24 hours click on Guild in your More menu and select Guild, then click the yellow Enter Guild button to teleport to the guild.  Once there head up the center up the stairs and click on the Guild Donation NPC and select the contribution option.

The term “Contribution” is misleading since your not actually giving your materials away to the guild other than Emperium.  This is really just a shop that sells you contribution points and gold medals in exchange for your materials.  Think of them as skill points which are vital to boosting your power.

In the example below you'll notice that some options grant contribution while others grant contribution and a gold medal.  Gold medals always require giving up boss materials such as Ice Powders, Shield Shards, Four-Leaf Clovers, etc.

You're going to need a couple thousand gold medals and much more contribution to max out the Aesir monument so you'll be donating for points for a very long time.  Buying materials off the exchange is just something you’re going to have to come to terms with because you won’t always have what’s shown and sometimes it’s a really cheap material that's worth buying to make that contribution.

You may donate each option up to five times but each donation increases the amount of materials needed without actually increasing how much you get for each donation.  It's still worth donating the same material a bunch of times, just budget for how much you're willing to spend.

In this example, donating Iron Ore spends 40 materials and gives 96 contribution.  Donating a second time woul then use 56 materials but is still only worth 96 contribution.  Watch for cheap contribution options that cost 200z or less each as these are often worth buying enough for all 5 contributions.

Another important thing to note is that the amount of contribution or medals gained does not take the market value of those materials into consideration.  Be careful that you don’t donate an item worth 300k when you could have just used ones worth 50k since both will give you the same amount of contribution and gold medals.

Three new items are added to this contribution list every few hours and the oldest ones will “fall off” the list if it's full.  The guild has no say in what contribution items are shown for you, these are selected randomly by the game and are determined by your base level.  Prices have fallen drastically over the years so many materials at all levels are now very cheap so upgrading your Aesir has never been easier.

As for how much to donate that’s up to you to manage.  Early on I set my own personal budgets for contributions to ensure I upgraded but didn’t spend all my zeny.  Early on I set these rules:

This was a very cheap model since I was broke at the time and it didn’t sink in that this money was going directly towards my stats.  Remember, Aesir gives you stat bonuses in addition to skill changes and for most classes you can easily find hundreds of attack or magic attack in your Aesir.  Some classes have upwards 1000+ attack in their Aesir monument alone, way more than a fully synthesized weapon.

As time moved on I slowly increased my budget:

These aren’t hard and fast rules, just “budgets” I chose to live by so I could continue to grow my gear and other subsystems without completely neglecting the Aesir monument.  Find something that works for you but make it a point to contribute, it’s worth it.

Guild Praying

As long as your guild is level two you can speak to the the Valkyrie shown below to access Guild Praying.  Speak to the valkyrie and select the Blessing of the Goddess option.  This brings up a menu which allows you to spend Zeny and contribution for stat gains such as attack.  The values are low to start but as you get higher the costs and stats gained increase. 

Zeny costs for this get quite high but board quest dailies sometimes give you a yellow item called a Belief Token.  Each token counts towards 2000 zeny of the cost to pray and leave you with any difference below 2000.   For example, contributing to the Survive Blessings option above would use two Believe Tokens and I would be left to pay 570 zeny.  If I contributed to Wise Blessings it would take 124 Belief Tokens and I would be left to pay 970 zeny.  These save a ton of zeny in the long run so if your board quests on your main don’t offer any lightning chains then go with belief tokens.

Early on you may want to ignore this feature though since it uses up contribution which you will want to focus on progressing through your Aesir monument early on.  For now just be aware that this exists but don’t forget about it since you’ll want to come back to this when you’re higher since it offers a staggering amount of flat bonus when it’s complete.  Even spending 500k zeny on that 3.6 MATK above is significantly cheaper than most headwear unlocks that grant 3 MATK for me at this point.

At level 100, Combat/Wise blessing gives you +200 Atk/MAtk.   At level 200, Combat/Wise blessing gives you +850 Atk/MAtk!  The higher they get the larger the bonus is per upgrade so don't forget about maxing this out, this is a huge amount of base attack!

Blessing of the Goddess

The catbox can give you Honor Proof when you spend your beads from the free chests every week.  Honor proofs can also be obtained via PvP and on Fridays during MVP Battle.  This currency can be spent at the vending machine in your guild to purchase Praying Pack Cards.  They may be spent on the right side of the guild by clicking on the statue in the middle of the room.  Select the Blessing of Goddess option to open the card interface.

Click the center of the statue where it's pointing to "Valkyrie" above.  It's painful to click this until you're used to where to click on it.  Hopefully this make this more intuitive.

Example of the interface to spend your Praying Pack Cards

Red cards are spent to increase primary offensive stats, blue cards to increase primary defensive stats, and yellow cards to increase elemental stats such as fire attack and fire defense.  Important stats to note include %pen, %magic pen,  %ignore def, and %damage reduction just to name a few. 

You may upgrade each stat up to 50 times so you will need a lot of cards to max all of these out!  You may also respec using the circular arrow button at the top right but this costs you 60 BCC per category... yes, you can only respect one category at a time.  Just be mindful on what you're spending this on so you don't need to respec.

Sacred Blessing

A more advanced version of Blessing of the Goddess that uses Rainbow Crystal Chips in addition to Praying Pack Cards to further boost stats.  There are currently five stats that can be boosted by this which includes true damgage for auto attack and skills.

Speak to the same valkyrie and choose Sacred Blessing to bring up the interface.

This uses a lot more cards than the regular Blessing of the Goddess so be sure to max out everything you care about there before starting on these.  Note that the Rainbow Crystal Chips are limited just like Praying Pack Cards and can also be bought from the guild vending machine which I will cover a bit later.

Alchemy Merging

You can enhance True Damage bonuses from weapons and accessories using the Alchemy Merging feature.  This is generally just for PvP/GvG so most people can sleep on this for quite a long time.

For more on this visit the Alchemy Merging page.

Guild Sewing

The guild sewing machine allows you to refine headwear items and infuse a few of your gear slots with max HP increases.  You can find this on the left side of the guild at the location shown below. 

Location of the Guild Sewing Machine

Slot "Refinement" for HP bonuses

Refining works the same was as it does for normal gear except it uses Mythril so for more information on this see the Gear Systems page for more information on refining.  

As for sewing, this upgrades four of your gear slots similar to gear Enhancement, adding a permanent HP increase to any gear equipped into those slots up to 3600 Max HP per slot for a total of 14400 Max HP.

Both of these systems use Mythril rather than Oridecon or Elunium.  Your weekly guild chests contain pieces of Mythril Stone that you can combine into Mythril to use for this feature.  These max HP bonuses aren't huge in the long run but they are there for you to upgrade as you accumulate Mythril and affect any piece of gear equipped into those slots so you don't have to spread these upgrades amongst your gear.

Incredible Vending Machine

Hey I didn't name it... this machine lets you spend Honor Proof on various upgrade systems, with the most important purchases having weekly limits.  You can find this as you enter the guild or on the far left side of your guild.  When you walk into the large room you really can't miss it as it has flashing neon lights on top.

Location of the Incredible Vending Machine

Contents of the shop.  Notice the weekly purchase limit on these cards...

Here are some examples of waht this shop contains:

The praying card packs are of particular interest since these provide a sizeable bonus to many aspects of your character regardless of whether or not you want to get into PvP/GvG.  You'll get quite a bit for free every week from the free chests once you use the Shining Glass Beads at the Cat Box so make sure you spend them on Praying Card Packs.

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