I Have Self Disciplined 

Learning Objectives 

At the end of the lesson you are expected to : 

Success Criteria

At the end of the lesson you are expected to : 


Discipline is interpreted in many ways in different cultures and countries. But no matter how it is interpreted, it still expresses the desire to correct a misbehavior.

Children at an early age should already be disciplined so that when they grow up, they will become good and responsible persons. At the same time, they should realize that it is for their own good.

There are different ways of disciplining children:

There are different ways of disciplining children:

1. One positive way of disciplining the child is highlighting and

praising his or her good behavior.

2. Give the child the chance to calm down. This also helps to

decrease misbehavior for the purpose of getting attention.

Explain to the child why the time out is happening, and do

not talk until he or she calms down. Afterwards, remind

him or her of his or her misbehavior, ask for an apology, and end it with a hug.

3. Removal of privileges is effective with children who misbehave. An example is cutting the privilege of watching television for the

rest of the day when he or she refuses to turn it off after repeated requests.

4. To a misbehaving child, a warning may be given first before enforcing discipline. Be sure that the disciplinary

action will be given if the child ignores the warning.

Discipline helps children learn how to behave. But children

sometimes take it as a form of punishment.

Punishment does not work for several reasons:

1. Children think that they have done something wrong so they

are treated badly.

2. Children act violently, too, if parents use physical punishment.

3. Children are more likely to use violent acts to others.

Rules are imposed at home and in school to instill discipline; and

every violation comes with a punishment.

A. At Home

Self-discipline is the ability to control oneself

in a low tone.

finish first.

immediately without hesitation.

B. In School

for the morning assembly.


Draw a happy face if the statement is correct and a sad face if the statement is not correct.

_____ 1. I return books I barrowed from the library 

_____ 2. I ask permission from our teacher when i need to go out.

_____ 3. I don't listen to my parents attentively.

_____ 4. I am taking care to my baby sister.

_____ 5. I obey my parents.

_____ 6. I bang the door when my mom ask me to do something.

_____ 7. I share my toys to my brother.

_____ 8. I help in doing house choirs.

_____ 9. I shout to my sister.

_____10. I always pray at night before sleeping.