Col. Whitbread

1900 - 1994

William Henry Whitbread was born in London on 22 December 1900, but his father, Harry, had a house near Nairn so William (or Bill as he was known) was brought up largely in the Highlands of Scotland.

Bill was educated at Eton and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he read history.

While at Cambridge he became Master of the Trinity Foot Beagles and, in the 1920s, started a steeplechasing career.

As an amateur jockey, he rode his own horse, Ben Cruachan, in the Grand Nationals of 1925 & 1926.

He fell on the first occasion: in 1926, determined to get round, he remounted to finish 13th and last.

Between 1956 & 1976, as an owner, he had twelve runners in the race, coming closest with Barona, who struggled home in 4th.

In 1957, Bill inaugurated the Whitbread Gold Cup, the first-ever race to be commercially sponsored.

Bill died on November 23, 1994, just a month before his 94th birthday.