Dudley Williams

Born on April 5, 1902.

Died at Wincanton on February 22, 1981.

Dudley Williams had finished third in the Grand National on two occasions before finally winning on Kellsboro' Jack in 1933.

He said after the race 'Kellsboro' Jack gave me the feeling all through that he was outjumping his rivals. At every fence he gained ground, and I was never out of the first three. I took up the running three fences from home and after that the race was always mine.'

Dudley's worst day came in February in 1934. He received life-threatening injuries when his mount, Sanctum, fell in a steeplechase at Hurst Park.

For some time he lay at death's door, and his chances of recovery were regarded as hopeless.

He did not despair and, having heard about a lady credited with some wonderful cures, he contacted her.

She practiced manipulative surgery and was able to diagnose Dudley's trouble as spinal. After no less than 27 visits to her, he recovered completely and was able to resume his career as a jockey.

In April, 1933, riding at Worcester, Dudley's mount Boomlet rapped his off hind leg at the third-last hurdle. The horse's leg was broken, but Dudley, unaware of the extent of the damage, carried on. Boomlet scrambled over the last two obstacles to win his race on three legs.

He was destroyed shortly afterwards.

On Thursday, February 17, 1939, Dudley Williams married Miss Bassett, daughter of Willie Bassett, who played at outside-left for West Bromwich Albion.

This was also the year that Dudley, on 2 June, began training, taking over the yard at Chitterne, near Warminster, Wiltshire, recently vacated by Captain Darby Rogers who moved to his new training quarters at Nine Yews, St Giles, Salisbury.

Dudley began with a dozen horses.

Dudley Williams's Grand National record:

1928: Rathory fell

1929: Harewood fell

1930: Sir Lindsay 3rd

1931: Ballasport fell

1932: Shaun Goilin 3rd

1933: Kellsboro' Jack WON

Biggest wins

1926: Liverpool Foxhunters Chase - L'Aiglon II

1930: Welsh Grand National - Boomlet

1932: Stanley Chase - Kellsboro' Jack

1933: Grand National - Kellsboro' Jack

1933: Welsh Grand National - Pebble Ridge

1933: Grand Sefton Chase - Kilcash Hill

Dudley & Kellsboro' Jack