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Ah, it’s been so long, Percival!

I’m so glad to see you again!


Me too, sir!

You look like you’re doing better than last time.


Haha, yes!

I’m completely healed now!

I still have to train a little to get my full range of movement back, but I’m fit as a fiddle!

Handling everyone’s reprimands was harder,

since my fall made quite the fuss!

( Iseult : You could’ve died!

Palamedes : You could’ve made Iseult sad!

Dinadan : You could’ve done a flip! Disappointing. )


That said…

…I’m sorry about what happened with your uncle.


Oh, you know… [ sighs ]

…He’s a bit on edge, and it’s partially my fault.

He needs time to think, and Iseult and I have been quite lucky.

We have a roof over our heads, and…

…Lancelot’s lovely company. 

In her own domain, no less! ( One she obtained through her own prowess! )


But doesn’t it hurt you not to be welcome in your uncle’s castle anymore?

If I couldn’t see my brothers anymore, I think

I would be inconsolable. 


…These things happen.

You too will no doubt have to face that kind of dilemma one day.

To be torn between your heart and your sense of justice…

…between your honor and your feelings. 


How will I know what to do? 


It’s never simple, nor straightforward.

Sometimes, you’ll regret your choices.


there’s some comfort in knowing you’ll never be alone.

[ touching moment aww ]

Alright, I’m going back to training.


Will you train me as well while I’m here, please?


Of course! We might as well do something useful with our time while Merlin and Viviane work on that spell!


What was the true goal of Pellinore’s mission?

To assassinate Mordred because he was at the core of a prophecy that would destroy us all…?


…because he’s Arthur and Morgan’s incestuous son? 


…Both, Aglovale.


Gawain, you…

You’ve sacrificed everything for Arthur’s sake, and yet…

You know it’s not right, don’t you?

Perhaps he simply lied about this prophecy in order to keep this atrocity under wraps⎯


 I don’t appreciate you infantilizing me, Aglovale. And you know nothing.

It’s not just a matter of losing face.

Do you know what would happen if word were to get out?

Have you thought of the Round Table, or the future of Britain?

Everyone turning against Arthur, all because of a mistake?


A mistake? 


Yes, a mistake! 

Arthur and my mother grew up apart.

They’d never met!

They didn’t know…


Who else knows?


Kay and Bedivere.

Guinevere knows nothing. It would be cruel to tell her.


I’ll make sure she hears of it.


Aglovale, don’t!

You will say nothing. It would compromise everyone, whether or not they’re already in on it!

Arthur would be scorned and overthrown, Britain would go back to⎯



…do you insist on defending such a horrible thing? 

You’ve sacrificed everything, first for Loth, now for Arthur…

You’re an exemplary knight, Gawain. 

You deserve better than to be dragged through the mud to cover for Arthur’s lies. 

[ gawain shoves aglovale back ]


Are you willing to lead Arthur to his ruin, Aglovale?

He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to Britain. No more ceaseless wars, no more giants…

I talked to some squires the other day, and they weren’t afraid of giants, or of traveling between kingdoms.

When we were their age, we lived in terror. We witnessed terrible things…

And you would ruin this,

show the world your own father was ready to go to such lengths for the sake of this ideal,

just to right a wrong done to me when I don’t want justice? 


This isn’t just about you. 

It’s a matter of honor.

Of doing what’s right.

What kind of knights would we be if we mired ourselves in lies

and punished the innocent?


For years, I accepted to see my honor besmirched. 

For the greater good.


So you don’t understand, Gawain.

The truth will come out eventually.

By bringing it to light now, we could gather allies, plan out our defenses, prepare ourselves for⎯



So it’s like that, then? 

Your righteousness and your hunger for justice?

You’re optimistic, so willing to trust your neighbors…



I will do what needs to be done, Gawain.


…Then you’ll have to go through me. 

I challenge you to a duel, Aglovale of Wales. 


For a king, making sure one is popular among their people is of utmost importance.

Henri IV : 

viewed as a very popular king of France, reconciled the French after a harrowing civil war and fixed the country’s economy.

Each monarch has their own vision of a fair rule, and if they wish to accomplish their goals (peace, wealth, military might, justice…), they must make sure they’ve got as much support as possible.

Peter III of Russia : 

fell victim to his own lack of popularity. He wanted to change his country by drawing a lot of inspiration from Prussia, which the Russians didn’t like too much. His wife, Catherine the Great, overthrew him and took the throne. He died shortly thereafter.

It isn’t rare for an unpopular monarch to be overthrown by their allies, their vassals, or even their own family. 

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