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King Arthur created the Round Table to rally the island’s forces

and work together to solve conflicts and bring justice to all.





That is what the life of a knight requires.


As a squire, you’ll serve the Round Table until you’re knighted yourself.

Any knight may request your services, but your instructor's the one in charge of teaching you the basics.

To be honest, knowing how to defend yourself is the most important part.

That, and remembering the chivalric code of honor.


Code of honor?


It’s a series of teachings, some more obvious than others.

For example, you must not take down a knight who’s been disarmed,

or refuse a duel against another knight.

And you must always protect the weak,

or fight for the greater good.

Oh, and “you must persevere in any task you undertake”, 

so hang in there, Percy! 

If you get the hang of all this, I’ll be able to bring you out on a quest soon!


( I have to admit, I’m really looking forward to going on a quest.

Life in Camelot is pretty demanding.

There are so many tacit social rules that I don’t know. ( And a lot of people already see me as a lout. )

Fortunately, Aglovale is often here to help me,

with lots of patience.

As time went on, I noticed he was quite reserved.

He doesn’t mingle with others much,

and never goes on any quests. )


Why did you come all the way to Norgales, then?


(cough, cough)

Merlin gave me a lead for a quest I’ve been pursuing for a long time. 

One our father started, hunting down a beast.

I’m not as hard-pressed as others to finish it, but…

It’s the only quest I’m working on.


( I haven’t seen Merlin since I left Norgales.

I would’ve liked to ask him if he’d told the truth about the beast,

or if only a lie could have led Aglovale to come and find me.

He seems to be avoiding Wales at all costs.

I’ve even come to the understanding that those who always call him King of Listenoise…

… do it to mock him,

for he has never set foot in the throne room. )


Hey, Percy!

I’m waiting for you!


Oh, sorry! 


Don’t forget to bring the weapons back to Bedivere this time, you two.


Yes, yes.


Be serious for once.




( Lamorak is…

the opposite,

always busy training

or spending time with other knights.

Everyone knows him

and seems to like him. )


Hey, you better not grow any taller, or else⎯


( He’s not always the gentlest, but…

He does seem genuinely glad I’m here.

It makes me very happy.

He’s one of the best knights of the Round Table, too, or so I’ve heard. )


I must show up in your records the most, right Bedi?


As the one most incapable of keeping their big mouth shut, without the shadow of a doubt.

And yet, the competition is fierce.

( Dinadan’s not far behind you. )


( Sir Bedivere is one of the founding members of the Round Table.

He acts as an overseer for the squires, among other things.

I’ve seen him pretty regularly since I arrived.

I was very intimidated at first, but… )


So, how’s training going, Percival?



( It’s good to see him.

He’s also Welsh.

We don’t exactly speak the same dialect, (* “Hello!”)

but it’s the same with my brothers, (* “good day!”),

even if they’re not very receptive to this variant. ( Same goes for my accent, apparently. )

It sounds too much like Norgales speak for them,

not without reason.

It probably brings back some bad memories. )


You know, Mother used to tell me⎯


I don’t give a damn what she told you.

I don’t want to talk about it, period.


( Lamorak is pretty vehement when it comes to our mother,

so I don’t really talk about her, even if it makes me sad.

I don’t want to hurt them

the same way she did.

I don’t want to ruin everything

by shamefully admitting

that my training is a disaster.

Every step,

every situation…

I’m not getting anywhere,

and I can tell

that Lamorak is growing impatient. )


C’mon, I’m waiting for you.

Watch your step.


( I can do it.

I must do it.

I want us to go on a quest together,

and I want…

… him to be proud of me.

Because else…

Else… )


Damn it!

How many times do I have to tell you?

It's no use if you can't keep your balance.

Stay focused.

You know, I’m sick of doing the same basic things over and over again,

and of seeing that what I tell you doesn’t amount to anything.

When I was your age, I’d already been knighted,

and you can’t even put one foot in front of the other.

Do you know what would’ve happened in a real fight?! 

Look, I’m saying this for your sake too.

My quests are often dangerous,

and I can’t spend all my time defending you.

It’d be better for me not to bring you along, actually.

I can’t afford to stay in Camelot any longer.


I can do it, I know I can!

I’ll be careful.

Let’s go again, I promise you that⎯



We’re calling it a day now.

I need to think.

Go bring the sword back to Bedivere.


… Okay.

( I wanted him to be proud of me.

Because else…

I’d only be a waste of time for him as well. )


Excuse me?

You want to go on a quest?

But what are you on about?

Don’t you want to leave with Lamorak anymore?


It’s… his decision.

Because I can’t defend myself.

I can’t get anything done. 




So I want to show him.

I know I can do it, okay?


Percival, listen to me.

You've only been here a short time. So short, in fact, that you don’t even know your brother all that well. 

Lamorak is famously bad-tempered.

He says a lot of tactless things when he’s angry.

He’ll realize he’s being too hard on you, and go back on his decision.

You just need to hold on a little while longer. 

Besides, that’s not how quests work. A knight accepts a quest of their own volition. 

There is no centralized list. Only common and ongoing quests are public knowledge.

And there are few squires without a designated knight to shadow.

So if Lamorak thinks your training isn’t done,

I doubt another knight will be willing to bring you along.

You’d better go back to your brothers in the meantime.


I see…

( But he said he was out of time. 

What am I going to do⎯ )



I can take him with me. 


… ?


I’ve got a quest cooking and I need squires.

That should give Lamorak time to blow off some steam

and put a lid on that shitty temper of his.


( …Huh? )


I don’t have any problem with that.

It even sounds like a good idea, given circumstances.

Even if you should stop eavesdropping, Dinadan.


(wink wink, shine shine)

It’s part of my roguish charm. <3

Plus, he already knows my other squire, so I don’t even need to make introductions.

Right, Mordred?



Is this a joke?



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