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I’ve known you to be quicker on your feet,

but your moaning’s just the same. <3


Don’t be crass.


( He hasn’t recovered yet.

His movements are stiff,

and he could use some training. )


Why won’t you let Palamedes and Mordred through?

I’m your target, am I not?


Oh, don’t play dumb with me. Jory, tell him why.


Sir Palamedes, you and your squire entered the castle’s premises unauthorized,

which is punishable by imprisonment, depending on your intentions…

… which will be judged by the powers that be.



I’m going to create an opening for you.

Go get Dinadan.


… Wouldn’t it be wiser for us to surrender?

I was already unsure I wanted to go along Dinadan’s plan, he…

Arthur doesn’t know about this.


You’re young, Mordred.

And you don’t know my uncle.

You were right to do this.

Go, Mordred.

I’ll take responsibility for any consequences, don’t worry.



I’ve had enough of your whispering.

So, last call.

Or do I have to force you into your cells?


Oh, Breuse.

You’d have to beat me in a duel to do that, and let’s be honest,

it’s not going to happen.



[ breuse nearly hits mordred, then stops in his tracks. ]


You’re getting soft, Breuse.

One good strike, and you would’ve stopped Mordred.

Are you balking at the idea of hurting a squire?

How surprising.


You were always prettier with your mouth shut. 

[ cut back to pellinore’s office ]


There must be an explanation somewhere.

Why was Father in Orkney at the time of his death?

His duel took place in Logres… didn’t it? 

Maybe it has something to do with Loth? 

Here, just a few days after Loth’s death.


June 20, I led my troops to victory.

Aglovale only sustained light wounds, thank goodness.

But to know he was in danger filled me with insatiable fury towards Loth…

… whom I backed into the last of his defenses.

That said, it didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to.

I was in a bad spot.

I would have undoubtedly died there…

… if Gawain hadn’t dealt Loth the final blow. 

I understood how much it cost her to save my life.

She is loyal to Arthur, without the shadow of a doubt.

So I have to protect her.

She cannot face the dishonor of killing her own father.

No war can be won with one’s honor intact.

The record will show that I am Loth’s murderer.


( Gawain killed…?

But why?


What did she take revenge for, then?

Why did she challenge Father to a duel?

Was it…

… truly about vengeance?

No, there must…

… there must be an explanation somewhere.

Maybe further in…

Here, a month before Father’s death. )


June 9. Met with Arthur. I’m perplexed. I’ve got to think about what was said.

I noticed Gawain spends a lot of time with her little brother, who was born recently.

She’s overprotective, even.

I fear she’s projecting her guilt regarding what happened with Loth onto him.


( The guilt she felt over murdering her own father… 

… projected onto newborn Mordred.

I remember that.

She used to say she’d die for him if she had to.

I even felt bad for a time, because I did not feel that strongly towards Percival. 

So she was trying to make up for her guilt by being overprotective? 

After nine months to think it over, no doubt she⎯


Loth died in June.

And Mordred was born… )

[ flashback : Percival saying “May 1st! I know that one!” ]


… the following year…?

( So Mordred…

… is not Loth’s son? )

[ back to tintagel we go! mordred be runnin ]



But what…

Come on, wake up! 

[ he shakes him ]

We have to hurry⎯

[ dinadan wakes up with a start and slams momo into a wall. rip ] 


D… Dina..d…

D… don’t…


Birthdays are usually celebrated on the first day of each month.

It is tradition to eat a lamb seasoned with certain herbs, and to have it be purified by a druid.

During the celebration, the druid marks each interested party’s face with charcoal.

Each region has its own specific customs. In some, the person gets lifted into the air, or gets flicked…

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